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The 2,000 Percent Solution: Free Your Organization from "Stalled" Thinking to Achieve Exponential Success (平装)
 by Donald Mitchell and Carol Coles

Category: Business, Economics, Nonfiction
Market price: ¥ 248.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A true, definitive guide for change, a must read for organizations of all types and sizes.
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  • Jack Canfield (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    If you want greater profits and more efficiency, read this book. I found many breakthrough concepts for growing and streamlining all of our companies in this book. It made me aware of a lot of things we were not addressing and we are now.
  • David (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    A 400 times increase in results! Is that an outrageous claim? Not if you know how. It’s all about leverage – finding the point where small incremental efforts create enormous returns. Coles and Mitchell provide the insights, examples and experience to help you find those leverage points – a compelling read.
  • Daniel (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution combines audacity and practicality into a one-of-a-kind guide for improving performance. Whether you're leading a large organization orrunning your own shop, you will benefit from the advice and guidance in this book.
  • Art Kleiner (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    Most of the things you can do to improve your business are actually common-sense, small innovations. They’re relatively easy to put into practice, but we don’t – because they feel unfamiliar. The 2,000 Percent Squared Solution suggests, persuasively, that doing this kind of improvement doesn’t just add up, but multiplies your capability. The winners do exactly that. This book shows what they do.
  • Washington Times (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    "Are you procrastinating? The authors…have a handle on the issue of complacency… [The authors] provide a clear and concise look at the many road blocks that good ideas must overcome in most companies. By identifying and offering other directions, they show how companies can avoid these blocks and find some other roads to travel.
  • William Mahoney (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    The 2,000 Percent Solution is written to inspire executives to free themselves and their business organizations from their “mind-forged manacles' to 'achieve exponential success”… Filling the book with true-life business stories, the authors ask executive readers to extract lessons from the problems and find solutions that can help them. How-to steps are included, along with calls to action, for setting objectives and plans that achieve more than today's best practices and that go for the “maximum result that can be achieved”… Then, they introduce “stallbusters,” namely ways to analyze and overcome your habits and those of your company... A series of questions guides readers on how to create the ability to “soar like an eagle”… Curious about the title? It's the payoff for thinking big. Forget about 100 percent improvement; the achievable goal is expanded to breakthrough 2,000 percent progress.
  • Donald Frey (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    The 2,000 Percent Solution is a brightly written, well organized, enjoyable and instructive book on how to revive companies that have 'stalled out' (not growing, with shrinking market share and profits). The title refers to the exponential improvement that can be gained by getting companies out of a stall… I strongly recommend the book. Any managerial, and many non- managerial, members of large companies will identify with much of the book. Their world will be mirrored in any number of its pages. I hope that reading the book will motivate such people in our too-many stalled companies “to stop the slow leaks.”
  • James M (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    Organizations fall behind when they stand still. Many achieve perpetual motion only to find that they've been running in circles. The 2,000 Percent Solution is a blueprint for managers seeking to harness the energy of the organization and transform it into forward progress with growth momen- tum. It offers clear thinking that can help make your organization a bigger winner.
  • Andreas Stark (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I found this book a great help and have read it several times. It defines in simple terms how to unstall your life and business. It sets out a plan to find and eliminate various types of obstacles or stalls that impede the success in your business or personal life. The book has helped me reorient and remove the obstacles that are a hindress to the exponential growth that is possible within any business. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a way to get out of a rut and start moving forward and upward again.
  • Roger Herman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    One of my all-time favorite books is Eliahu Goldratt's The Goal. As a Certified Management Consultant, I have often recommended the book and its concept of discovering bottlenecks, eliminating them, and moving forward to greater accomplishment. That's the theme of this book, as well, so I was excited about delving into the content. I wasn't disappointed at all.

    Turning to the Table of Contents, I was concerned that there were only two sections in the book. Somehow, I expected more. Two sections: Free Your Organization from Mind-Forged Manacles and A Stallbuster's Guide in Eight Steps. Hmmm. Is it that easy? The foreword: "The book's fundamental premise is that no matter how successful your organization is, it is perform- ing way below its easily achievable potential." Whew! Then the authors assert that complacency is the primary reason for the frustrating gap between achievement and potential. Complacency? I want to read more. That feeling crept in throughout the book: I want to read more.

    The design of the book makes it easy to read. It flows. The authors tell us story after story to illustrate their points. Chapters full of thought- provoking stories. And each chapter starts with an italicized paragraph to help the reader understand the chapter and its importance. The chapters are organized into short sections which make it easy to get the gist and the point. It's like participating in a lively conversation with others who have "been there, done that." You'll learn from a treasure chest of experiences. An afterword will help get you started by suggesting specific tasks to accomplish. The book is indexed, as well.

    Stallbusting. The authors contend that there are all sorts of things that cause stalls. Stall. Dictionary definition: to come to a standstill. When that happens, organizations get bogged down, don't make progress, and don't achieve their goals...or potential. In page after page, you will understand what may be getting in your way, pick up ideas, and be inspired to take action to make a difference. Happily, the book is practical, not theoretical, so it will be well-read and well-used. After completing the book, I envision that readers will venture forth to combat stalls and build much more productive organizations. Stallbusters could be the corporate version of the popular film, Ghostbusters. Read, learn, and go get 'em!
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