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The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) from the Inside Out (平装)
 by Joe Vitale

Category: Law of Attraction, Abundance, Deliberate intent, NLP
Market price: ¥ 218.00  MSL price: ¥ 198.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
Other editions:   Audio CD
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Inspiring and life transforming, this now well known book by an Internet marketing guru is your guide to achieving your life's goals.
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  • Tufty (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    I finished reading The Attractor Factor in it in 3 days - which for me is quite outstanding. I read it whilst eating, working when something was taking a while on screen, on the train, at home - I was even tempted to read it whilst walking down the street with one eye on the book and the other on the way ahead. That has happened since reading Lance Armstrong's books.

    The material covered has answered so many questions I have had about so much in this world and `beyond' that I feel truly blessed to have come across this at such a young and tender age of 35 and now have the rest of my life to integrate it and digest it into what I do each day. There have been so many "a-ha" moments throughout, that other books have also brought about, but these have been biggies I can tell you! In the 8 years I have been trying to find the answers to my chronic knee and back pain I have been guided to find out the most remarkable information I could ever have imagined at that time and I am truly grateful for the journey I have gone on.

    For years I have struggled to piece together what has been going on with my health and my life and realised after being healed 14 times by different things and then a week later reverting back to how I was before, that my mind, or should I say my beliefs and my values, were really controlling the show. You could say, 'What has all of that got to do with reading a book like this?' but as the title suggests - you can attract anything in life you desire from health, wealth and happiness. I have also been involved with Network Marketing for over 2 years and have basically got nowhere fast despite a tonne of massive and seemingly appropriate action on the surface. This book has filled in the missing pieces to all of these puzzling questions.

    Now that I am on my second reading of this amazing book I can truly see, and more insights seem to be coming to me daily, of how I have constructed my way of life to protect me but also to limit me to a very small fenced off area of possibilities. I have read many times in other books that you create your outer world through your inner world and thought I was doing everything right but this book showed me just how far off the mark I truly was. The 'getting clear' part was the element that I lacked. Coupled with that I would think positively about what I desired for about an hour and a half a day and then for the rest of the time I'd let the 'weeds' grow and sabotaged it. You have to see yourself doing, being, having whatever it is for over 50% of the time otherwise the critical side of you will wash it away. It's the old saying 'Focus on what you desire.' Easier said than done some might say but after reading this book it HAS got remarkably more easier to do.

    Since reading the book I have also begun to picture myself in the most incredible of situations that before seemed pie in the sky and was always concerened about the 'how' to get there but now I realise that my clear intentions to arriving there are THE most important part and not trying to figure out where the time and money may come from and if I am actually worthy to be in that place. That is an incredible shift for me and I just can't hep but smile outside and more importantly on the inside every day now. It's hard to hold myself down from the excitement of it all.

    I have read other reviews here that mention Joe's inclusion of the truth of one of his healers and his decision to also keep some money from a client was later put in jail but I look on these 2 pieces as a guy who wanted to show all the facets of what was happening to him and how he handled it. We may have handled it differently but better we read and can digest it than finding out some other way with someone's take on it being offered to us. Reading between the lines can often be more powerful and we can make our own minds up since he has written about these 2 incidences himself.

    This book has been nicely sandwiched between reading The Richest Man in Babylon and after re-reading The Attractor Factor there's The Magic of Thinking Big waiting in the wings so this work is amongst the classics in more ways than one!!

    I hope it brings you a lot of fun in your life as I am expecting it to do for me.
    Yours in health, wealth and friendship.
  • Patricia Winston (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    I loved this book for its simplicity. I collect inspirational books and had purchased Joe's book last year when he launched it. My purchase is probably one of the thousands that helped him reach the top spot on the popularity charts. I finally read it a month ago and I like it because it clearly defines very simple steps that one can take to get "clear" on what is desired, then move forward to a successful result. Without clarity, one can't focus. I assist people to change their financial situations. Joe's book is a great tool for making a change in one's life. Once mastered, these steps are easily remembered and as I read in another post, can be used daily to create success as often as you want. Practice makes perfect. Uh rah!! Let's have more successful people talking about their successes. The more the merrier.
  • M. Jhundmiri (MSL quote), India   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    What you are about to learn with Joe's book is very simple but without it you can't achieve what you want, it can change the way you think! The book shows you how to program yourself to receive success on a continuous basis. I mean you just don't need to be successful just once but you must be successful everyday, in fact your success must grow every minute!

    But it cannot happen just like that, you need to believe in some basic principles of success so that you automatically reap success and happiness every moment. So it's very important to mentally accept some strategies, which are very simple and open, yet hidden to the person who does not seek them. This is exactly what Joe is trying to explain.

