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Success Bound: Breaking Free of Mediocrity (平装)
 by Randy Gilbert

Category: Success, Self improvement, Self help
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: Full of insightful strategies and examples, Dr. Proactive teaches us to achieve success through persevering through life's challenges in this success classic.
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  • Peter Lowe (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    I've read nearly every book about success and let me tell you, that reading this book is a must.
  • John C. Maxwell (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    Randy Gilbert has captured the essence of appropriating an abundant life in Success Bound. I highly recommend everyone read it.
  • Brian Tracy (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    This is a wonderful book. It's full of tremendous insights, practical methods and techniques, and proven strategies.
  • Graciela Sholander (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    Reading Randy Gilbert's book is like having a relaxed conversation with a compassionate, wise personal coach who offers sage advice. Every chapter is chockfull of nuggets of wisdom plus great stories that get the point across.

    Randy's known as "Dr. Proactive," a perfect description for someone whose quest for excellence has taken him on an exciting journey bound for success. He knows full well that success doesn't just land on your shoulders; if you want success, you have to be proactive about achieving it.

    One of the keys to success, as explained in Success Bound in great detail with beautiful simplicity and directness, is managing failure. Every chapter boldly addresses failure head-on. Randy draws from his own experiences serving in the Coast Guard, home-schooling his children, living in Hawaii, and consulting for different organizations. But he also brings in many other people and voices, tapping into their wisdom and building upon it.

    The chapters are well-named and describe the content perfectly. Each chapter title is actually a strategy. These are just a few of the strategies you'll find in Success Bound: "Always fail forward toward your goals." "Turn criticism of failure into a building block of success." "Be patient with your failures." I especially enjoy the key points listed at the end of each chapter. These points summarize the content beautifully. Once I've finished a chapter, I like to go back and review these points frequently.

    Success Bound is very well done and well-worth reading. If you need a lift, a little hope to put you back on the right track, and some gentle but sage guidance, this is the book for you. I highly recommend it for everyone seeking a higher quality of life!
  • Alana Bunch (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    I was very impressed with Randy's book. It is a must read! I have read many "self-improvement" books, but this is truly from the heart and soul. Randy has a way to indirectly demonstrate the true purpose in life. Each and every one of us are blessed but whether we choose to see it or not can be a mystery. Success Bound takes the mystery out of the equation. This is NOT a typical "self-help" book, but a guide to "self realization" that is designed to gently, but firmly look inside ourselves for the truth of who we really are. You may find we are not whom we think we are, but living someone else's dreams and desires while robbing ourself of our true purpose and happiness. I recommend this book very much to all. It is enjoyable to read. Very informative for business and in our daily life.

    I love the side-bar of the phrases and quotes from successful people past and present. Positively, Positive! Something you want to read over and over! Great Job Randy! May God Bless you and yours.
  • Roberts Morris (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    Gilbert asserts (and I agree) that, for various reasons, many people may be willing but are unable to escape from mediocrity in their careers as well as in their personal lives. They are victims of what he calls "FAILURE-itis." Gilbert speaks from his own experience from which he learned 21 strategies "to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones, solve any problem, overcome any obstacles, and achieve any goal" he could set for himself. Having the benefit of what Gilbert shares in this book, will it then be easy for anyone else to do so? Of course not. The journey to success (however one defines it) involves overcoming numerous and formidable barriers; there are great perils along the way; and not everyone embarked on that journey eventually completes it. In this context, I am reminded of Henry Ford's observation: "Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right." Hence the importance of having a positive attitude, a confidence in one's abilities, and a determination (preferably a tenacity) to achieve success, once embarked.

    Gilbert carefully organizes his 21 strategies within four Parts: Rainbows After the Rain (i.e. viewing "failure" within an appropriate context from the right perspective), Wisdom for Young and Old (i.e. leveraging knowledge from failure to gain wisdom), Shatter the Glass Ceiling (i.e. replacing a fear of failure with an appreciation of benefits to be derived from what it reveals), and Free to Live and Love (i.e. how to "fail in love" and thereby nourish an "active faith"). I hope my parenthetical i.e. comments do not incorrectly suggest that Gilbert advocates a soft-headed, "feel good," "You can do it!" approach. On the contrary, make no mistake bout it, he fully understands how difficult it is to overcome negativism and despair with positive, affirmative values. As he candidly acknowledges in this book, it took him years to do so. His own journey to success continues. His life remains a "work in progress," as is everyone else's.

