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The Purpose-Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? [LARGE PRINT] (平装)
 by Rick Warren

Category: Spirituality, Religion, Enlightenment
Market price: ¥ 228.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: "The meaning of life through God." (NYT) This is a book of hope and challenge that you will read and re-read, and it will be a classic treasured by generations to come!
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  • Kathy Connolly (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    The Purpose-Driven Life does have its strength, so I will address that first. For Christians, it can be helpful to spend time thinking about each of Warren's five purposes: Pleasing God, being part of God's family, being a disciple of Christ, serving God, and serving your mission in life. If you are willing to overlook many of Warren's details, you could use this book for a healthy Christian growth experience. Warren's strength is in naming the five categories for reflection.

    However, Warren's book can be problematic for Christians because it focuses proportionately little on the teachings of Christ (the Gospel), and focuses much more on Paul's writings to the various communities on how to build their churches. The message often seems to be on making churches bigger and stronger while not much emphasis is placed on living a Christian life. In the seven chapters dedicated to Purpose #3, "You Were Created to Become Like Christ," Warren includes 132 bible verse citations, but only 12% of them come from Christ's teachings, the gospels. Warren seems to be more of a "Paulian" than a Christian. As a Christian, I find that dishonorable to Christ.

    Furthermore, throughout the book, Warren seems more concerned with the Great Commission of Paul (evangelism) than with the Second Great Commandment of Christ (love your neighbor). And there is so much more that Warren could have done with Christ's parables and teachings to get the reader focused on a deeply purpose-driven life.

    Two other things bothered me: 1) The book mostly ignored the Holy Spirit in content. It was no surprise then, that the tone of the book also felt pedantic and lacking in spirit. 2) The emphasis on pre-determination (that every single detail of our lives was determined before we were born) makes reading the book seem pointless. Why bother to learn, if we have no choices to make in life anyway? Plus, it seems disrespectful to say that God makes us to exist at no higher spiritual level than that of well-programmed robot software.

    If you are looking for a few things to think about in the area of any of Warren's five purposes, then this book may provide some ideas for reflection. If you see yourself as Christian, though, I would recommend counterbalancing the book with something that more deeply honors Christ and the Holy Spirit.

    (A negative review. MSL remarks. )
  • Orville Jenkins (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This book has been a best seller for about three, or is it four, years now, and is still on the New York Best Sellers list! (Number three as I write this in September 2006.) The New York Times one-sentence description reads "The meaning of life through God."

    The book has been translated into languages all around the world. Even Fidel Castro personally wrote to request a copy, and Rick gave him an autographed copy.

    I have heard Warren himself laughingly comment that he thinks it is ironic that his book is sold in the "Self-Help" sections of popular bookstores, when the first line of the book states "It's not about you!" This book is simple, understandable (actually, a little too simple at times, becoming simplistic), and expresses some basic foundational principles developed around the Five Purposes of Life. The first chapter is: "What on Earth am I Here For?"

    This book has changed individuals lives, families and churches in the last few years. The book became even more famous in the public forum a couple of years ago when a robber on drugs kidnapped a young woman in Atlanta, while on the run from the police and FBI after a robbery. When he was holed up with her in her own apartment, she read portions of the book to him, and told him how it had turned her life around.

    He became attentive, and expressed interest in this book. He became calm and asked her to tell him more. Through his discussions with her over the message of the book, the robber-kidnapper finally decided to let her go and turn himself in.

    I rarely read a book twice. I maintain a rigorous reading schedule, three books a week, with specific categories for each month, plus lots of leeway for books I just discover in any of my wide-ranging interests. But Warren's book got a full second read, and lots of interim references, in both personal and group use.

    Reading this book, then rereading it, was a surprisingly fulfilling experience. Warren is profound in his simplicity, bringing to life old truths hristians ought to know, but he refocuses them in a new bright, direct way.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    There is power and hope in this book. In my perspective, the most important segment is that explaining how Satan tempts us to commit sins. Satan knows what personal weakness(es) each of us has. But, armed with the knowledge that Rick Warren describes and with God's help, we can overcome the temptation. We can also help others who lack this knowledge to avoid making mistakes. All of us humans could use this help since Satan cares not what faith we have, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, agnostic. He is an equal-opportunity destroyer. So read this book, and get copies to give to others who need help.
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