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The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent: Living the Art of Allowing (精装)
 by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Category: Personal well-being, Body and mind, Spirituality, Self help
Market price: ¥ 268.00  MSL price: ¥ 238.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Uplifting, empowering and practical, this book is an excellent follow-up to Ask and It Is Given, providing the "baby steps" to creating the reality we want to be living.
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  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Perhaps in contrast to some other reviewers, I really find The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent to be more impressive than Ask and It Is Given. This book feels richer in some way, particularly in the first half where Abraham expands on the principles of manifestation in a way I've never read anywhere before.

    I feel Abraham's real emphasis in this book is on the necessity of a person finding vibrational alignment with their inner being (higher self, etc) in order for our beautiful desires and thoughts to flow through into our lives as actual manifestations. While Ask and It Is Given is truly wonderful (and I think the more important book to read first for those just discovering this information), this book represents a real evolution of some of the key concepts. It feels like a deeper work to me somehow, and I find myself returning to its pages frequently throughout the day.

    I agree that some of the exercises may seem repetitious, but I believe this is intentional; by exposing us to real-world situations (and ones that nearly all of us have experienced at some time), it makes the entire process of deliberate creation a more understandable one. It's as though the first book is the basic reference text, and this one is a kind of "Advanced Applications of..." sequel. Read it and you'll see what I mean.

    So in essence, the first book has all one needs to create the life of their dreams - but this book makes the process so much deeper, supportive and illuminating. What more can one say, but - "Thank you Abraham!"
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Jerry and Esther Hicks books and materials with Abraham are magnificent. Practical processes in formats to appeal to virtually any person interested in living the idea that "Life is supposed to be Good." (If that doesn't appeal to you, move on.)

    If you put in the focused attention, use the processes, you will discover how good your life is. And that you are creating it.

    As I read The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, I realized that this is the best book yet. Because these tools in the newest book are so specific, so customized to the nature of personal self-help. It is step-by-step and from many perspectives. Afterall, we all have many perspectives, meaning we have a lot of ways we "distract" or train oursleves into once-useful, now-useless habits. It takes guidance to re-mold your life, and these folks are some the best guides on Earth.

    Over 20 years of teaching and refining the processes and evoking amazing Q & As has placed the authors in the unique postion of providing tools to personal discovery for anyone who truly appreciates themselves enough to stick with it.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Esther and Jerry Hicks once again share their message from Abraham, all-loving teachers who are here to answer any of man's eternal and unique questions about our own, individual experience of the human condition. In a universe that is composed entirely of God's (or Source Energy's) love for us, all that we ever ask for is unconditionally and instantaneously given to us... and the very purpose of our life is to live in the joy of creating our own desires and finding perfect harmony with them!

    This material refines the same material of Ask and It Is Given into more specific, detailed examples of how to balance our own energy - which is to say, to align our energy with the energy of the fulfillment of our desires, all of which have already been granted by God, or Source, so that we may live as we wish to live. The book helps us to approach the task of energy balancing in a step-by-step fashion for those of us who haven't quite gotten it down specifically and successfully yet!

    As always, the words are filled with love for us and our foibles, our hopes and dreams, and our willingness to expose ourselves to the "contrast," or diversity of life, in the human race here on Earth. And they tell us how our living here in joy adds to the joy of the entire universe.

    All of the Abraham material is as uplifting as anything I've ever found anywhere. It may serve as an adjunct to more traditional spiritual pursuits or may stand on its own as your guide to the Universe, and how to get to wherever you want to be in your own life. It's always uplifting, and always a welcome message in my home!

    I, as many, can't thank Esther and Jerry enough for their enormous contribution to our well-being as we find answers to personal questions in this ongoing, evolving, and always-available dialogue!
  • An Australian reader, Australia   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent challenges our notions that we are powerless in our lives to manifest that which we desire/need/want. It provides suggestions for practical application that can transform our lives if we wish to do so. This book is 'easy' reading and the simplicity of Abrahams' messages to us hits a chord within that rings of truth.
  • Laitinen Sami (MSL quote), Finland   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of channelled material. So, I read this material as if it was written by Esther and Jerry Hicks based on tapping the all-knowing power within them. That being said, I do appreciate those techniques and explanations why it is important to master one's own feelings while creating a life that is enjoyable.

    Based on my own spiritual expeditions, I know there is nothing more important than learning to be the commander of your own feelings, mental as well as self-images. Toward this purpose, Abraham-Hicks offers great tools, easy-to-understand and implement techniques.

    This is my first Abraham-Hicks book that I have read, and I must say it explains things so that even someone not too familiar with their teachings can grasp it, understand what they mean - and follow along. They say it is a sequel to "Ask and It Is Given", but even without reading Ask and It Is Given, I was able to follow the trail without a problem.

    The only reason why I give 4 stars instead of 5 stars is that I think the book has too much filler. Same technique is explained with so many boring examples that I started feeling a bit irritated (revising those feelings as I write). I don't know about rest of you, but I get it with few examples. I don't need fifty examples how to apply it. I am a creative being, I can do it on my own. The way Abe-Hicks did it is that they gave a technique, and then made up tens of different cases and instructed on each case how to use it.. It started to feel like "Abraham-Hicks for dummies" toward the end... DUH!

    However, my slight irritation and skipping those examples paid off and in the end of the book I found much appreciated Abraham-Hicks transcript with Q & A. It too seemed more or less like filler... but at least it was ten times more interesting to read than the examples.

