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Carrie (平装)
 by Stephen King

Category: Horror fiction, Bestsellers, Original books
Market price: ¥ 108.00  MSL price: ¥ 98.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This is where the genius started his famous reputation and talent, a fast paced exciting thrill-ride from start to finish.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    Carrie, Stephen King's first novel, is truly remarkable writing! Most authors don't have quite the stinging debut they hoped for, but this book deffinetly did, even today. The story is about a teenage girl named Carrie White who has a trumatic life, where home isn't safe, school isn't safe, and she isn't safe. She grows up with her psycho catholic mother who often locks her in the closet, and at school is constantly cutdown. cutdown doesn't even describe the humiliation and torture, the hell of carries life is the true horror in this story. So all of a sudden Carrie snaps, things start happening when she gets overwhelemed, and she starts gaining telekentic powers and hurting and killing anyone who stands in her way. I appreciated King's writing and description. He truly is a genius of his craft, and creates a realistic cast of characters. The story is really depressing, but if your like me, you enjoy reading the humiliation and torture, and keep reading in your morbid giddiness. This is my first Stephen King novel I have fully read, and I have never seen the movie, which makes the book much more fun. This is a classic.
  • Greg Hughes (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    I read Carrie when I was in high school. Stephen King captured the essence of teenage life with great accuracy, I thought. At school people talked about the same things the shower girls in the first chapter talked about: parties, who's going out with who, who's dumping who, and a whole lot of other shallow topics that seemed really important at that age. For a first novel, King handled the dialogue well.

    Everyone knows the story: a misfit girl finally gets her revenge on a town that rejected her. Being telekinetic is something I'm sure a lot of people would envy, even if they don't envy Carrie's plight. But ultimately the school and the town brought their destruction on themselves. No one can ever predict when someone will snap and wreak havoc. Bullied students who aren't telekinetic have to rely on less subtle means such as pipe bombs and guns. And usually, the taste of revenge is less than sweet. But the results they aim for are quite the same: heartbreak, grief, confusion and despair. Perhaps bullying should be a criminal offense?

    I once read somewhere that when King was writing this novel he was so frustrated with it that he threw the manuscript in the bin. It was his wife who salvaged it and forced him to keep working on it. I also read that first novels are almost always autobiographical. Was King ridiculed in his youth? If so, then his international success as a writer is surely the best revenge.

  • A reader (MSL quote), England   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    I enjoyed this book a lot, I had trouble putting it down. Part of the reason for this was the lack of chapters, but it was mainly because this is such a good book.
    Carrie is a character that I empathised with a great deal. She faces daily abuse at home and at school -I was myself bullied at school although thankfully my home environment was supportive. I see her as being a kind and attractive young lady who does not deserve any of the abuse she receives. During the course of the book, she discovers that she has powerful telekinetic abilities. I do not see what her actions near the end of the book as revenge, but as what happens when a tortured individual 'snaps'. She didn't plan what she did, it was merely a reaction to the dispicable way in which she had been treated. No one deserves to be bullied, but it happens throughout society. This book sends out the message that bullying is unacceptable.

    This book is excellently written with a good storyline and a strong main character, I would recommend it to anyone, this is truly a 'must read' book.

  • Richard Stoehr (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    Though Carrie is definitely the work of a writer who is still finding his voice, it is a remarkably tight and gripping book, and remains one of my personal favorites of King's work.

    The tale told by King and King's wife Tabitha, about how she literally pulled the first pages of the book out of a trash can, read them, and then encouraged King to continue with the story he had started, is somewhat apocryphal now. Nevertheless, upon reading the first few chapters of "Carrie" one can see what grabbed her attention. The reader is immediately involved in the story and irresistably drawn all the way to the end.

    The story of Carrie White is that of someone who is essentially ordinary (almost painfully so), but with an extraordinary ability. How these two elements come together is the substance of the book, and there is a lot of substance here, both in terms of storytelling and thematic material. King's talent for strong character and capturing the feel of everyday life is already obvious in this book, and it is put to good use.

    Carrie remains one of King's most compelling works, even 30 years after it was written. Thank goodness Mrs. King had the wherewithal to get him to finish it!

  • katie (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    Stephen King has, as with many of his books, created a chilling, suspenseful tale with Carrie. This is an exceptional read about a victimized, misunderstood, and sheltered high-school girl named Carrie who is eventually pushed too far. I found the method of writing to be very personal, haunting, and forthright which allows the reader to become connected with the pain Carrie endures. The feature that really draws me to this book is its believable plot. The only aspect that the reader may question is Carrie's telekinetic powers. However, scientific back-up of telekinesis is provided throughout the story. With this, I tended to find the plot more believable, which always makes a horror novel more chilling to me. Though it was short, I found Carrie to meet the expectations of any great horror novel. Carrie is a classic, fun and chilling novel that I would recommend to any fan of horror.
  • Edward Aveyard (MSL quote), UK   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    Carrie is always marketed as a horror story, but its main appeal is almost sociological. The telekenesis comes into effect when Carrie feels very upset or angry; it is really a story of a poor, young girl, who is bullied at school and at home and becomes unbearably upset at times. The 659 who die in the book gives a feeling of, "Couldn't all this have been prevented?" The ending is pretty bleak. I have to keep reminding myself that this is a Stephen King book, as his books usually have something upbeat to finish on. As far as horror goes, this is pretty serious.

    I love this to bits and I am a 20 year old male. I have had similar experiences to Carrie in some respects. People who have been bullied throughout school like this better than others, I have found. I have also noticed that Popular people from school find it harder to sympathise with the girl.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    Carrie was a novel I was reluctant to read. For one thing, the movie didn't impress me as much, and it's hard to read about someone that shares your namesake. But as soon as I pulled it from behind a rack of dusty books in a public library, I knew it was fate. I was immediatley pulled in, wondering how Stephen King could have such a wonderful first book.

    It starts with interviews from neighbors and students. Carrie White is a senior who has been scarred from a religious fanatic mother. Carrie also happens to have trained herself in telekinesis. These interviews all lead up to the fateful night of the Prom.

    Do yourself a favor. Read Carrie. You'll be spellbound.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    This is King's classic novel and the one he is best known for. If you haven't read this and you consider yourself a fan of horror/thriller novels, then you are missing out. I loved the development of Carrie and her struggle to fit in. I feel that King is using this novel to comment on today's teens and how so many of them think they have to fit into a certain crowd to be liked or "cool." This novel is a classic and worth your time. Trust me.

  • Dan (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    Considering that this is Stephen King's first novel, this is an amazing book. In "Carrie," King does his best job out of all his books at developing a character that the reader can really just feel for. He gets you to feel so sorry for her for having to put up with all of the things that happen to her, whether it be at her school where she is constantly tormented by her peers, or at her home, where she must live with her psycho-religious mother. While doing this, he also manages to develop a diabolical plot that leads up to one of the most stunning climaxes of any novel. I definitely recommend that you get this book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-05 00:00>

    Stephen King has way of bringing a fictional book to life. He loves to scare a person. With Carrie the way he brings real live experienced into this book is wonderful. After you read this book you can see how this can happen in real life. The way Carrie learns to use her telekenetic powers are wonderful. She has a very religious fanatic for a mother how still believes in myths. Carrie is tormented and teased to the breaking point by her more popular schoolmates. They do find out how aperson can get back at them for the years that Carrie was tormented by this. I really did enjoy this book. It is not a scarey as some of his other books but just as good.
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