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Adventures Of Captain Underpants (精装)
 by Dav Pilkey

Category: Picture books, Story, Ages 4-8, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 168.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: The short book will keep you laughing for hours and will get kids to read even if they hate reading.
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  • Golnaz Montagne, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    I used this book as night time story to my 9 years old son who hates to read. He loved it and so did I! I could not keep my word of reading only one chapter per night, because I wanted to know what happened next! Kids love pee-poop-underwear stories and I am sure this one will get my son to enjoy reading more than today.
  • N. Bilmes , USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    In my dozen years of teaching 2nd grade, there has never been a better book for motivating reluctant boy readers to read than this one. Pilkey's humorous story and illustrations compel the reluctant readers to keep going, and turn the page to see what happens next. The story is delightfully zany and full of humor that is geared for kids. The great thing about Pilkey's writing is that there's also humor geared toward adults that the kids won't have any idea is there! This is terrific to read-aloud to kids, or to have them read in small-group reading settings. A winner!
  • Zach, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    The Adventures of Captain Underpants is an awesomely funny book by Dave Pickley. The three main characters are George, Harold and their mean principal. George and Harold love making comics in their treehouse. When they're not making comics they're playing pranks. When George and Harold order a ring from a catalog they can hypnotize people to do what they say. They find out that they made a huge mistake after they hypnotized their principal. This book is a little challenging because not all the words are spelled right, but that's the fun part. Captain Underpants is a great book for kids.
  • D. Betts, Maine, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    My kids are home for summer vacation so I had a few books delivered as a surprise. My 9-year old son looked through them all, chose Captain Underpants, and then read it until he finished it. He likes reading but rarely finds a book that really grabs him... this one got him! I really want to raise a reader so any book that helps with that, I highly recommend!
  • E. R. Bird, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    There's something about Captain Underpants that is irresistible to a certain kind of boy or girl. I think it may have something to do with the combination of its comic book format, deeply silly plotlines, and the overall packaging. Whatever it is, when I'm at the children's desk of the library in which I work, I often see boys scurrying up to the desk to beg for help locating the "Captain Underpants section". These boys are sometimes accompanied by overly concerned parents who mumble things like, "I guess you can take it out... just so long as you don't own it" under their breath. For my own part, I wanted to see what all the fuss and folderol was about. What is it about Captain Underpants that leaves kids always wanting more? Whence its popularity? The first book that started it all is none other than "The Adventures of Captain Underpants", so I plucked it from a shelf and sat down to give it a good once over. A complete reading took roughly 30 minutes, if that. And my conclusion? Parents, if you want to be worried about what you child is reading, here is not the place to start. For though we could probably talk back and forth for hours about the relative merits of reading every single Captain Underpants creation, the fact of the matter is that the book is harmless fun. This is a popcorn book. It's light and fluffy and delightful. Just the kind of inane gibberish that'll lure kids to reading and keep them there. Its value is in its good natured humor and light-hearted storylines. It's not classy. It's just fun. Everyone's got a nemesis. Superman has Lex Luthor. Batman has the Riddler. And George and Harold? Well these kids have one definite nemesis. Principal Krupp. For these merry pranksters, Krupp is a dangerous foe. Still, it isn't until the kids pull some elaborate tricks on the elementary school football team that Mr. Krupp catches them red handed. In an effort to escape their punishment, George and Harold order a hypnosis ring via The L'il Wiseguy Novelty Co. The ring is a great success and with it the two boys can get their principal to do whatever they want. When they decide to make him act like a comic book superhero they created, however, Mr. Krupp gets a little too into the act. Suddenly he IS Captain Underpants in the flesh. Worse still, George and Harold are having a lot of difficulty catching him to relieve him of the hypnosis. And meanwhile there are evil robots robbing the city of a powerful crystal and a supervillain named Doctor Diaper to contend with. It's up to Harold and George to defeat the villain, save the day, and keep Mr. Krupp safe. Not easy, but all in the day for a pair of mischief making kids. I was a little amazed to learn that in the entire series, Captain Underpants is just a hypnotized Mr. Krupp. Who knew? The book is drawn very very simply. Pilkey has done quite a few picture books in his time, the best one perhaps being "Julius" which he illustrated for author Angela Johnson. This particular book utilizes a dozen different techniques to lure the attention of the kiddies. There's a makeshift flip-book section (entitled "Flip-o-Rama") which is very popular and copious illustrations. This is basically a comic book produced in book form with a lot of narration to go with the pictures. And yes, some of the jokes in the book are more than a little infantile. But for crying out loud people, it's a silly kid's book! What do you expect? Hamlet? I had a fun time reading through it, though certainly once was enough for me. Still, I can see the tale's allure. If you're searching for something that will appeal to that kid who doesn't seem to like any books at all, this is a great place to start. There's underwear and fake doggy poop and itching powder and all sorts of craziness. It's not going to win a Pulitzer anytime soon. It's not going to win a Newbery Award anytime soon. But if there's ever a kid's choice award offered, it may well win one of those. A book to be taken with as much whimsy as you have on hand.
  • Jay A, NY, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    This is the first in a series of books by a man who never grew out of his days reading and writing comic books for his friends. Captain Underpants has a definite feel of comic books, but placed into a chapter book format. There are even some flipbook animations. Boys and girls alike who are still in that stage where bodily functions are hilarious will take an interest in this book. It is solidly written with age-appropriate vocabulary and text structure. There is of course a lot of comedy, but some of it may be written over the heads of the youngest of the kids this would appeal to.
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    The Adventures of Captain Underpants by author Dav Pilkey is one of the silliest books this teacher has seen. Both girls and boys enjoy this book. The story is about two characters named George and Harold. The two are best friends and enjoy stirring up trouble around their grade school. George and Harold also enjoy writing a comic they call 'Captain Underpants.' Mr. Krupp is the principal at the boy's school. One day George and Harold pull some pranks that get them into a lot of trouble with Mr. Krupp. Mr. Krupp punishes the boys by making them do extra work and behave. The boys do not like this so they devise a plan to hypnotize Mr. Krupp with a hypnosis ring. To make a long story short, the two boys hypnotize Mr. Krupp into Captain Underpants and that's where the real adventures in the book begin. Readers will find themselves laughing out loud. Some of the funny things in the book include Dr. Diaper, flip-o-rama, and the pranks that George and Harold play. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has a sense of humor.
  • C. L. Merritt , USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    This series will never get old! Time and again we read these books and the entire family is kept in stitches. These books are chalk full of belly laughs for everyone. My 6 year old daughter is fanatical about Captain Underpants, Harold & George! We anxiously await the next epic addition to the stories of what true Wedgies Power can deliver. This is innocent kid fun - a far cry more suitable for elementary school kids than a lot of the media garbage that's marketed to them these days. These books stay away from a lot of the typical things that one sees in today's "kid" oriented media and sticks with what kids can identify with and love to poke fun at naturally - principals, teachers and underwear! It steers clear of "adult" humor, sexual connotations and gory visuals - a quality that I wish Disney would catch on to!
  • A reader, USA   <2006-12-21 00:00>

    I like this book a lot! It is very funny because George and Harold put sea monkeys in the lemonade. I like George and Harold because they play tricks. My favorite part is when George shoots the fake doggie doodoo under Dr. Diaper and makes him think it is his poop. I also liked when Captain Underpants shoots the underwear on Dr. Diaper's head. This book is not too hard to read, and very, very, very funny. I think kids ages five and up should read this book.
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