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The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty (平装)
 by Jack Canfield, Mark V. Hansen, Les Hewitt

Category: Personal development, Personal effectiveness, Self help
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Inspiring and life changing, The Power of Focus is a concise and powerful call to action and achievement.
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  • Ron Angus (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    This book is one of the best books on how to change your life that I have ever read. It is simple, concise, to the point. If you just apply the principles the authors give you, nothing will ever be the same.
  • M. Hrenko (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I looked thru a few of the reviews about this book and I have to laugh at the review that said this information is for Homer Simpson and that anyone over the age of 10 should have figured it out.

    I must ask if it's so obvious, why do most people waste time working at jobs they hate, just to pay the bills, living a life of wasted talent and never come close to becoming rich or even more important happiness? If success is so obvious, why do most of us not take the necessary tasks?

    This book is in my top 5 of over about 280 personal development books I have read. I will agree that the topics are very simple, but extremely effective. We are all blessed with the same number of hours in a day. The ONLY way you will become happy and successful is if you learn to manage your habits, time, and money.

    Most of us waste many hours of the day doing meaningless tasks. Do you think your doctor would want to mop the floors? NO WAY. Why is it then that most of us feel as if we have to be a jack of all trades and master none? This book talks of specialization and how to make the most of this one time shot called life.

    This book makes sense of how to get down to the core of self-development which is how to change your habits, which will in turn change your life.

    If I had to recommend 2 books to anyone, the first would be this and the second would be The Master Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill.
  • Kenneth Burgess (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    With these kinds of books, it's not what you say but how you say it. Yeah, many topics in this book can be found in other books in this catagory, but it is HOW the authors say it, and in what context they frame it in, that determines this book working for you.

    First off I am a person that drifts a lot, changing strategies, changing careers, etc. I tend to start projects vowing to finish and I tend to make pledges to change habits all to fail. I thought all was a lost cause until I read this book. It helped me stay on track, but it wasn't so rigid that I couldn't move.

    But I think the best thing about this book is the simplistic manner in which it was written. There is something about the way that they explain the most basic things about habits, about the importance of practicing, about taking responsibility for your life, about having a purpose. I am so glad that I got this book. They are like my personal coaches, always there reminding me, keeping me focused on what I need to do to get where I want to go.

    They explain things so basic that I will never outgrow the information. I have self improvement books that are out dated because they got to specialized, and on the flip side it is written in such a basic style that even teenagers can pick it up and get a head start on this stuff. I wish I would have.

    This book touches on and explains the building blocks, the fundamentals of success. My copy is getting worn out with markings and highlighted sections and notes in the margins. I keep it very handy and use it in those moments when I need a quick motivation and reminding as well as to get centered or back on track.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I'm not a huge fan of Canfield and Hansen's pollyanna Chicken Soup series, but I enjoyed The Power of Focus. Much like Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People, they tout the benefits of choosing your habits based on desired long-term results and core values. They do this by mining 7 Habits-type focus, Tony Robbins/NLP-style programming, W. Clement Stone'-ish old school self-helpism, their own Chicken Soup success stories and the cultural wisdom everyone knows but few bother to heed (i.e. work out regularly, eat right, etc.). And they do a pretty good job of making a palatable soup out of it.

    Like 7 Habits and Tony Robbin's material, they shamelessly self-promote and offer some sort of 'coaching' opportunity while providing their recipe for getting and staying both focused and in balance. And like the 2 aforementioned authors' work, their info applies to both business and personal improvement. Anyone familiar with self-help books will have heard of much of the material here. I liked several of the action steps they offered (though I'd read many elsewhere) and adopted a few that worked for me. I also thought it was a somewhat inspiring read the 2x I read it and it did help me re-focus on my daily habits (that's why I got the it).

    As far as these books go, if you're looking for something new, yet familiar-you may very well find it here. Also recommended The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Tony Robbins's Get the Edge audio program, and The Road Less Traveled.
  • Phil (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    It is practical, easy to read, and it suits my philosophy that success is based on BALANCE, not on how much money, power or fame we accumulate. I have been a fan of Canfield and Hansen for many years, and I think I have read every book they've written, so you can accuse me of bias if you wish, but these guys are good! They know some stuff about making life work out well, and I appreciate that!

    I don't recall seeing this phrase in the book, but the theme

    is that success is actually quite easy. Success is the logical and predictable result of doing the right things, in the right way, at the right time, and that is curiously EASY if we are focused and paying attention. What is hard is living a chaotic, confused and distracted life while we "hope" for success to jump up and bite us. It just doesn't work that way!