    I always knew the fact that the universe is abundant and so you can really get whatever you want, it's proven. The book shows that all you need is to believe and it shall be given to you. Well to not make it much longer, in simple words the success you wish to achieve is up to you. No one can guarantee you that except you. What I mean by that is unless you are willing to succeed deep inside you cannot succeed whatsoever; you have to CHANGE it deep inside. For example ask a person if he would like to earn a million dollars, He would surely definitely answer, "YES", right? But deep inside he believes that he cannot earn such a huge sum of money. This is what his conscious mind tells him, so this is what he believes.

    Now until and unless he changes that deep feeling inside him, he can never earn a million dollars. Simple as that.

    I mean would you believe me if I said that you are having your own magic lamp with a genie to grant you all your wishes?

    Well actually you are, in fact everyone is.

    BELIEVE me this is true, the genie is your mind and the lamp your head! All you need to do is give it a rub!

    Your mind is the most powerful tool you have, it has the power to make things and break things. Think about it, without the human mind we would not be here where we are today.

    But for the mind to work for you and fulfill your desires it needs to be supported by your desire to achieve your goal, Your passion towards the fulfillment of your wish, To be a one hundred percent perseverant person and to always believe in yourself and have undivided faith in your work.

    Go ahead read this book with complete confidence. Some people here might not be understanding the fact that the magic of Joe's writing lies in it's simplicity. The steps outlined here help you believe and have faith in your dreams. When you tell the universe that THIS is what you want and dont actually worry how you are going to get it, you automatically open an unlimited number of doors and the forces of universe start working to find a way for you.
  • Alex Cole (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    I've read many of Joe's books over the years. He has come from writing very pragmatic material on marketing and sales to delving into 'spiritual marketing' for lack of a better term. In this book he reaches a pragmatic/spiritual pinnacle. The Attractor Factor lays out the reasons we are where we are in our individual lives and how to change it in five steps. In short, how to manifest our desires into physical reality. Full of anecdotes on what some would call 'happy coincidences'and other might call miracles, the book is a new way to think about how we are connected to each other and the universe. And how we can use this connection for fun (satisfaction) and profit. Answers the question why some struggle while others seem to glide almost effortlessly to wealth and life success. Might seem like nonsense for those who live in a very structured and inflexible web of 'rules of life and work'- but anyone with an open mind about the nature of life and the universe and everything should benefit from reading it- even if just to shake up their beliefs a bit about what is possible and what reality means.
  • Robert Guaiani (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    Having read many books on this subject, Joe Vitale is right on with his explanation of how he attracted the good that he desired into his life, and the impact it can have on yours. He touches on the various points of manifestation and puts it into an easy reading style that captivates the reader. It's like a mini journey of discovery. You begin to relate the steps and secrets revealed in this book to your own life and begin to realize the the hidden factors that ultimately decide your Success or Failure. This is not a technique book per se, it is a foundational book on Success, the DNA behind how you can attract what ever you want into your life. Worth the investment, and oh yeah, by the way, keep an open mind because much of what Joe Vitale discusses in this book will question your current beliefs.
  • Lin Yutang (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    How to illustrate my experience about this book? I presume that I did not find the book. It was more like the book found me.

    As a business operation marketing VP, I tend to go on searching for books on advertising and marketing; Joe Vitale's book appeared on my search list. Looking back in retrospect it was like destiny. I read page after page of glowing reviews and decided that there must be a reason all these people are taking the time to say such great things about the book; it was either that or JoeV. sure had one too many friends.

    Just as it was mentioned by one reviewer, it is a very short read. It isn't the number of words that matters as how much impact those words can have on your life. To risk being redundant to previous reviews the results are profound. In our marketing business, one of the things we do is to provide business advice to our clients, and this book has become the inspiration to offer our clients for a better and a more holistic approach to the business arena.

    After reading the book, I told a CEO friend of mine about it and suggested he read it. At first he wasn't interested because it challenged a couple of strong beliefs that he had about himself and others. Maybe it was my "Emersonian enthusiasm" that caused him to agree to read the book.

    A few days later my phone rang. It was my hesitant friend who said, "hi there," then he paused before speaking in a slow, quiet voice, "I think that book got me a huge business contract." If you have read the book you will recognize the irony and if you have not read the book you should. If you want to know how to manifest what you most desire to be, do, and have in your lifetime, JoeV's "The Attractor Factor" has the step-by-step guidance you are looking for.

    This book is clear, concise, no nonsene, and deeply moving, JoeV shows you exactly how he creates the life of his dreams, and tells you exactly how we can do it, too. Starting right now - yes, today!

