Leadership Quote
"I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people."

Workshop Overview:
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith is the world authority in helping successful leaders achieve positive, lasting change in behavior: for themselves, their people and their teams. Globally known for being pragmatic while provocative, insightful while being in the instant, highly intuitive and wise, yet personable and self-deprecating, Marshall stands out as a sharp contract to the old-school academics and business-school professors who tend to be preachy. In this highly interactive workshop, participants will learn the unique competencies needed for the Global Leader of the Future. He will share leaning from his 40-years’ experience in being a top global CEO coach, a lifetime leadership student and a Buddhist and from his bestselling books and illustrate how the leader of the future will be different from the leader of the past. Marshall will describe the challenges that come with success and show how to use ‘what to stop’ in coaching a development. Participants will all get to practice and be ready to use feedforward – a positive process for learning that has been successfully implemented around the world. Dr. Goldsmith was recently recognized by the Harvard Institute for Coaching as the World Leader in Coaching. He will share his proven process for leadership development, coaching and team building that is backed by research from over 200,000 respondents from around the world. Two of Marshall’s books, Triggers and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, have been recognized by Amazon.com as being in the Top 100 Leadership and Success Books ever written. He will distill the highlights from these two classics and give participants practical tools that they can take home and immediately put in practice!
Four Reasons to Attend:
1. The Topics: This workshop is designed for Asia/Greater China-based executives who are concerned about leading with unprecedented challenge with driving engagement, productivity and innovation amid unheard-of speed of change
2. The Experts: Listen to world-famed leadership thought leader Marshall, who rarely gives 2-day workshops nowadays, and well-respected Chinese entrepreneurs, who will explore cutting-edge leadership practice in building outstanding and lasting business results and organization robustness
3. The Peer Participants: Participants are shortlisted based on the experience, organization and desired contribution for the highest learning impact
4. The Participant Community for Ongoing Growth and Challenge: We will create a C4LE 2018 WeChat group to allow participants to drive and benefit from the ongoing leadership learning and support.
Who Should Attend:
- CEOs and other C-suite individuals, GMs and other senior business and HR leaders
- Senior executive coaches and leadership consultants
- Due to threshold program requirements, MindSpan retains the right to decline intended registrants in order to honor the limit of participant numbers. Thank you for your understanding
What You Will Learn:
1. What makes Marshall Goldsmith the #1 global CEO coach and #1 Leadership Thinker
2. The self-awareness trap that overthrows executives in power
3. Gaps between knowing and doing
4. The trouble with success
5. The truth about behavior change
6. Triggers of change and how to identify them?
7. The power of powerful active questions
8. The power of structure
9. 20 undesirable habits that hold back executive careers
10. And this common #21 habit for more of the Chinese leaders
11. Using feedforward for personal development
12. Team building without time wasting
13. The power of inertia
14. You and your Mojo
15. Measuring your Mojo
16. The Mojo paradox and Mojo killers
17. How does stakeholder-centered coaching process (SCC) work and why it works
18. Leading in the Chinese business and cultural contexts
Program Outline:
Part 1: The Myth and Magic of Success
• Lack of self-awareness and fateful flaws of leaders
• Gaps between knowing and doing
• The trouble with success
• Success is an illusion
• Avoiding success pitfalls and becoming more successful as these people do
Part 2: The Hard and Intriguing Change Game
• The immutable truths about behavioral change
• Triggers for change and how do they work
• Identifying triggers
• Moving from superior planners to superior doers
• Forecasting change environments
• The power of powerful active questions
• The power of structure in getting better
• Becoming the trigger
• The circle of engagement
• The hazard of leading a changeless life
Part 3: Teaching Leaders What to Stop
• The 20 undesirable habits that hold back executive careers
• And this 21st unproductive habit more common in China
• Using feedforward for personal development
• Developing yourself as a leader and partner: Ask, listen, think, thank, respond, involve, change and follow-up
• Leadership is a contact sport
• When behavioral coaching will NOT work
• Team building without time wasting
Part 4: Mojo and Living a Better Life
• The power of inertia
• You and your Mojo
• Measuring your Mojo
• The Mojo paradox
• The building blocks of Mojo: Identity, Achievement, Reputation and Acceptance
• Mojo killers
• Four (4) pointless arguments
• Your Mojo tool kit for a journey to a more engaged, happier, and more meaningful life
• Connecting inside to outside
Part 5: Stakeholder-Centered Coaching and Leadership
• Understand how – and why – the role of a leader has changed over time
• Be ready to use a decision-making style that matches your own latitude and the readiness of those you lead
• How does stakeholder-centered coaching process (SCC) work and why it works
• Using SCC process to identify tipping point behaviors and enable leadership growth
• Learnings from coaching 150 Fortune 500 CEOs using this methodology
Part 6: Panel Discussion: Leading in Our Unpredictable, Chaotic and Volatile Environments (Marshall Goldsmith with 2-3 Chinese Entrepreneur Leaders, whose names are yet to be confirmed)
• Differing leadership mantras and styles between East and West
• What are new leadership skills in assessing dramatic tectonic shifts and value opportunities?
• What are truly behaviors you want to foster in the Chinese climate?
• How to be more agile and increase ability to analyze what we see happening with a higher degree of accuracy than before?
• Leadership acceleration practices in fast-changing Chinese business environment
• Advice to Chinese executives who lead their companies’ global expansion
Click here to download the C4LE workshop 2019 flyer.
If you have questions about Marshall Goldsmith Coaching for Leadership Excellence Workshop or other programs, please feel free to contact us at (86-21) 5059 8969 x 801 or e-mail to kerry.zhao@mindspan.cn. With the exception of public holidays, we will get back to you within 24 hours.
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