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The Traveler's Gift: Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success (平装)
 by Andy Andrews

Category: Personal success, Personal development, Self help, Success
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Combining history with inspiration, this book is an excellent collection of wisdom on personal success.
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  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    The title of this book caught my eye at my local library since I am an avid traveler. However, at the time of check-out, I didn't realize what a jewel I had really found. Once I started reading this book, I couldn't stop until I had finished it. I laughed, I cried and I took to heart the motivating decisions for success that we all know and so often forget when pit against the everyday perils of life. This book is so inspiring that I have circulated copies for everyone in my family to read, especially when they're feeling down. It's not about one man becoming a success and, as one reader put it "building fancy buildings". What the book really emphasizes is believing in yourself and pursuing your goals despite facing adversity. I highly recommend this book to anyone as I think it is the best book I have ever read.
  • Teresa (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    The Traveler's Gift was one of the first books I ever read when I started on my journey to achieve personal success. I believe it is a great starting ground for those who feel they are at a point in their lives where change is indefinite. Through my experiences with the book I have learned that in our lives we will all make choices, both good and bad. These choices lead to actions and actions lead to results. And it is the results part that so many people find difficulty dealing with. I learned that I control my life and all my results, both good and bad. If you want better, well then go out and find ways to make it happen. Each charachter that you are introduced too is there with a definitive message that can mean so many things to different people, but always comes down to one overall meaning. You are in control of your life and we all have the ability to be leaders and start creating what it is we desire and deserve.

    Fortunatley for me this way of thinking has lead me to a unique lifestyle business where I apply these principals to my everyday journey.

    One is only defeated if he chooses to quit.
  • Andrew Murray (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I really enjoyed The Traveller's Gift which was recommended to me by one of my very successful friends. I am a huge student/trainer of Personal Development information, and what I liked most about this book was it's freshness.

    The lessons in the book were not just your average Personal Development stuff. They were well thought out, and presented in way that I certainly got alot out them.

    You can get a free seminar on The Law of Attraction, which was missing from the book, at

    I think that the book, being a novel and yet being a self-help book at the same time was effective, and this book is much more accessible than Og Mandino's to today's reader.

    (I attribute learning the lesson of persistence to Og Mandino's The Greatest Salesman in The World.)

    But even though the book was easy to read and powerful, I felt that the writing was not perfect. The strength of the book is the message, not the lyricism of the scenes. And I felt that David Ponder, the main character, was a bit of a crybaby in the beginning of the book.

    However, I loved the book, and highlighted several passages that were among the best of any I have read.

    This book would be a perfect solution for someone who has trouble reading straightforward self-help books. And a side benefit, is that I believe the messages sink in more if couched in a story rather than just presented as theories. Pick up this book today!
  • Justin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This book covers all the ingredients for one to be successful. Andy Andrews covers all "things" that have been said before one way or another, but his rendition is both educational and motivating. His unique style makes it a must for anyone seeking harmony within themselves for a happier, more fulfilling life.
  • Ellen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I had to read this book for a positive psychology class, and I can't believe it has received so much praise. Not only is Andy Andrew's writing style like that of a third grader, but the main character travels back in time to learn lessons from famous people. Ignoring the fact that time travelling is already hard to swallow, the historical figures he meets are totally inaccurate. For example, David meets Columbus, who is portrayed as a child-like daydreamer, excited to discover "a New world!" Not only did Columbus slaughter the Indians, but every child knows he was initially looking for a route to the West Indies. Andy Andrews apparently never completed elementary school or he would have also known this. This is not the only historical problem, but one of many. You would think when writing a book he would research things first. Lastly, ignoring all problems with the story and focusing simply on the advice you still find problems. Some of the advice has been proven in studies NOT to work and at times the advice or David's actions contradicts things that have already been said. This book is a waste of time. Flip to any page and see that.

    (A negative review. MSL remarks.)
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