    Whether you transform your life or not is up to you. They say, life is a choice and reading this book should be your choice.

    Most books out there really are not much help in directly, effectively guiding one to facilitate that transformation. The Attractor Factor is not "most books" ... in any way. This book helped me set things in motion for our business at "PQSdirect" and my own life the very day I started reading it. And it's snowballed from there in incredible ways. If it can do this for me and my company, it can do the same for you!!!

    It's just plain and simple: Get The Attractor Factor, use it and place it in practice ... and make your life the life of your dreams!! Do not wait, make it happen, About this book, no regrets no retreats... it really works!!!
  • Kai Virihaur (MSL quote), North Europe   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    Joe Vitale is a competent salesman. He is also good at sharing his experiences with the spiritual realm. I find this an interesting combo, since I am always intrigued by people who are multi-dimensional. The book he has now written is a combo of a personal account of his life, and a smorgasbord of resources that may interest anyone who wants to use a self-improvement approach to amend their financial situation.

    Vitale himself does not really have much new to say, but he puts together a good amount of info from other sources. Just use your own good judgement when reading and evaluating this info, and remember that there are many other resources out there that Vitale does not mention in the book. (Well, the reason I did give the book 4 stars was that I actually found one really valuable resource in it.)

    I'd like to add that for anyone interested in real personal change, rather than just creating more "stuff", a good starting point might be Thresholds of the Mind by Bill Harris. It tells you of inner development by accelerated meditation.
  • Jeremy Likness (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    I am living proof this book is worth it's weight in gold... and then some.

    The first time I picked up this text, I was working in the corporate world. I was in a great job as Director of Information Technology. My passion, however, was fitness. After losing 65 pounds of fat, I knew I wanted to start my own business assisting others with living healthy lives.

    I had no clue where to begin. Fortunately, I found a great mentor and that mentor suggested this book. I have to be honest. The first time I cracked open the pages and began to read, I thought I was browsing fiction. The ideas were so amazing and new to me that I could not believe they were real. While this planted a seed and intrigued me at first, I did not apply the principles.

    I soon found, however, that my corporate skills were not serving me in the world of free enterprise. To become a successful entrepreneur, I had to begin to think differently. For things to change, we have to change. I realized suddenly that this treasure chest was a guide to helping me make these leaps in thinking.

    Now, over a year later, I've been my own boss for over a year. I used the principles in this book to attract a home in South Dakota. When my family "enhanced" our vision to include the sound of waves crashing on the shore, we found ourselves in Florida... the Attractor Factor at work.

    In fact, I used the Attractor Factor in an amazing way. I know that to be successful, I must learn from successful people. I created a vision of meeting Joe Vitale to thank him for how powerful this book has been in my life, and create a connection with someone so obviously spiritual in his giving and abundant in his nature. Just this past weekend, my dream came true.

    How did this happen? Did I offer Joe a bribe, look up his address and drive over to his house and bang on the door, or sneak a ride with one of his friends? No way. I used the book he wrote, applied the principles, and attracted this into my reality.

    You can, too. If your life is going exactly how you desire it to be, I would not recommend getting this book unless you need extra reading material. If you lack any one element, however - whether you have money but not satisfaction, or are doing what you are passionate about but can't seem to find abundance, or maybe you just want to attract your favorite car into your life... then this is THE GOODS.

    Master the techniques in this book, and you will literally create your reality. I have, and am.
  • Alan Bechtold (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-07 00:00>

    My goodness, Joe! Are you sure you want to make this book available to just anyone? I just finished reading it cover-to-cover and I'm certainly no newbie to the principles you cover but - the way you put everything together into five simple steps is simply amazing. Literally anyone can read The Attractor Factor and change their entire life in hours, if not minutes! It's a wonderful book and I highly recommend it but - seriously - if this book gets into too many people's hands, the entire economy of the world could shift. Everyday, ordinary folks could soon be in control of the kind of wealth and happiness only realized by the ultra-wealthy today. The entire economic balance that has held for centuries could be jeopardized! Then I remembered... everybody lacks something in their lives. Every one of us. Be it money, love, happiness... you can have one or two but most rarely ever attain all three. As I read the book a second time, it dawned on me - The Attractor Factor can even help the current world community of the ultra-rich if they will only read it and apply its principles. Then they'll be able to handle dining, shopping and going to the country club with all those "ordinary folks" who also read the book and are now ultra-wealthy, too! All kidding aside - Joe's created a true classic here. This book will be read, dissected and studied for years to come. You might as well give in, get it right now, and join us all as we continue our climb to wealth, happiness and true satisfaction with our lives.
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