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The Magic of Believing (平装)
 by Claude M. Bristol

Category: Mind dynamics, Inspiration, Success, Spirituality
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 88.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: An inspiring and time tested masterpiece on the art of winning and being successful, read by millions of people since 1948.
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  • Tony (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristal is one of those magical books like Think & Grow Rich that never get old and never stop delivering on their promises. Like Napoleon Hill's work, many if not all of the top trainers of today have Claude Bristol in their work.

    Back in 1976 I promoted a bodybuilding contest which featured Arnold Schwarzeneggar. Arnold was big on mental conditioning. He talked about using mental pictures and running movies over and over in your mind to see success before it has happened. Exactly what Bristal says to do in this book.

    About the same time, I was involved in anetwork marketing company and all of the top people raved about The Magic of Believing. Many of these people were making $20,000 a month and more and this was in 1970s $! That is like $100,000 a month today.

    What impressed me was when I read about the "mirror technique." Really nothing new, a lot of people use it. Actors use it. Speakers use it. The most successful sales people use it. What impressed me was when I read that a drunk man talked himself sober in about 5 minutes using nothing but the mirror technique. The top rep int he company I was in at that time said he never left home without using the mirror technique. He even used it throughout the day. It is the fastest way to reach the subconscious mind.

    I heard that some people had doubled, tripled and even quadrupled their incomes with use of this technique. I started using it before sales calls, early in the morning and last thing at night. My income went from $480/month to $2,500/month (in 1976)

    Like Think & Grow Rich, this is must reading for anyone who wants to reach their maximum potential. While you are at it, read TNT another great book by Bristal. And if you don't have it already, get Think & Grow Rich.
  • Larry (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    Have you ever known someone who constantly thinks doom and gloom, and seems to find it at every turn? Have you ever known someone who expects the best of every situation and always seems to get it? That, according to author Claude Bristol, is The Magic of Believing.

    The Magic of Believing works because Bristol was himself a skeptic at first. He presents this controversial topic with complete objectivity, addressing and overcoming objections throughout, and creates an excellent case for the power of belief.

    Bristol reminds us that "...whatever we fix our thoughts upon or steadily focus our imaginations upon, that is what we attract." He doesn't assume that thought alone will bring success, but also encourages the reader to develop a plan of action, and gives simple steps to help make it a reality.

    I can personally vouch for the validity of this material. The unconscious application of these principles has taken me to international acclaim as an author, when three years ago my only resources were a written affirmation statement and a strong belief.

    Here's the funny only works if you believe that it will work! If you don't, it won't. Do yourself a favor - hang on to that naive belief long enough to see it work for you. This book could be where it all starts.
  • Louis Smith (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    Many books have been written on success, but this book condenses the wisdom of all of them. Bristol talks about suggestion, visualization, the mirror technique and telepathy. All success books use this in one form or another. The instructions are practical and they do work. You must be persistant at these techniques, perhaps for years, but they do work and bring astounding results. Bristol gives case histories of the use of these techniques that are very enlightening. I have read of other uses of it. Hunter Davies wrote a book about the Beatles and he quoted Paul McCartney as saying that anyone can be a success if he tells himself this often enough. Hard work is essential of course, but suggestion is certainly a most powerful assistant.
  • A Canadian reader (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This book purports that through the use of positive thought and mental imaging, one can change their life and character. The way this book communicates this idea is by giving success stories and briefly explaining the process itself.

    Here is the real deal about this practice: It works, but it doesn't usually come all at once and give people continuous miraculous results. Like any skill worth possessing, it takes persistence, practice and trial and error.

    People often experience much initial success when first trying out the principle of mental science (or affecting circumstance through thought and creative visualization) but they often experience some difficulties also. Its not a panacea for life, its a practice that deepens over time and through effort and study.

    This is a great book because it tells you that you have tremendous latent power within you, that you have access to it and that it can change your life. Well, all these things are true and the world needs to wake up to the possibilities of the inner life. What the book doesn't emphasize is that more often than not, its a process that requires commitment and persistence to acquire as opposed to a magical cure all.

    Even so, the beginner will see results and those results will continue as they continue, gradually becoming more meaningful, but perhaps not as explosively as this book emphasizes through its many dramatic success stories.

    My reccomendation for reading The Magic of Believing: Enjoy its positive tone and motivational nature, and try the practice for yourself. Claude M. Bristol has a way with words and this is a great place to start learning about some really cool principles. However, also know that sometimes the real transformation occurs not through a good book and a little bit of practice, but through sustained and sincere hard work just like any other skill or field of study.

