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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Powerful Lessons in Personal Change (平装)
 by Stephen R. Covey

Category: Personal improvement, Personal effectiveness, Success
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A definitely priceless possession, this life-changing book of principles is simply a life management tool everyone needs to stay effective.
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  • Sandra Peters, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    This is an amazing book for the way it encourages readers to take an in-depth look at how themselves and the world around them. Taking an honest look in the mirror and assessing ourselves can be relatively easy if we are looking at positive aspects; however, looking at our weaknesses, especially our inner ones, can be challenging. Bear in mind, the book won't work if you breeze through it in a few evenings then stick it on a shelf, or use it as a table protector for your favorite potted plant! This book is deserving of much greater things. You really have to think about what you have just read, then make the commitment to follow through.

    Now, I am not one to place a mark on a beautiful book but in this case I did, so slap my fingers and banish me to the naughty corner! It is a book to reviewed from time to time and by taking a yellow highlighter, I was able to emphasize those vitally important parts for future review. The downside is that there were so many crucial points, the reader will likely find the book a yellow maze because virtually every word carried important weight. The facts presented in this book are not new; the book has been around for quite some time and has proven to be effective.

    Also recommended are the Dale Carnegie books; all of these are tried and true, highly successful self-help books aimed at improving interpersonal relationship skills.
  • Brandon Michael, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    It is hard to put into words the incredible transformation that this book helped me to go through. I was average most of my life but after I met the lady of my dreams I had to be a lot more. So I bought this time tested book and it opened my eyes for so many things. One of the most important pieces of wisdom I took from it is that achievements on the outside are greatly determined on what you can achieve on the inside. Stephen Covey showed me step by step and habit by habit how to transform myself from within and automatically I started changing for better on the outside. I was finally confident to propose her and she agreed! I am so thankful that there are such outstanding books and authors who synthesize a great amount of wisdom and information into practical, easy to understand and apply steps that everyone may use right away. The results are incredible and I urge you to get a copy. This is truly a classical work for a very good reason.
  • Joan Cotton, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    This review is for people who already know that the book is valuable and who are now trying to choose which audio version of the "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" would be most useful for themselves or for people they know. I recently bought three different audio CD versions (plus a few copies of the book) as gifts for people with different personalities and learning styles. I am also familiar with some older products.

    Of the audio products I have listened to, the one I would consider to be "5 star" as a stand-alone learning tool (either for individual or small-group listening) is the 3-disc "Audio Book on CD" (circa 2001-2002) which says, "Taught by the Author" on the cover rather than "Unabridged, read by the author". However, it is not really an "Audio book". This product presents information partly in a seminar or classroom lecture format, with comments by people on how they have applied some of the principles in their own lives. The importance of trust in interpersonal and business relationships seem to get extra emphasis in this audio product. Running time is about 3 hours, 20 minutes.

    This is probably the most useful audio product for people who don't like to read much, but it also complements the book without following it too closely. It comes with a useful little study guide summarizing the "7 habits", which includes some of the diagrams found in the book. The booklet is handy as an overview, even if you have the book. I believe that this product is more suitable for non-optimal listening situations (in the car, etc.) than is the 13-disc unabridged audio book (see comments below), which, like the printed book, seems to call for a quiet setting where you can devote your full attention.

    Each CD in the 3-disc set is divided into short one or two minute tracks (sometimes with several tracks in a single topic segment) so you can pause easily for reflection or discussion. Divisions between the short tracks are not evident as you are listening. Some reviewers have noted troublesome differences in volume between the text and short musical "bumpers" between topics. This bothered me a little on one of the CD players I listened with. You might try turning down the treble or turning the volume up and moving further from the machine if the relative loudness of the music bothers you.

    The Simon & Schuster CD version (copyright 1999) of the old, original Simon and Schuster audiocassette product also should not really be classified as an "audio book". In its day, the audiocassette version was a very well-produced, lucid overview of the original book with introductory statements by a female narrator, then explanations and examples by Dr. Covey from his professional seminars. The tape version was more useful as motivation to read or think more deeply about the book than as an independent learning tool. It was a big seller when the book was making a big splash. Simon & Schuster dropped the ball when they put the CD version onto a single track of about 72 minutes. Since multiple tracks are lacking on this CD, the older cassette version may be more useful for people who want a short audio overview. Otherwise, be prepared to listen to the whole CD in one sitting. I now cannot find this product on Amazon, but I do see a new, more expensive 1-CD product called a "15th anniversary edition", publishing date 2005. The product information states that the publisher is Simon & Schuster, but the image says Franklin Covey. It may be a new release of the original audio cassette. I would check to see if multiple tracks have been added before buying it.

    The Unabridged Audio Version of the 15th anniversary edition of the book would be ideal for people who are ready for a personal plan to study and apply the principles in the book to their own lives, but who need a little extra "push". I would suggest listening to the CDs before or while studying corresponding segments of the book, either alone or with someone else. The encouraging, calm and authentic voice of the author gives an extra dimension to the text - keeps you focused. Regularly scheduled study or discussion sessions could be short, as each CD is divided into several tracks which basically follow the headings and sub-headings in the book. This CD product demonstrates how well the book was written, as the text flows so nicely when read by the author.

    This could be a 5-star product for people who plan to use it along with the book or after having read the book. It is probably not the most efficient "stand-alone" learning tool for most people - the printed book is. It may be good for those who have more time for listening (about 14 hours on 13 disks) than for reading and who are good at learning by hearing. The discs come with a little "study guide" booklet, which I think was created for an earlier audio product. The booklet is good for review, but seeing the diagrams in the printed book is more useful if you are reading along with the audio version. I find the occasional introductory music in the audio program a little distracting, but the author's reading is engaging. This product may not come up in all Amazon searches for the book title. Try typing in "unabridged" with the book title.

    The unabridged book is also available for audio download (also suitable for iPod, etc) with a slightly shorter running time (less than 13 hours) listed. I don't know how it would compare in usefulness to the CDs discussed here.

    I notice that Franklin Covey is now coming out with a new "Signature Series" of CDs in which one CD is devoted to each of the "7 habits". I am not familiar with this product. The CDs are sold as a set or individually. Some other audio versions and "spin-off" products have been introduced over the years. I much prefer the products which present information in an organized manner to those which present seemingly random motivational thoughts (like "reflections" on the 7 habits, cards, calendars, etc.). Many of the "spin-off" products would be far less valuable than the original book for most people.
  • Joyce Evans, USA   <2006-12-22 00:00>

    Covey's habits are not necessarily easy, but they definitely hit home. He never claims that this will be quick and painless. A habit is hard to form. This book is about being pro-active and not floating through life. So many of us (me included at the front of the line) get wrapped up in day to day tasks- but where are they really getting us? Are these tasks helping us toward that long term goal? Steven Covey lays out a road map to help you stay focused and on your way to where you want to go, wherever that may be. This book will make you stop and think, take a look at your life, and ask yourself if you are really doing what you need to be doing. I absolutely love this book every time I read it- which is frequently. I didn't really have a long term goal before I read this book. I had this vague picture in my head, but not a long term goal. Covey has helped me get it together and head down the right path.
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