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Investing For Dummies, 4th Edition (平装)
 by Eric Tyson

Category: Personal finance, Investment, Self help
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Written in an easy-to-understand style, this investment guide covers all the basics and is especially good for beginners.
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  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I have been investing in stocks, mutuals funds and real estate for about 8 years without ever reading a book on the topic. I bought this book to learn the nuts and bolts of investing. Despite the fact that I am not a beginner I still found the book informative. For example, Tyson says when a stock plummets don't bale out, buy some more at the lower price. I baled out of at $11 and of course I deeply regret it now. I have since learned to hold during the bad times and now I am in profit territory with all of my stocks. He suggests that college savings accounts, such as 529 plans, may be a bad idea because it could hurt your child's chances of getting financial aid. He explains how bonds can go down in value and says instead of buying individual bonds it is better to buy bond mutual funds. I had been wary of bonds before reading this book, now I am thinking about buying a bond fund in the interests of diversification.

    I didn't agree with Tyson on everything. He is more conservative than I am. I am only in my early 30s, so I believe I am young enough to take some financial risks. Also, he believes that it is a bad idea to pick your own stocks. Yet he also says that if you buy good companies and hold for several years you will always come out ahead as long as you have a diversified portfolio. I see no reason to pay a financial planner (who may put his/her own interests ahead of mine) to do this for me.

    One thing I really like about the book is that he doesn't just focus on financial instruments. He also discusses investing in both real estate and small businesses. I will be buying a franchise within the next year and I found this information very helpful. Of course, I will need to do further reading on this topic.

    This is an excellent book that I had a hard time putting down. If you want to learn more about investing I suggest that you start with this book. It will provide a solid foundation, and help you move onto more complicated financial books and magazines.
  • May (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I preface my review with saying that I am a huge fan of the For Dummies series in general and those written by Eric Tyson in particular. This is another well-written, highly informative book in the series regarding finance and investing. I often conduct seminars on the subject of investing, specifically in retirement accounts, and borrow heavily from the advice and explanations provided in this book. Although the subject matter demands more complexity, and therefore more attention, than the other For Dummies books, it is excellent for those willing to take the extra time. I personally learned a great deal regarding individual stock selection by learning how to understand a company's financial statements. As with any other For Dummies book, you can easily decide how deep you want to go on any given subject.

    I feel this book is especially relevant in an environment such as today, where many have equated investing with gambling. This statement may be true, if you don't understand the rules. However, this book provides a valuable service in explaining that investing, like anything else in life, will reward you to the extent that you are willing to take responsibility and understand how it works. For those willing to do so, I can not think of a better place to start than this book.
  • Martin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    If you plan on investing, either by hiring a broker or doing it yourself, you owe it to yourself to read this book. It covers the range of potential investments, from stock and mutual funds to small business and real estate investing.

    It is true that Tyson seems biased towards Vanguard's mutual funds and this book, like his other books on mutual funds and personal finance, carries that tradition forward. In this regard, Tyson is in good company: Vanguard is also highly rated by Consumer Reports and it consistently has the lowest costs. So far, Vanguard has avoided any hint of scandal that has plagued other mutual funds.
  • Sarah Byrne (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Considering that I know hardly anything about investing in stocks, real estate, etc., this book was a very good one because it introduced me to the basics. It starts with each topic on "level one" and gradually leads you to the level where you understand the topic but do not have useless information. It discusses stocks and bonds, real estate, portfolio buiding, and even the interesting psychological obstacles in investing. I thought an interesting idea was that to succeed long term in mutual fund investing, your portfolio must be diversified and well-researched. This book also discusses the pros and cons of having a financial advisor, and gives resources for more information. The book has cartoons, which add humor and taught me how investing would be applied to my life. The section of the book least applicable to me was about running and buying business, but it was interesting nevertheless. It was a great introduction to investing and I feel much more prepared than I did before reading the book.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Tyson's book on investing presents useful information and covers just about all of the basic categories. This is a good place to begin learning about various investments. However, he book does not provide sufficiently detailed information for a anyone to become an active participant in some specific investment areas, and additional education is required for them.
  • J. Richards (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I read mutual funds for dummies first and thought I'd grab this book, the book isn't bad at all, but I believe this author has much more knowledge about mutual funds than any other investment strategy. I personally am not looking to change jobs and start up my own small business and I don't consider that an investment, if so why not consider going to college to become a doctor an investment, you could do an entire chapter on that.

    Basically the chapters about paper assets were pretty good, but the small business section was a waste of my time personally and if I wanted to open up my own business I wouldn't have bought this book. The real estate section wasn't that great either and I think it's because he knows mutual funds the best and other paper assets over real estate and any other investment strategy.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I won't go into why I needed this book but I'll just say that I was in desperate need of some solid, unbiased investing advice on all topics across the board from the stock market to retirement plans. All the other books on investment I tried to read were full of weird terminology, weird language and might have been trying to rip me off for all I know. Eric Tyson's reference is a godsend for those of us who need some information but are too naive to know good advice from bad advice when it comes to this subject. Tyson not only gives good, common sense advice but also shares his own tips with the reader on stock markets, mutual funds, IRAs and the like. Feel skeptical? He'll even guide you to the best government agencies that monitor this sort of stuff so that people like me don't get ripped off. Other books on investing that I picked up and put down in a hurry didn't bother with petty stuff like legalities! Tyson DOES and he wants you to do your homework before putting your hard earned money into someone else's hands.

    This book is fantastically easy to follow, all the hard stuff is explained and Tyson will show you where to find the extra information you'll need. Investing for Dummies is an investment in itself that will keep you out of trouble and the bankruptcy courts in the long run.

  • Lisa M. Sodders (The Capital-Journal) (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Tyson handily dispatches both the basic… and the more complicated.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Finally, an intelligent and honest investment book! After wasting time reading so many books that either don't give specifics or hype techniques to promote the author's own agenda, this book makes sense. It covers investing in the financial markets, real estate and small business since these are the three major ways people build wealth. In each of these areas, Tyson explains what to do and what not to do. As for saving money to invest, the reviewer above who queries what a person should do who needs 20K cash for a new car, Tyson's advice in his Personal Finance for Dummies book is don't buy such an expensive car - buy a good quality used car you can afford!
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I bought this book thinking that it would be a very basic book that would teach about the world of investing. While the book does a spectacularly wonderful job at covering the basics, I also gained a number of powerful insights that I didn't from reading more "advanced" investing books. The discussion of how the financial markets work was a real eye opener as was the insight that many people who accumulate great wealth do so not through investing in stocks but through small business. With the U.S. stock market at such nose bleed high levels, that alternative makes sense to me! The author also clearly lays out the case against following market gurus predictions.
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