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Personal Finance For Dummies, 5th edition (平装)
 by Eric Tyson

Category: Personal finance, Investment, Self help
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Easy to read and understand and packed with useful information, this is an first-rate, no-nonsense guide to getting your personal finances into tip-top shape.
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  • Kristin Davis (Kiplinger's Personal Finance) (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Detailed, action-oriented advice… A standout personal finance primer.
  • Chicago Tribune (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Tyson doesn't tell you what to do or consider doing without explaining the hows and whys - and the booby traps to avoid - in plain English.
  • Newsweek (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Smart advice… Rewards your candor with advice and comfort.
  • Caleb Hayden (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I purchased this book for two reasons: 1) to supplement my woefully inept knowledge of personal finance; 2) to study for the Dantes Personal Finance test. This book served both purposes well, particularly the former.

    I appreciated the author's ability to share his personal opinions and insights without giving an air of superiority. Not only did he explain various options and concepts; he shared his views on many of them. For instance, he repeatedly warned against cash value life insurance, load mutual funds, and taking advice from gurus who have a vested interest in your compliance with their "recommendations." He also had some helpful insights pertaining to insurance (and many other topics, for that matter). For these, I will let you read the book.

    The reason I found the guide possibly insufficient for my test study was that it lacked some depth. Tyson does not cover subjects comprehensively. He gives a sound starting base for those who wish to learn basic personal finance - an appropriate endeavor for the writer of a book for "dummies."

    If you read this book and discover an interest in learning more about investing, for instance, you can start with Tyson's advice and insights and move on to other helpful resources that cover the topic in more depth. Ultimately, I recommend this "Dummies" guide for you to learn the basics of planning, saving, investing, insurance, and financial advice.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    If you have just landed your first "real" job or are trying to get your financial life in order, this is the book for you! Tyson uses plain English and entertaining anecdotes to outline the basics of investing, mortgages, taxes and insurance. I first read this book in 1996, and Tyson's strategies have kept me from making numerous stupid financial decisions (and helped me save a lot of money).

    Tyson's book was like a Personal Finance 101 class from which I went on to read Jane Bryant Quinn's Making the Most of Your Money and then more complex books about the stock market, investing and taxes. He provides a solid foundation without the bias of so many finance books. There is so much hype out there (mostly from people who are trying, directly or indirectly, to sell you something) that it can get confusing and intimidating. Tyson cuts to the chase and gives you the tools to put your financial house in order. You'll sleep better at night!
  • May (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    I work as a financial professional, counseling individuals regarding the options in their employer-sponsored retirement plans. Although the counsel I can give is limited to their retirement plan, several have asked me for advice in other areas of their financial lives. I do not hesitate to recommend this book. Whether you are starting from square one in getting your financial house in order, or your checkbook is balanced to the penny every week, there is information in this book that will benefit you. The "For Dummies" format is perfect for this subject, and Eric Tyson does an excellent job of breaking into layman's terms the most complex of finance and investing concepts. Also, an excellent section on selecting a financial planner is provided. I have often seen the devastating effects that the wrong financial advice has wrought in people's lives. The list of criteria to apply when seeking a financial advisor is one of the most valuable tools I have seen on the subject. This book is one of the most valuable resources I have ever seen in helping the average person get control of their financial lives. Applying its principles will pay immediate as well as long-lasting rewards.
  • M. C. Yu (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    This text could should be required reading at all American high schools, if not colleges.

    It gives a solid introduction to every aspect of personal finance: handling debt, hiring financial help, taxes, retirement accounts, investing, mortgage, real estate, insurance for everything (you, others, and collateral).

    It gives practical and useful tips throughout each section on how to save for what is important and recognize what is not so critical to buy for maximum savings, savings which you'll use for your retirement account, so that you'll live within your financial means throughout your entire life.
  • D. Kennedy (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Perhaps the best financial principle this book teaches is how to recognize when people giving you advice have a conflict of interest. Unless you yourself are a financial professional, don't pay someone to handle your money or give you financial advice without first reading this book. They may not really have your best interests in mind.

    This book can be read straight through or it can be used as a reference for different topics. I read it cover to cover and was never left thinking I was reading some dry manual. Tyson is an excellent writer and explains concepts in a way that is never boring.
  • An American reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Where was this book when a broker with a major firm was sucking me and my parents into the quicksand of limited partnerships? If I'd read this book way back then, we would have saved arguably hundreds of thousands in lost principle, lost opportunities to invest wisely, lost attorney's fees to try to recover some of what was stolen from us, lost sleep, lost trust. Since we made those investing errors I've earned an MBA and can safely and knowledgeably say that this book tells the truth about the shark-infested waters of investing, as well as how to get your financial house in order. Well worth every penny, this book can save you thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, who knows, maybe millions, of dollars in crushing mistakes that would take you decades, if not forever, to recover from. Know the truth and it will set you free - free from liars, cheats, sharks, con artists, chest thumping "financial gurus", self-serving financial planners (CFPs, CFAs) waiting in hiding to steal your money the old fashioned way - kiss up to you, convince you you're too stupid to make solid, well-informed decisions in your own best interests and then pick your bones clean of every last cent they can. Bitter? No. Wiser. Yes. I learned the hard way. But you can skip much of the heartache my family experienced AND be wealthier and more secure at the same time. READ THIS BOOK!
  • A Singaporean reader (MSL quote), Singapore   <2007-01-12 00:00>

    Well written, objective & complete handbook about the way you manage money!!! I would definitely recommend this book even it cannot be applied completely to non-US countries. There are quite a lot of information related to US-Tax but all general advices are quite useful. The content is easy-to- understand. Note: If you buy the different books from Eric Tyson, some chapters dealing about the same subject might be the same. Also, it tells you that the financial world is full of sharks and explains why... huuh? don't forget about conflicts of interests!
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