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Teen Love: On Relationships, A Book for Teenagers (平装)
 by Kimberly Kirberger

Category: Teens, Relationships, Love
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: An great counselor/guide, based on real letters of teens' queries; not a dos-and-don'ts manual but give wise and special responses from the experienced author/audult's view.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    Nobody ever takes teenagers seriously, especially when it comes to love. Thanks to the author for not only taking "teen love" seriously but giving us good advice also. I loved the stories! There was one that I felt like I could have written it myself and that is the other thing I like about this book. Almost everything in it is something that I have gone through or at least could understand. They have guy's questions and feelings in there too which I really enjoyed. I always wondered what guys were thinking and if they cared.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    I loved this book. I can't say enough good things about it. I couldn't beleive how every single thing in it was exactly what I wanted to know or read about. The poetry is incredible too. I loved the stories and the questions and answers. It was just an awesome book. What can I say. Everybody should read this.
  • Chico Sweet (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    I read the entire book in one sitting. This book answered every question I had about love and relationships and also had wonderful poetry and wonderful stories and incredible quotes. I couldn't beleive how much I enjoyed reading it. This is a book that every teenager should have, and I don't mean just girls. Guys would get so much from reading this. There are lots of questions from guys and lots of great answers. I am buying a copy for my boyfriend for Christmas and I am hoping that I get a copy of the Teen Love Journal.
  • Sean Rhodes (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    This book was surprisingly a good read. It was better than most of the others said. However, I'd say you're better off buying the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul volume 1-3 before you even look at this.

    The reason being is that this book is made for the younger teenagers. The book isn't bad as some of the advice given is actually pretty good, but for a teenager who is 15+ it isn't going to do much for you except perhaps raise your spirits. The book is clearly for 13-14 year olds because it waste lots of time on stories like first kisses and first relationships. Sure, any highschool student could use the book if they haven't yet been in a relationship. Plus the book constantly repeats itself. This isn't bad since the author does a great job at getting the message across.

    The reason I gave this book four stars was because there weren't enough stories! Many of the "stories" were question that seemed to repeat themselves and were constatnly asked by younger teens. There were a few stories every now and then but mostly questions that got annoying. Many questions you knew where the same they were just asked differently.

    Overall, this is a pretty good book to get for your growing little boys and girls of age 12-14. But if your 15-18 this book might not please you and any older than 18 means you best stay away.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    As a teen I am so used to people saying I don't know anything about love or laughing at my feelings it is really great to read a book that does just the opposite. This book respects teens and it even says that teen love is real. I think teenagers everywhere willl be more than happy to hear that. I enjoyed this book because it covered all the things that I was wondering about. I was happy to read about how not to fight so much or what kinds of things guys appreciate. I found that the information was very helpful. I recently broke up with my boyfriend and it was very hard to get over him. The book helped me so much that just when I was ready to move on , we got back together.I think part of why we did was because of what I learned in this book. I also got the journal that goes with it and it is just as good as I expected it to be. There are lots of poems and things in it as well. Well. that is all I have to say except you should buy both of these books if you want to know more about teen love.
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