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The Secret (精装)
 by Rhonda Byrne (Editor)

Category: Inpiration, Motivation, Law of Attraction, Personal success
Market price: ¥ 258.00  MSL price: ¥ 238.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
Other editions:   Audio CD
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A masterful collection of information used throughout history to create tremendous life changing results.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    In my quest for enlightenment, whether it be spiritual, emotional or physical, I have read numerous books that proclaim to have "the secret". The Secret by Rhonda Byrne actually is one of those rare books that really does have "the secret". This book works. I am actually creating things that I want and those around me that are also reading the book are as well. My sisters and I can't stop telling people about this book. It is easy to read, easy to understand and so easy to follow.If you want to create the life that you have always invisioned and you believe it is possible, please read this book. I just can't imagine anyone NOT benefiting from it.
  • Debbie (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    I'd seen the movie and had wished there was a book for me to read. Walked into a store and there it was waiting for me at the front door. Am now about 2/3s the way through this book and it is working like magic for me. Got the impossible parking space yesterday, have been receiving a check in the mail for several days now, got two surprise days off of work this week for no reason other than I wished for it, a friend I had not spoken to and had been thinking about called me out of the blue to say Hi and I could go on with more examples.

    My point is read the book with an open mind and just try asking for a few small things to come into your life. You will be pleasantly amazed how easy and quickly things arrive.

    Have also noticed now that I am regularly saying "thank you", the world has been such a nice place to be in. I have complete strangers smiling at me and starting up friendly conversations for no reason. It has been wonderful and have to say, I am now enjoying life so much more and really mean it when I tell people "I feel great!"
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    The value of reading this book is not in believing every individual assertion made. Instead, it's the "big picture" that makes sense. Essentially, it says that "what we pour our effort into, we bring"...the power of positive thinking. If you don't like some aspect of your life, and all you do is complain about it and worry about it and think about it, nothing will change. But if you can find a vision of what you truly desire, put yourself in a mindset that you are there, and even act like you have what you are looking for, then "the force of the universe" will help you help yourself to acheive. There are plenty of anecdotes. Some of them are too conveniently easy and grand for me to swallow. All the same, I liked the overall message. However, don't mistake it for a "self help" book. It's interesting and can give you some perspective, but it's heavy and theory but weak on strategies. I think it's up to the reader to find your own strategies to make to concept work for you.
  • Bettie Baer (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    For many years I have believed in the power of the mind and positive thinking. This book is the reality of all those beliefs. It's very easy reading and gives me great insight as to how to make all my dreams become a reality. I recommend that everyone read this book. I take a couple of minutes every morning and read just a few pages and it sets my thinking for the day. It's a truly amazing book.
  • Jan Miller (LSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    I've watched the DVD twice and both times wished I had taken notes. Now you don't have to! The book is a great companion to the DVD. I feel I got the most from watching the DVD first and was thrilled to get a copy of the book. I have read a great many books on "changing your life". To me The Secret has made the most sense and is the easiest to apply to your life. Does is take a little work? Sure, but it does make sense and it does work!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    This book is exactly what I hoped it would be! I saw the movie, which was chock full of amazing tidbits of information, and wished I could have it in written form. This book has all that information and more, and is barely bigger than the DVD - perfect for traveling with. I like books that I can take along and refer to in odd moments of time without worrying about where I left off last. Those of you who haven't seen the movie might want to watch it first. All by itself the book is great, but it might not grab you as quickly as seeing the movie and hearing the various speakers.
  • Jennifer Trump (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    I've been shaken by a few things in my life - when I first read what Jesus said in a red-letter bible, later when I read Krishnamurti's words, and still later when I read Conversations with God by Neal Donald Walsch - all of those are ingrained in my being/psyche forever. But this movie, this idea, presented by the foremost scientists/humanists/psychologists of the 21st century, Will Blow Your Mind. If you have any interest at all in changing, in learning what is really going on in our universe - this is for you. It's all about the Law of Attraction- something quite useful to understate it like that - and I'm every day thinking of this and every day using this knowledge. My life is totally changed. I will never be the same. Run And Get The Movie. It is hard to find in mainstream but if you dig around you can get it.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    In the book, the author does indeed interfere with the presentation by giving us personal anecdotes (sic?) which sometimes negatively resonate her world view of multiple subjects (money, relationships, weight, etc). On the other hand, her commentary helps to tie the testimonials into a coherent progression. The DVD for example is less successful, partially because in restraining her commentary -warts and all--the movie's narrative is considerably weakened. Ultimately I see there's no reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater: if anyone needs to separate the spurious from the truthful, one only needs to balance her opinions with the work of Lynne Mctaggart, Raymond Holliwell, Abraham-Hicks and Wayne Dyer. Therefore I confidently leave the 5 star rating intact.

    Here's another thought: I recall in the book's preface that Secret film team managed to record hundreds of hours of interview testimonials to make the 90-minute DVD. Will we view them in a future edition, i.e., What the Bleep's Rabbit Hole edition? I would hope so: that I would buy.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    First I watched The Secret on DVD borrowed from a friend. This book is a wonderful companion to the movie. I highly recommend seeing the movie and reading the book if you are interested in learning how to create positive changes in your life and fulfill your dreams. Actually when you really think of it, then you will realize that this is actually no "secret" indeed. You actually always knew that one's believe and passion can move the mountains. You have seen that happen many times. The teachings you will find in this book are as true as ancient wisdom. If you really have the desire to become a deliberate creator and start attracting into your life all the things that you want, I very highly recommend both the book and the DVD. Both are very inspiring, positive, and life-changing for everyone. 15 stars!
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