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Marley & Me: Life and Love with the World's Worst Dog (精装)
 by John Grogan

Category: Dog, story
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A delightful book chronicling the life of a "challenging" but obviously loveable dog.
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  • Janet Maslin (New York Times) (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    A very funny valentine...Marley & Me tenderly follows its subject from sunrise to sunset...with hilarity and affection.
  • John Morgan (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    I bought this book for my wife for Christmas. I couldn't wait for her to open it up so I could read it. It only took me a few hours to read. it's funny, it's sad, it's touching, it's an absolutely beautiful book. it's all about the bond between man and "beast". I often wonder what that means because sometimes, more often than not, man is the beast. Growing up, I was given the privilege of having pets. It taught me responsibility, accountability, and the ability to love something unconditionally. More often than not, I "failed" as a pet owner. Sometimes I forgot to clean up after my pets, sometimes I forgot to feed them or give them fresh water, and many, many times I forgot just how wonderful it was to actually have them in my life.

    Reading this book made me truly appreciate the pets I once owned and the pets I now own. I looked at my 2 year old terror in the backyard in a new light. Yes, he was busy gnawing on a shoe...probably mine...probably one of my best...but for all of his craziness, his goofiness, and his stubborness, I love that dog and I know that dog loves fact, if there was a contest on who loved the most, it would be him. He loves unconditionally, without limits, without restrictions. Maybe dog is God spelled backwards for a reason. Maybe that's how God loves us. We don't want to believe that's true. We sometimes think we are "deserving" of punishment and judgment and retribution, but Love only knows Love. Dogs see us as we really are and maybe that's how God sees us, as well...just a thought, please do not send me scriptures "validating" reasons why God must judge us and punish us and strike us down for misbehaving. Like I said, it's only an idea.

    This book is filled with great thoughts. Some parts had me laughing so hard I couldn't see straight and other parts had me crying uncontrollably thinking about the pets I have lost while being on this 41 year old journey. My brother and I still weep about the dog we had to put to sleep in 1995. She may not have been the smartest or the cutest, but she gave us plenty of love filled memories and that's what this book is all about.

    I recommend it highly for all people especially those who need to be reminded that there really is such a thing as Unconditional Love. Here's hoping you find it in that fuzzy thing that accidentally peed on the living room rug.
  • Kathleen Martino (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    I absoutely loved this book. The author is a phenomenal writer and had me hysterically laughing at Marley's antics right up until the end when nature has a way of changing things.

    I felt the author gave an honest rendition of a life with Marley. Although I strongly disagree with some of the tactics used to dicipline Marley, the story depicts an actual portrayal of what mechanisms people use to cope with the animals they love despite their misgivings.

    Perhaps Marley could have been trained better by his owners, perhaps not - as a person on the outside looking in it's easy to judge. Nevertheless, this book was real, hysterical, sometimes disappointing (due to some training tactics used), and in the end both sad and pensive.

    Although you can only rate 5 stars in this review, I give John Grogan 10 stars for an exceptionally written novel that truly stirs different emotions for as many different people that read this tale.
  • Jeanine Colangelo (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    Any dog owner should own this book. It brought back so many memories of when my boys were puppies and the destruction they did around the house (who hasn't patched walls and replaced furniture?). I had to laugh out loud about the training class and the "accident" in the ocean. I cried my eyes out in the end when Marley passed, it is a horrible thing to lose one's pet. Why can't they stay with us forever?
  • Phyllis Hacker (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    My sister loaned me this book last January and I read it in just a few days, couldn't put it down. John Grogan's tribute to his dog is amazing. The story stays with you long after it's over and you feel like you knew Marley and miss him as though you personally met him.

    When my puppy ripped up the seams in my carpet I gave him Marley for a middle name and it's a term of endearment to me.

    I'm going to buy myself and my friends this book for the holidays. It's well worth reading again and again.
  • John (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    Marley and Me is a remarkable story of man and the love and trust of dog. I enjoyed every chapter of it. It is so hilarious and easy to realte to by any dog owner that has or had a dog of character. The author came close to Jack London in bringing out the character in the dog and does something extraordinary in the dog's domestic nature or exploits.Unilke the dog story in The Usurper and others or the plight of Jack London's dogs in Call of the Wild or White Fang, John Morgan's gripping story also teaches us how to give unconditional love to man's best. friend.
  • David Baer (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    For about 150 pages, author John Grogan tells rambling dog stories about his Labrador named Marley, leaving his reader to wonder what all the fuss is about with this best-selling book.

    Then the sad history of Marley's demise begins and everything is different. You know this 'worst dog in the world' is going to die. If your own beloved pet has passed on, you know how terrible the reading of it is going to be. But you can't turn away and so you turn page after page with the distinct sensation of tears welling up in your now completely hooked eyeballs.