    Throughout the book, Gilbert includes dozens of especially relevant quotations (from diverse sources as Thomas Edison, S.I. Hayakawa, Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Stephen Covey, Robert Allen, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Benjamin Franklin) which help to illustrate as well as support the key ideas with which he concludes each chapter. Some readers may be uncomfortable with Gilbert's frequent references to basic tenets of his Christian faith. Frankly, I commend him for sharing them. His purpose is to place proper emphasis on spiritual values whatever each reader's religious faith (if any) may be. Those captive to mediocrity tend to be self-preoccupied and frequently view themselves as victims of forces over which they have little (if any) control. Connors, Smith, and Hickman have much of value to say about this in The Oz Principle: Getting Results Through Individual and Organizational Accountability. One of the most important assertions in this book is that each person not only can but should determine what her or his purpose in life is. Gilbert is totally convinced that each of us "is meant to succeed in life. It is our destiny." He goes on to quote Thoreau: "Men are born to succeed, not to fail." Gilbert is thoroughly convinced that success is a human birthright. It remains for each person to decide what to do with that birthright.

    It is possible but unlikely that every person who reads this book will immediately embark on a journey to fulfill her or his human potential but several will. Some will then become discouraged because of a fear of failure, others because of a fear of success. The strategies which Gilbert shares obviously offer no guarantee of success but they do provide valuable perspectives on human nature which, I am convinced, will help many people to free themselves from self-imposed limits, to become more forgiving of themselves and therefore of others, to turn at least some stumbling blocks into stepping stones, to solve at least some problems, to overcome at least some obstacles, and to achieve at least some goals. Gilbert would be the first to insist that his own "journey" is still underway. Problems and obstacles await him as he proceeds.

    There is no "right time" for anyone to embark on such a journey except now, this moment. That is a commitment only each of us can make. To those who have already embarked on that "journey," I join with Gilbert in wishing them bon voyage!
  • George McKenzie (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    My grandmother had several favorite sayings. One was "If all you do is what other people do, all you get is what other people get...and all you'll ever be is average."

    Read Success Bound by Randy Gilbert, and you'll never have to worry about being "just like everybody else" again. "Dr. Proactive" lays out a blueprint for leaving mediocrity behind... a step-by-step guide. It's a nice mix of theory and practical application, punctuated with dozens of insightful quotes.

    This is an easy read, but it's also the kind of book you like to put down in your lap every few pages while you stare out the window and ponder the wisdom Randy offers. I especially liked the section on dealing with failure because it reminded me of another of my grandmother's favorite quotes (which I've since learned originated with Henry Ford): "Where you think you can, or whether you think you can't - either way, you'll be right.

    This is a book you should keep on the shelf - but bring down often to read over and over again.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    Success Bound by Randy Gilbert is a terrific book that acknowledges that experiencing failure is a part of becoming our best. He gives practical ways to learn from and work through these obstacles. Personal experiences and stories of others are appropriately used throughout the book to reinforce the ideas. It is also great that although the book focuses on success, it does it in a way that supports Christian principles.
  • Yucca (MSL quote), Finland   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    It wasn't accident that I found Randy Gilbert's book. After having read it I know it was the situation. I need badly success. My family need it. But earlier I didn't understand how close to the success I already am. Like that Japanese student who lived by Gilberts'; she was a perfectionist and didn't dare to use her English skills by fearing to make a mistake; so she kept her mouth shut. Like guaranteed many others I have kept myself someway handicapped in my human relations. When it is needed by others I had said something that could have encouraged others to join me or just like me, anything which could have released that other person of her own fears; I have just kept my mouth shut. I haven't understand the meaning of encouragement. Or even that I could encourage others with my behavior. I haven't even been aware of my fear of failure that I have met again and again in my life. And I am MSc!

    The simplicity which Randy is able to use by subscribing people's failure strategies is admirable in its plainness. And which more meaningful; you become aware of your own failure patterns by reading this fine book. I think - actually I am sure - I will become a success as an entrepreneur with the support of Randy Gilbert and his book. And I'm getting so excited that I want to spread Randy's message to every possible corner of the globe!
  • Brian (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    I just love to get my hands on anything to do with personal growth. I had heard about Randy Gilbert's book and eagerly awaited its arrival. What I found far exceeded my expectations. In Success Bound, Randy draws on his family experiences, wisdom from great literature, and has somehow magically weaved in numerous examples of protocol and incidents from his service in the US Coast Guard. I am always on the lookout for examples that I can use in my own presentations and teleclasses to amplify concepts. My copy of Success Bound is well highlighted.
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