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The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, Second Edition (平装)
 by Eric Verzuh

Category: Project management
Market price: ¥ 228.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Among the many project management texts, this bestselling book stands out with a superb blend of academic and pragmatic.
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  • Dianne Roberts (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    As someone who has performed a bit of project management in the Aerospace industry I can honestly say how much I wished I had read this book BEFORE I started doing PM. Without it I got by, through hard work, trying to apply common sense, and the luck of having great bosses. But it was painful nonetheless and often felt like I was walking an icy tightrope in pitch-black.

    I did about a year of PM on a small project and the moved onto more design related work on a larger effort. This book cleared up everything that didn't quite click about PM while I was doing it, and it would have absolutely helped out if I had read it before hand. It also helps you understand how any work you do fits into the big picture, wheter it is PM or not, and will help you do it better with an eye towards continuous improvement and learning from history.

    Also having recently gotten a Master's degree in engineering yet never having been exposed to project management at school I can say what a dis-service that is to college students (particularly engineers and other knowledge workers.) There really should be a project management requirement class built around this book for any good engineering school.

    The book is broken into steps and chapters that guide you sequentially through the project management process. It is written in a very easy to understand, poignant, and concise manner. There is a little repetition but only to make sure the most important ideas sink in, and to show you they are important by showing how often they arise in doing project management. The book is also very hands-on, and can be used as a how-to guide. You don't even have to read the entire book to begin applying it. You can apply it as you learn, and at 12 chapters long you can read it quickly if you commit to a chapter a day.

    An excellent book that will introduce you to all the basics of project management in an applied manner. Extremely useful and a MUST read for anyone not only doing project management, but working on projects!
  • Baivab (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    Well - the book is good, provided you're an active project manager doing stuff day-in, day-out and wanna improve on few things here and there, looking for new processes or a way to understand what I am not doing correct here.

    Basically - I would recommend this book to such a person as more or less a hands-on restrospective guide to understanding what can be done better. Why 4 stars: I found quite a few chapters to be pretty useless. The good chapters - are really, really good. Concise, precise information - good. But you can safely skip through a large portion of quite a few chapters.

    Finally - (not me) but any readers thinking of a PMI and wants to purchase this book - stay away. This is NOT certificate oriented; this is a pure practical pratitioning people's guide and reference.
  • Venugopal (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    First of all, let me tell you that you will not become a Project Manager just by reading this book. Project Management is a field that requires three things in equal proportion: training, mentoring, and job experience.

    What this book will do for you is that it will give you an excellent overview of project management. You can use this book to read through and get an idea for the field. Then, if you are interested in pursuing further training, you ought to sign up for a series of training courses such as those offered by ESI International. Simultaneously, you would seek out a mentor, and opportunities for on-the-job experience.

    I wish the author had aligned his terminology better with the PMBOK Guide 3rd edition. While the content is top-notch, the terminology used does not necessarily match the PMBOK Guide. This means that people cannot easily use it as preparation material for the PMP certification exam.

    With these caveats out of the way, I would have no hesitation what- soever in recommending this as an introductory book, especially to aspiring Project Managers. The price point of this book is marvelous - there is more relevant content here than tomes that cost 5-6 times as much.
  • Legman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    As a communication trainer, I found this book to have the best written section on communication, leadership and teams that I've seen in all the project management books I've read. I especially appreciate the over-arching framework of the way Mr. Verzuh ties the need to build an effective team into project management success, pointing out that managers are unlikely to be evaluated on their teambuilding talents (or rewarded for them), but that their success depends on it. Great stuff.
  • Merla (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    I have been teaching a PMP preparation class for several years now and I recommend this book to every one of my students because it fits and supports the strategy which I stress: concepts, concepts, concepts - if you get the concepts, the rest (processes, formulas, techniques, etc.) comes easier. I recommend this book because it nails the concepts consistent with PMI's PMBOK guide plus it provides an approach to the application of these concepts in the workplace. If you're preparing for the PMP exam or just need a guide to help improve your project management skills, I highly recommend The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management, Second Edition.
  • Craig Howe (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    This practical guide gives concise descriptions of the key concepts, skills and applications required to successfully navigate complex project management problems.

    For theory questions and broad overviews, I usually consult Visualizing Project Management. For quick answers to troubling questions, I reach for this book.
    The author lays out the concepts of project management in a structured, well-thought through pattern. Concepts build as you progress through the chapters. I particularly like the way the book dovetails with project management software. It correctly starts with project management theory the way it should be covered: work breakdown structures, risk management, earned value and communication. Only then is the theory applied to a software application. This approach recognizes that Project Management is both a science and an art form; at computer/software tools never supply magical answers.

    The book's cover promises "Tough ideas made easy." This concise, well-written volume delivers.
  • Jeff Allen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    I read this book as a refresher in my effort to prepare for obtaining the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI). I found this book to be both very thorough in addressing all areas of project management, and very practical and realistic in applying the principles and techniques of project management to real life situations and issues. It addresses all the process areas of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) , not assuming computer/software tools will automatically give you the right answers.
    I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in improving their grasp of project management concepts and the application of them. It is also a quick and easy read, with good graphic elements in the book.
  • Mike Tarrani (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    While my favorite text on project management is Visualizing Project Management, this handly treasure chest of PM knowledge and techniques is my constant companion. It is much more than a quick reference quide - it contains a lot of information that I haven't stumbled across in any other project management book, such as metrics, estimating techniques and sound advice on a number of PM topics that are presented concisely. In other words, this book has a lot of meat and no fluff.

    If you are starting out as a project manager I recommend Visualizing Project Management as your first book. However, if you are a practicing and experienced project manager this is "must-have". And the price is right! When was the last time you found a decent book on project management (or any other technical or business subject) priced below $20.00? Price aside, the value of this book is the content and the fact that it covers project management the way it should be covered: work breakdown structures, risk management, earned value and other controls. I strongly recommend this book.
  • Marcel Chiranov, Romania   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    I've been really impressed about this book:

    - strongly rooted in reality
    - covers all areas used in managing projects
    - give a strong sensation the author got the knowledge from practice, not from books only
    - concise, clear, easy to understand and put in practice for the experienced project managers
    - useful to be used line a guide (or bible, whatever you like) to come back from time to time in order remember how to plan and implement, ro to refine your understanding

    The less experienced project managers might find it too condensed or too "dry". Do not be affraid about this. Just come back to this book a little bit later, and you can discover you understand better what seems to be complicated at the first lecture. The beginners in Project Management might want to use it as a start point in improving knowledge in different PM areas where they feel less experienced. Overall if you easily read and underastand this book, this means you have a good level of understanding and expertise. If you feel not all chapters are crystal clear, this might be a sign you have to work more on different PM areas.
  • Patricia McAlister (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    I work for a major airline in NY and I am presently involved in the certification program to become a Project Manager. I am studying with the PMBOK Group and have just completed the Project Management Module of courses including the simulation exam. I have purchased several books on the subject of Project Managment however I have found the: Fast Forward MBA in Project Management to be the most useful.

    Each chapter is broken down into key areas which can adapt to any skill level of a Project Manager. The one chapter which was especially informative and helpful to me was in regards to the: Work Breakdown Structure (Chapter 6). Once a new student understands the concept of the WBS you have a strong foundation for what Project Management stands for.

    I consistently reference this book as I continue my studies and learn each new area of Project Management. This is a definite MUST HAVE book for a Project Manager's library.
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