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The Alchemist (Plus) (平装)
 by Paulo Coelho

Category: Self-help, Self improvement, Motivation
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: An inspirational and uplifting tale of the true hero in an average boy who follows his heart to his destiny, the book motivates us to listen to our inner voice and follow our passion.
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  • Anthony Robbins, USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    A remarkable tale about the most magical of all journeys: the quest to fulfill one's destiny.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    Seeking treasure as well as ancient and worldly wisdom as Santiago travels around the world facing many obstacles and doubts to finally reach his sruprising destination. Along the way, he makes friends, meets the love of his life and most significantly, gains wisdom from an enigmatic alchemist. Light and present reading for readers of all ages. The truth about one's personal journey reminds me of the second part of "Why Some Cats are Rascals" titled "Enchanted Forest" - another pleasant reading with many educational values.
  • Simon Foster (MSL quote), UK   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    The Alchemist is my girlfriend's favourite ever book, and after she recommended The Life of Pi to me, which I loved, I thought I'd give it this a go too. I'd never thought about reading it, because I thought it was just some kind of deluded new-age fantasy.

    But now it feels like I've been missing out all along - and I regret not having read it sooner! It's a simple story about a shepherd who goes on a long journey, and in so doing, discovers not only his true love, but also himself.

    It's written in a very simple style, and so you could almost read it as just a fairy tale. But there are hidden depths - everything that happens can be applied to your life. It makes you look inside yourself, and ask questions that only you can answer. There's much more to it than meets the eye. It makes you wonder what's going on in everyone else's life.

    Reading this book, you understand that life can be an uncomplicated and joyful adventure, rather than a daily grind. It has a simple, elegant beauty, one that makes me happy just thinking about it. I feel like my life has changed now that I've read it, and I can see why Natasha loves it so much! I'm ready to give everything up to pursue my goals and dreams - I feel like a better, happier person!
  • David Zimmerman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    Standing in the Amsterdam airport bookshop, I recognized this title based on a friend's recommendation and bought it. It's a short, mostly sunny read. The dreamer in me wants to buy into Coelho's premise. The cynic in me thinks that it's easy for a fiction writer to string together an amazing series of coincidences. I agree that if you figure out what you want you should go at it with everything you've got. The trick is figuring out what you want and not getting stuck in your current surroundings in the process. I recommended it to my 12-year old daughter, who's both a dreamer and a cynic, like me.
  • Kevin Joseph (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    More parable than novel, The Alchemist uses the story of young shepherd Santiago's search for his Personal Legend as an allegory for everyman's struggle to break from the comfortable confines of conformity and pursue his life dreams. Along the way, of course, our young everyman is beset by all manner of setbacks, testing his resolve and forcing him to become attuned to the Soul of the World in order to survive. By paying attention to the details in the world around him, which serve as omens guiding him towards his goal, young Santiago becomes an alchemist in his own right, spinning unfavorable circumstances into riches.

    Aside from the ubiquitous theme about the power of perseverance, my favorite part of the book was its glorification of simplicity. Like the pared-down manner in which the story is presented, Santiago's rare ability to get in touch with the Soul of the World comes not from the procedures described in arcane tomes pursued by traditional alchemists, but rather from a simple honesty and observance of the workings of the world. While the lack of character or plot complexity precludes this minimalist work from being considered a great novel, it will be a satisfying read for those seeking inspiration of the purest sort.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    This is a well-written, easy-to-read parable about a shepherd boy who sets out to find his "Personal Legend," or dream in life. His travels take him from Spain into northern Africa, across the Sahara and into Egypt. Along the way, he meets fortune tellers, dessert dwellers, soldiers, crystal makers, his dream girl and an alchemist among others. He faces all sorts of unexpected obstacles and runs into a variety of characters who have given up their dreams and settled for more a comfortable life. It's a classic story, full of bits of wisdom, and although none of the insights are entirely original, the story packages them nicely. It teeters on the edge of New Age spirituality on occasion, but for the most part the spirituality is just a mix of various religious traditions. Some people have said this book changed their life. I wouldn't suggest that, necessarily, but it's certainly well worth the few hours it takes to read it.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    In the past month, in very accidental manner, I read two books which resonate similar themes. This was one; the other was Life of Pi. Each is written in the mind or perspective of a young boy. Each involves a journey of great proportion. And, each involves the boy's wisdom maturing, flowering, and ultimately surpassing the older and previously wiser people - people like myself.

    Recently, Frank McCourt wrote Angeles Ashes with the great wide-eyed vision of his youth. His ability to write in the boyish perspective was one reason that book sold so well and touched so many hearts. This book follows that path; but, instead of the Emerald Isle, it leads us through the arid and unknown world of the Saharan sprawl.

    The alchemist's role is great, but not nearly as long as one may have anticipated. But, like the typical wise man of folklore, modern novel (Zorba or Magus), or modern movie (Yoda), the wise man's speaking through riddle is both embracing and enticing. We love to hear the alchemist respond to the questions posed by the boy, as they produce only more questions.

    Written in a simplistic, choppy fashion, the reader may be fooled to believe that the topic is great, but the writer is not. To the contrary, the style of the delivery perfectly compliments the story. It is the stitching for the marvelous fabric. The artistry is not just the story, but the method in which it is told.

    Do not underestimate the author's intentions of this book, or how intentionally it was written. This is not an amateur's attempt to bring folklore to the 21st century. This is the product of a professional 21st century folklore artist.
  • Trudi White (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is an inspiring novel about a young man in search of his fortune. It reached into my soul and touched the place inside me which is always searching.

    The journey echoes that of so many of us seekers in the world. We search through many kingdoms for our treasure. And while it may be where we least expect it, the real prize is in the journey itself.

    In The Alchemist we follow the trail blazed by the boy Santiago. Although as we are told his name in the beginning of the book, as we follow his adventures he is referred to simply as the boy. That simple technique helps us stay in touch with the sweetness and innocnce of the main character despite the many unsettling circumstances he finds himself in. Somehow we remain convinced that the boy would stay true to his heart and his purpose even when he seems to be going astray.

    Early in the book the boy is told by a man claiming to be the King of Salem that, "To realize one's Personal Legend is a person's only real obligation." The King also offers the following," And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

    The book then leads the boy through his Personal Legend. The boy learns much, ages and matures until he must face the final challenge on his Personal Legend.

    Along the way he has the option of consulting fortune telling coins, given to him by the King, but chooses instead to watch the signs and learn the "Language of the World" and in fact the language of his own heart.

    In the end the boy understands that he must look within, "It was his heart that would tell him where his treasure was hidden."

    Told simply and elegatnly The Alchemist is an easy read with layers of depth within. I recommend it to anyone who enjoyes a well-told parable.
  • Huffham (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    I loved The Alchemist Plus and found it spellbinding and enlightening. It's the type of book you can't put down, until the very last page, and then wish it continued. I recommend the book to anyone who would like to take a realistic journey and, possibly, learn a few things about themselves.
  • Fred Hood (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-09 00:00>

    Not often do you discover a goldmine in the simple story of a Shepherd boy. Santiago is seeking his Personal Legend to find his destiny in the Language of the World and in his heart of love. Traveling from Andalusia and beloved, Fatima, meeting the King of Salem, the Englishman, finally the mystic, Alchemist, he learns to turn himself into the wind, over- coming his fears of an African desert and those distant Pyramids of Egypt he discovers his Treasure! In discovering his treasure he loses his fears, learns things along the way he would have never discovered without following his dreams!

    An enchanting, yet slowly paced read, for fear of missing some details along the way.
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