    Beginners - feel free to get a copy of this book.. Advanced Abers, I am not sure how much new information you would discover from this book... These same things are discussed on numerous Abraham-Hicks tapes that a friend has shared with me previously. So it is not all that new.

    It works, if you do those damn drills... and this is science that I love... Science of making your life worth a while, and making it so memorable that you'd like to live it again.
  • Lange (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Abraham has done it again in this wise and very helpful guide. It gives the reader a helpful perspective and program for how to go from how things are, to how one wants them to be.

    According to Abraham, we have two different aspects, you, and You. We proceed in life usually focused on the outward directed part, reacting to what-is, and making choices based on that. What we need to do is to get to a sense of envisioning how we would like things to be, and attuning our inner life and vibrations to manifest that.

    The book gives a series of exercises to help "reframe" thoughts about one's plights or worries, that lead to healthier emotional states. Working from healthier emotional states leads inexorably to better outcomes, and a joyful life. I found these exercises to be helpful and practical.

    The last part of the book is dialogues between Abraham (channeled through Esther Hicks) and guests/participants at Abraham-Hicks seminars. These dialogues are very good in showing the practical application of the teachings.

    I definitely recommend this book for anyone who is willing to approach the teachings with an open mind and a sincere desire to make healthy changes. It can be challenging, but that's the whole point, isn't it? I would also recommend that the reader be prepared to go over this material at least twice to grasp the concepts and begin to apply them to their own lives.

    It's the kind of work that goes well beyond the chatty self-help books that tell you how wonderful it is to achieve a blissful state, and how the author got there, but don't really give solid, practical help for the reader to do the same.

    This book is definitely empowering. Buy it!
  • Cook (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    After reading Ask, and Iit Iis Given, I couldn't resist The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent. Both volumes contain essentially the same concepts and ideas. This book is more assertive and direct in its approach, refreshing and consciousness-raising. I alternate them in my daily reading, as I sometimes "hear" from one better than the other. They are both excellent guides to law of attraction and alignment with source energy. But be aware....this material has the propensity to be life-changing.
  • Korda (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    Esther and Jerry Hicks' new book is all about vibrational alignment: getting our desires and beliefs in sync and on the positive, growing edge so we can create our life experiences with "deliberate intent." The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent is based on the teachings of Abraham, a group of spiritual beings channeled by Esther and the foundation of the Hicks' publications, workshops and media offerings (see their terrific web site,

    This latest book builds on the concepts developed in the Hicks' seminal work, Ask and It is Given. It provides practical exercises and tools to: 1) help us recognize, through emotions and feelings, what our desires and beliefs about specific life experiences are; and 2) help us reframe beliefs to become more positive and better align them with what we desire or want. Through these processes we can open to allow more positive energy in our lives-and create the future as we'd like it to be, with "deliberate intent."

    I'm a fan of the Hicks' work, and like other reviewers I applaud their positive advice for daily living. Their approach makes sense, similar in content to Lynn Grabhorn's Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting (Grabhorn notes that she, too, studied the Abraham teachings), and other manifestation classics, including work by David Spangler and Wayne Dyer, whose endorsement is on the cover jacket. I have personally experienced improvement in awareness and results using Abraham's approach, as others have also noted, and can attest to its benefits.

    The strength of this text is its focus on practical exercises and illustrations of how to put the "Art of Allowing" into action. Many examples are given of how we create--and how we can manage our life energies. But I felt this emphasis was also a weakness, and became rather repetitive...too much! On the positive side, the book did help deepen my appreciation of the core concept of "ask and you shall receive"-that is, we receive just what we vibrate, according to our beliefs, whether we are aware of it or not. For this understanding alone, the book is well worth reading!
  • Gary Waits (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    There is much wisdom, truth, and insite in the Teachings of Abraham, which suggests we try clarifying our personal preferences by observing our emotional responses, and provides us with techniques in achieving that goal. This awarness tool is referred to as a 'Leading-Edge vantage point' in intending our creativity to 'the most significant wave of expansion that has ever occurred'. The focusing of desire by us can call forth the Creative Energy of the Universe, which is the source of all life's evolution.

    A key to our understanding of the power of intention comes to us through the vibrational interpreters within ourselves, that we call emotions. They provide us in every moment an indication of the vibrational relationship between the Non-Physical You and the physical you. Abraham states that 'nothing can enhance your physical experience more than an under- standing of our emotions'. As we pay attention to our emotions, we can literally feel our way to our vibrational alignment with our Source.

    The popular question “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” is mapped and answered within us, and understood as we achieve and maintain the continuum between you and You. Each of the moments in this life is impacted by our connection and alignment, or lack of connection and alignment, to our Inner Being. As this connection is developed and matures you begin to become the You that you were before you were born into this physical body.
  • Marie-Elise Allen (MSL quote), Australia   <2007-01-10 00:00>

    This book gives in-depth examples of so many negative thoughts that generally pass through the minds of each of us in day to day living. There are no more excuses, as Abraham gives us practical techniques and processes with which to embrace every situation and find the positive and attract or allow thoughts and feelings that make us feel good. So many ways are contained within these pages to deliberately and intentionally have everything we could ever want in life. This book takes us on a journey of simplicity, showing us that if we just get out of our own way there is much joy, happiness and anything else we desire there for the taking. I love this book - it would be great if there was a copy in every home. I come back again and again to the support offered therein.
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