    Why do we let these short-lived four-footers into our lives? Does the joy they bring into our homes somehow offset the unrequited loss of their departure?

    By the time the grieving Grogan is able to whisper in his dog's ear - some of the last words he will hear - 'Marley, you are a *great* dog', he has won our loyalty, admiration, and appreciation, not least for writing down in the name of beloved Marley what we have experienced with our own dearly loved canines.

    Tucker and Rosie, I love you even more this morning.

    The readerly fuss was about something real. Contrary to popular belief, a million book-buyers *can* be wrong.

    But they got it right this time.
  • Sebastien Pharand (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    A dog always makes a good subject for a story. They are good-natured, sweet and loyal friends. In stories, the dog is always intelligent, well-manered and friendly. But anyone who's ever own a dog knows that this isn't always the case. Marley & Me is the proof of that.

    The Memoir recounts the years that author John Grogan spent with his Lab Marley. From the moment they frist meet Marley, the author should have known that this playful dog would become somewhat of a problem over the years. But having fallen in love with the pup, he still decides to take it home with him. And from this moment on, they will soon discover Marley's true colours.

    Marley isn't a bad dog. In fact, he's loyal and very playful. Maybe a little too playful. Unable to leave him alone at home, unable to control is sudden urges or bouts of paranoia during a storm, Marley becomes more than a handful for the young married couple. Anyone who's ever had a dog will understand these ordeals and relate to what Grogan is going through as he recounts all these very funny anecdotes about his dog.

    Grogan recounts Marley's entire life over these 300 pages, right up until his sad death. We see Marley playing with the newborn babies, being loyal to his master, and wrecking havoc wherever he goes. And although the story itself sounds a bit corny (and at times it is a little bit too sweetly sugared), Grogan's writing is so comical and sharp that you get past the moments that seemed too drenched in sentimentality. The book had me smiling from page one to the very end. And its finale is written in a way that is very sad and touching and yet, hopeful all at once.

    Marley & Me isn't an amazing book. But it is a very sweet and enjoyable one. Memoirs should always be this funny and, sentimentality aside, engrossing.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    A book meant for animal lovers, MARLEY & ME is the story of one man's relationship with his crazy dog Marley. John Grogan, who at the start of the book was living in Southern Florida and was working at the local newspaper, was a newlywed. His wife Jenny, also a journalist, wanted to hone her maternal skills by getting a pet. She wanted children but wasn't sure she was quite ready for one. So why not practice on a pet? She had already tried it with plants, and had killed them all. But Marley - when little Marley entered their lives, John noticed the change in his wife. She became a motherly, nurturing woman. And what they didn't know was how much Marley was about to change their lives. For the better? Maybe not. But he surely enriched their lives by just being there.

    Marley was a yellow Labrador retriever, but unfortunately his new owners did not know what to expect with this breed of dog. Marley from the get go was exuberant,
    wild, and pretty much hard to control as he wanted to do his own thing all the time. But you knew he loved his owners. He just couldn't control how he showed it.

    The story revolves around Marley, but it is really the story of John Grogan and the first thirteen years of his marriage to his wife Jenny. The reader will experience with the author the disastrous attempts at training Marley into a more properly behaved NORMAL dog, but it never does happen. You have to read the book to believe all the crazy things they had to go through in order to live with this crazy dog in their small two-bedroom home in Florida. With the advent of kids, they moved up into the world (Boca Raton) and then finally back to the northeast (Pennsylvania), where both John and Jenny were from. The passing of time is marked by the growth of the family (first comes son number 1, then number 2, and then finally a daughter), as well as the slow aging of Marley, and the change in jobs for John.

    I had a hard time getting into the book at first, thinking that the story was ONLY about Marley. But how could you have a story about JUST a dog because who would be narrating? Narrated by John Grogan, the story is from his point of view, and he relates all the wild and insane antics that the dog put them through for thirteen years. I'm going to have to say, being an animal lover and just having experienced the loss of a crazy insane cat, the book hit home. You grow to love these demented animals, no matter how much they make your life miserable at one time or another. Marley was that bad dog that no one should have dealt with, and frankly any sane person would probably have put him to sleep. But the Grogans never gave up, and loved him and took care of him and dealt with his behavior until he took his last breath. MARLEY & ME is the story of how one dog changed the lives of two innocent people, maybe for the better.
  • Valeri Morgan (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-01 00:00>

    I love dogs and the Labrador from the cover is so cute. This is a fascinating story about an outstanding dog called Marley. John Grogan as a very talented author reveals the happiest and saddest moments about having a dog as one of your best friends. I am sure that many dog owners will relate to this charming and heart warming story. It is a great read and I highly recommend it.
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