    The good news is, if you find that metaphysics (the science described in this book) is your bag and you are willing to put in the hours, the results will be worth it.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I first heard about The Magic of Believing in 1973, listening to Larry Glick's late-night talk show on WBZ Boston - he was absolutely sold on it and kept bringing on celebrity guests who felt the same way, and I eventually bought a copy. I was skeptical going in, and for a while after - this was'nt the first self -help book I had read and not the most polished in style. But there was something about it - the down-to-earth commonsense of the author I think (Bristol seems to have been above all a practical guy) - that kept me reading it to the end. I started to do some of the mechanical things - aids to visualization - he suggested, figuring what the hell, what's to lose?. I decided the goal to set was to move up from my earnings at the time ($20k per year) to three times that amount - virtually "impossible" where I was working. To cut to the chase. A year later I was making $80,000 per year, I kept doing better each year and I am still doing well. Things fell into place without any planning too many to relate. I gave up a salaried job I hated in order to free-lance but without any real prospects for doing well at it - the idea was to tread water until I found something I liked better. But a first client appeared out of nowhere and referred me to another. Work kept coming in and did not stop. Every year I did better. I don't really know how it works, and I don't particularly care. I do know it worked for me - and still does, and not just financially. So do I believe Bristol was on to something? You bet your life I do. I have also had a chance to observe other people for whom things seem to work out well, none of whom have read this book. They confirm one of its basic principles. People tend to get what they expect - they fulfil their own prophecies. In general, optimists thrive, the pessimists don't. What this book shows is that these attitudes are not "givens" - to an extent they can be self-generated.
  • Robert Dishaw (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    This book has been the cornerstone of my personal philosophy for over twenty years. The power of belief is very strong, and this book provides all the knowledge one will ever need to bring the power of belief into ones life. Especially motivational are the numerous anecdotes in which Bristol illustrates how belief changes lives. Read this book, accept it's teachings. It will change your life, if you believe.
  • William McGee (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    In 1971 I enrolled in my first college class and wrote a paper on this book. My thesis was: If you truly believe, whatever you believe you can do, you can do. My teacher's note stated that the book was based on a false premise. She asked can blind people see and can paralyzed people walk?

    Thirty-five years later I read this book again. I now realize that the author was much wiser than my teacher. Those who believed created procedures which have enable some blind people to see and some paralyzed people to walk.

    After my second reading of this book I get a more indepth view. Our negative or positive thoughts in our waking hours are implanted in our subconscious mind. The author believed that the subconscious mind is all powerful. The subconscious mind never sleeps and has no sense of right or wrong thinking. While we sleep it records our thoughts, belief's and actions. Negative thoughts are projected on to others who often return the favor. This results in repeated failure, depression, poor attitude, and general unhappiness.

    Pushing out negativism and replacing them with optimistic and create positive thoughts make you a new person. People view you differently You have a new powerful magic about you that enables you to achieve whatever you can conceive mentally. The catch is that you have to really believe.

    I would recommend this book to everyone and especially to people who are depressed and/or feel like they have no control over their destiny or are in a hopeless situation. They will be surprised that they put themselves in that predicament and can reverse the process.
  • Ken Hoffman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    It's interesting that every person who has written a negative review who used the term work, said "hard work". They didn't just say work, but hard work. There is a belief behind those words...Well beliefs don't always create instant change (although that is a belief too) If you pull up to a stop light and believe that it will change to green on your command it probably isn't going to happen. Beliefs are filters through which you create your reality. They must be held in your conciousness for a while before you begin to see the new result from the belief. Also whether a belief is true or not doesn't matter. Having a belief that causes you to get more of what you want is important.
  • John Morgan (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-11 00:00>

    I find human beings fascinating. We go through life thinking that somehow the world is outside of us, that things just seem to happen to us, that there really is no way to get ahead in life so stop complaining...nobody will listen anyway, right? Most of us just settle for the leftovers...fighting over the scraps like scavenger dogs and yet within the heart and soul of each of us there lives a King...a Queen...that desires to come forth and lay claim to what is rightfully ours to express, extend, and experience. But how do we do this? How do we go from rags to riches? How do we step away from our past and into a glorious present?

    By believing...

    I see you smirking. I know, I know, you've heard that before. But did you really believe or did you just pretend to believe when in fact you did believe you just believed that you didn't believe even though you were still believing? Got it?

    We cannot escape believing. We believe even when we don't believe. It's not a question of whether or not we are believing, it becomes a matter of what we are willing to believe. I once believed that God was out to get me. Everywhere I went I met with dissapointment, failure, and rejection. I believed that I was cursed and you could not talk me out of it no matter what. And then I got this book. I don't exactly know how it came into my experience, but there must have been a smidgen of optimism in my fog of despair to allow some clarity to shine through.

    While reading this book I had an ephiphany. I am the writer, the director, the producer, and the star actor of my own show. My Life is my very own production. Let's just say that bad things really did happen in my life. Good things could've been happening at the same time but I believed in the "bad" more than the "good". And guess what? I expected bad things to happen. I literally looked forward to bad things to happen. I must've because they kept on happening! I focused on the negative, the tragic, the dissapointment, the discouraging and that is exactly what I got.

    Focus = Reality.

    So where is your focus right now? Are you focused on paying the lousy bills or are you focused that the universe is truly abundant and that you are entitled to a prosperous life? Do you pass a mirror and stick your tounge out at the reflection or do you look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself that you forgive yourself for anything that you may have done. The only time that it is ever too late is the time you are "no more". I don't care if you're 9...I don't care if you're 99...the time to create your life is NOW!

    This book is a great read BUT you must be willing to apply its truths. You must be willing to put aside the self-imposed nonsense and accept for yourself a greater, more beautiful vision. You will become what you desire to be if you keep that vision in front of you and you keep, keep, keep believing.

    Remember what Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are correct."

    May you believe in new possibilities.
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