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Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days (Left Behind No. 1) (Paperback) (平装)
 by Tim F. LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins

Category: Bible, Christian, Revelations, Fiction
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: After millions of people around the world vanish in one moment, in what many claim to be the Rapture, Rayford Steele begins a search for the truth amidst global chaos.
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  • Dave (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-06 00:00>

    This is the book that set off a world-wide obsession with the Left Behind series. This is the book that started the audio drama series, the kids' series, the movies, the board games, the website. This is the book whose following sequels hit and continue to hit the top of the New York fiction bestseller list.

    So what's the big deal about Left Behind? While it differs from many denominational theologies and ideologies, even those who disagree on the Second Coming of Christ still enjoy reading these books. Why? Because it chronicles the fictional yet realistic events following the Rapture of Christ's people from the earth.

    Here's the plot for this first book: Rayford Steele is an commercial airline pilot whose life is going okay. So okay, in fact, that he's pondering a potential deepening of his relationship with one of his online flight attendants, Hattie Durham. This, despite his happy marriage to his beautiful wife Irene, and their two kids, Chloe and Ray Jr. Meantime, famed journalist Cameron ("Buck") Williams is on Rayford's plane. Williams gained fame and renown by covering a massive air assault in Israel, one in which all of the enemy forces attacking were killed by a strange firestorm, and yet no casualties resulted on the Israeli's side -an event predicted by the Bible.

    Both of their worlds - and the real world - are shaken as, in the blink of an eye, millions of people disappear, simply vanish out of their clothes, and out of this world. Rayford lands his plane safely, despite chaos on the ground, and rushes to his home. He finds that his suspicions are confirmed: his wife and younger child Ray Jr. have disappeared with the rest. Rayford searches for answers at the church that he had never before enjoyed attending with his wife. He finds the assistant pastor Bruce Barnes, who has been left behind, at the church, watching a video recorded by the church's pastor, describing THE VERY EVENTS THAT HAVE OCCURRED.

    The video tells of the disappearances predicted in the Bible, the path to salvation, and foretells of the events to come, according to the Bible. Rayford, his daughter Chloe, Bruce, and a small congregation of others searching for answers find their salvation in Jesus Christ.

    Meantime, Buck Williams searches for answers too, as he watches a charismatic Romanian leader rise quickly to the head of the United Nations. He learns from Bruce Barnes' teaching that this leader is predicted in the Bible, and in the video tape. Buck must discover the truth for himself, before it is too late.


    I enjoy this series a lot, but for those whose theology doesn't line up, it's not an extremely critical aspect of the Christian life as to what manner Christ will return in. The authors, Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye rely on the Bible for their opinions, and the Bible makes it clear that Christ's return is imminent, and that it will occur "in the twinkling of an eye". Even if you don't agree with the pre-tribulation Rapture of Christ's church, this series is still quite enjoyable. Compared to some books I've read, this particular one isn't very violent, but for picky readers, you should know that there are some violent things that take place in the book: a double-murder described in rather gory detail, as well as the chaos and violence that occurs following the disappearances. (Drivers who disappear cannot stop their cars from plowing into houses, people, cars; people cooking on a stove that disappear leave burnings stoves behind them; even other airline pilots who disappear leave their passengers pilotless, to crash and burn)


    Jesus Christ is the Messiah, that's the main message of this book. Those who were raptured were taken by God to be spared his great wrath and judgment. Many come to repentance, and faith in Him after the disappearances, and follow His leading thereafter. This book is very enjoyable to read, and it's quite the craze nowadays too.

    Jenkins' writing style isn't the best you can find, to be honest. It's the plot that keeps you enthralled. In fact, some of his writing skills seem to deteriorate in later books of this series. Still, the book is a good read, and you should read it some time. But be prepared to buy a boxed set, or perhaps the rest of the series, because you'll want to know what happens next, and there's 12 books in the series! Also check out the Left Behind movies, and the dramatic audio editions.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    The scenerios formulated by the authors in this book are interesting but it is unfortunate that the writing is so poor. I found myself forced to read this book out of the sheer curiosity of where it was headed.

    The development of the characters is very obvious and at times irritating as there is no depth to them. I tried the second book but stopped a quarter of the way as I couldn't stop myself from nodding off in boredom.

    Read the Bible instead. You'll get the story straight from the source with no confusing ideas to worry about.
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