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The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (平装)
 by Stephen King

Category: Horror fiction, Bestsellers, Original books
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: "The world had teeth and it could bite you with them at any time." King takes us with him to make a trip through hell. Through the eyes of a young girl, he describes in an excellent way, the fears of a young girl in the woods which makes you feel the really horror of being lost.
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  • Zalmyman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    Stephen King has an outstanding ability to make his stories come alive to readers, to not only see the story vividly but to see it through the eyes of the character(s) in the story. This certainly holds true about "The girl who loved Tom Gordon"; a story about a nine-year-old girl lost in the woods, her only connection to the outside world, giving her hope, is listening to Tom Gordon save games for the Sox.

    Only Stephen King can take a story so seemingly boring and turn it into such a fascinating tale, weaving between the rational and realistic to the mystical and hallucinatory. He so lovingly takes the skill of a closing pitcher in baseball, and turns it into a running allegorical theme on gaining hope and victories in life.

    This book is for anyone who appreciates stories well told, with great imagery and imagination. I found myself turning pages, and couldn't put it down untill the final lines. Although I've always loved King's writing style, I've often been turned off by his some of his real strange storylines, not so in this case. The girl who loved Tom Gordon is an absolute winner.
  • Kendall (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    I love to read and I really enjoy in depth stories ,yet feel I don't have enough time Vs. the anticipation of wanting to read all the time, so I started listening to books on cd's while I comuted I found myself listing to this book in my house, on my lunch break, aside from durring my comute; because it was that good. It really isn't typical Stephen King, but it is what we all know him for, in depth detailing and how he sucks you in to his story. A must read for all!
  • Blondie (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    This book has so many components that make it a great book. For one, like most Stephen King books it is well written. It is written in such a way that you want to put it down because its so scary but you can't stop reading it. King sucks you in like a vacuum and wont spit you out until the end. It's also written in a way that you can understand what's going on and you do not get confused. Also the content of the book is amazing. It's a perfect example of a perfectly written novel. The book brings something so true to writing and makes you realize how a poor choice can lead to a life threatening adventure. It tells you the story of a little girl's survival and the mistakes she made on the way. This prepares you for whenever a journey like this is thrown your way. It also goes to show that your mind can either help you or hurt you by explaining how she imagined the baseball player Tom Gordon to survive and she dreamt of a wasp king in which scared her. I love how realistic the book is and there are so many things to just come along and tick you off. It is just like you're in the girl's place. When she's hungry you feel hungry, when she's scared you become scared, and when she made mistakes you wish you could turn back the page and redo what she did wrong. This is a book I will gladly read time after, after time. Almost the whole book keeps you in suspense and has a surprise ending you would never suspect. I recommend this book to anybody who is looking for a suspenseful book full of adventure that they cannot put down.
  • J. Stephenson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    I read this book about 4 years ago. I was spending two years in a state owned work farm for juveniles, as you can imagine I had alot of free time on my hands in those days so i read a whoooooolllleeee lot of books. Almost ever stephen king book, almost every john grisham book, tom clancy, then the beat generation, Then the classics... etc. This is the only book by stephen king or any other author that has completely captivated me.

    The way the book is written is just unbeliveable. Following the girl through the woods and building so much suspense. What is the creature? Page by page you realize that there is something out there that is hunting her like a man. The book hardly leaves the girl in the woods which is the real story. It was like I was stranded out there with her every step of the way. I'll admit I was let down by the ending, but it didn' spoil the whole experience.

  • Monica Madsen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    As an avid hiker, I found this book terrifying! King demonstrated how easily a person could become lost and disoriented on a simple family outing. You think you're safe because there's a path, but what happens when you lose sight of that path in a massive forest? King did an amazing job of portraying the fears and natural progression of exhaustion of his lead character. This is King at his most subtle and most stunning! I rate this up with his best work. Highly recommended for a quick but satisfying read! My only regret is that I didn't pick it up sooner.
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