    This is one you should OWN! Buy and read it. Put it on your shelf or the corner of your desk, and in six months read it again! Give it to your spouse or kids and ask them to read it, then talk about it! The power of this book is that it's so "obvious" - but only if we remember to DO the little things that make the difference. Don't borrow it from the library. Buy it. Read it. Keep it handy and plan to read itagain and again over the years.
  • Deborah Crawford (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    As you might expect from the authors of the "Chicken Soup" books and a success coach, this book is peppered with inspiring stories and examples of those who implemented the methods outlined in "The Power of Focus" and achieved their goals.

    The authors warn in the book's forward that this is no "magic quick-fix". The book's structure is based on 10 "Focusing Strategies" dealing with such things as habits, goal-setting, relationships and more. The authors develop each strategy in detail, and there are action steps at the end of each chapter to reinforce and implement the strategy into your life.

    The book is filled with tips, strategies and examples for managing your time, relationships, and attitudes. It includes everything from breaking bad habits to living your life's purpose. You could use the ideas in this book to build a plan for excelling in your career, getting healthy, improving your personal relationships, or the authors hope, for achieving more in all areas of your life.

    I found many of the ideas in this book to be stuff I'd heard before. It's no secret that persistence, consistency, exercise, great relationships, personal growth and so on can help you succeed. But, the structure of their plan not only reinforces those ideas, it clearly explains with samples and how-to's that make sense. You can read this book, do the activities along the way, and create a workable plan for achieving your goals and living the life you envision. It's not easy, and there's certainly nothing magical or quick about it. It will require you to analyze your behavior and actually take steps to improve. But, the payoff is well worth it.
  • Tony (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I like this book because the methods they show you are pragmatic and effective. It presents some very useful methods that most of us can readily use. Furthermore, these methods are summarized at the end of each chapter. So even if you forget what you have read, you can easily refresh your mind by reviewing those one-page chapter summaries.

    Like most self-development books, it is somewhat long winded. That's not necessary bad since repetition can help one retain more and longer. And for most of us, these books serve as reminders rather than new revelations.

    There aren't a lot of earth-shattering ideas in this book (and you won't find that in many other similar books for that matter) but good old ones being told in different ways. Two major themes from this book that I particularly like are 1) you need to develop good habits and 2) you need to plan, TAKE ACTION, and keep your body and mind in top shape. This will be of no surprise to most of us but the question is how many of us are practicing it and doing it to its fullest?

    If you feel that you are doing lots but don't seem to be getting anywhere, then read this. But most important of all, practice it. The concepts are simple but building the necessary habits will take time. Nothing good comes easy. Don't expect miracles from a simple read.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I expected to read something that just taught me how to get more focused and thus perform better on a specific task. Instead I read a life improvement book with good stories (many drawn from Chicken Soup of the Soul books), wise sayings, well organised action plans and interesting comics presented in the strategic steps/order/chapter preached by the authors as follows:-

    1. Your habits will determine your future

    2. It's not hocus-pocus. It's all about focus

    3. Do you see the big picture?

    4. Building excellent relationships

    5. The confidence factor

    6. Ask for what you want

    7. Consistent persistence

    8. Taking decisive action

    9. Living on purpose

    You might think this is just a normal self help book. Well, it is. As the devil is in the details, so is the angel. With the authors' outstanding writing and story telling skills shown by the Chicken Soup series, in case you want to read a compleat self help book, you will be satisfied.

    Below please find some of my favorite passages for your reference.

    - Quality is not an act. It is a habit. pg 11

    - Remember if you want a different result, do something different. pg 95

    - The one thing that separates winners from losers is, winners take action. (Anthony Robbins) pg 100

    - There are essentially two things that will make you wiser - The books you read and the people you meet. (Charles T. Jones) pg 101

    - If there is something to gain and nothing to lose by asking, by all means ask. (W. Clement Stone) pg 185

    - God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into the nest. pg 260

    - I'm not here just to make a living. I'm here to make a difference. (Helice Bridges) pg 282.
  • David Stokes (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    What a wonderful book on self-improvement. After reading many books in this genre, it's still refreshing to read a winner. The three authors that composed this book share years and years of combined experience. If you want to improve your life, you must focus on where you want to be, and what the benefits will be reaped as you achieve your goals. Change is difficult, I know that as well as anybody. What I do know, however, is that change is possible-and probable if we constantly work on it. One shortcoming that I found was that the book focused more on business than personal improvement. Oh well, the sub-title states, "How To Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty", so I really can't complain. In reading this book, the reader is asked to complete a series of questions following each chapter. I did not complete this as of my first reading. I'm certain that even more can be gleaned from honestly answering each of the questions. I will re-read and assess my life in a future reading. Happy reading!
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