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The Law of Attraction: How to Make It Work for You [AUDIOBOOK] [CD] (Audio CD) (Audio CD)
 by Esther Hicks, Jerry Hicks

Category: Abraham-Hicks teachings, Personal well-being, Sprituality
Market price: ¥ 258.00  MSL price: ¥ 238.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
Other editions:   Paperback
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A terrific and life-transforming "basics" manual and a low cost summary of of Abraham-Hicks teachings on the art of achieving personal well-being.
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  • Betsy Muller (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    If you liked the movie The Secret, this book will take you deeper into understanding how to really make this powerful law work in your own life. I recommend this book frequently to clients and use it in my coaching and speaking work to emphasize how each of us really do create our reality. Now that I know how the Law works, I have become able to stay much more positive and trusting. It amazes me how things fall into place as they never have before. The principles within the book are ageless and timeless. We benefit from the refresher course nonetheless.
  • Carmen Mathews (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    Just by the title, and because I've read two other books by Esther Hicks, I invited The Law of Attraction into my life.

    And, while both the foreward as well as the preface really had me, I was less interested while reading the first 32 pages of this book.

    Within the first 32 pages, I kept saying to myself, "Yeah! Okay. So."

    Soon, some messages from the first 32 pages became comfortable, enlightening, and inspiring.

    An example is, "When you see something you would like to experience and you say, 'Yes, I would like to have that,' through your attention to it you invite it into your experience."

    Another example is, "You are here to create the world around you that you choose, while you allow the world - as othrs choose it to be - to exist, also. And while their choices in no way hinder your own choices, your attention to what they are choosing does affect your vibration, and therefore your own point of attraction."

    I could see in my own mind and heart past, present and future experiences that support these messages.

    Some passages from this book that are of particular value to me are:

    "See your world as a sort of well-stocked kitchen where every possible ingredient that has ever been pondered, considered, thought of, or wanted exists in an abundant, never-ending quantity; and see yourself as the chef, soliciting forth from the shelves of your kitchen whatever ingredients, in whatever quantity, you desire, and you are mixing it all together for the creation of your cake, which currently pleases you."

    "What we mean by the Art of Allowing is: I am that which I am, and I am pleased with it, joyful in it. And you are that which you are, and while it is perhaps from that which I am, it is also good. "... Because I am able to focus upon that which I want, even if there are those differences between us that are dramatic, I do not suffer negative emotion because I am wise enough not to focus upon that which brings me discomfort. I have come to understand, as I am one who is applying the Art of Allowing, that I have not come forth into this physical world to get everyone to follow the "truth" that I think is the truth. I have not come forth to encourage conformity or sameness - for I am wise enough to understand that in sameness, in conformity, there is not diversity that stimulates creativity. In focusing upon bringing about conformity, I am pointed toward an ending rather than a continuing of creation."

    "... the key to your Deliberate Creating: See yourself as this magnet, attracting unto you the way you feel at any point in time. When you feel clear and in control, you will attract circumstances of clarity... the value of Segment Intending here is that you pause many times during your day to say, 'This is what I want from this segment of my life experience. I want it and I expect it.'"

    Even if you have read many Universal Subconscious Mind books, there are many things in this book that will guide you to go deeper into your inner being, so that you will understand and express the untapped power that is within yourself.
  • Barbara (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    This will serve you as an excellent guidebook. It is laid out in a fantastically organized format. You can search through the table of contents to find specific questions that you are looking for uplifting answers to, or you can just read it straight through. Abraham's message is joyful and calming. Their words have helped me make the journey from depression to meeting (and keeping) the best boyfriend I have ever had. Thank you Abraham.
  • Susan Carr (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    Do you want to change the direction you have been going in or re-invent yourself? This is the book that can help you do it, if you Persist. It's easy to follow, and has solid information on how to accomplish what you might have thought you never could. I'd highly recommend you read it and the other books the authors have written, its working for me!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    The Law of Attraction is my first "Abraham-Hicks" book. Basically, the gist of it is this:

    You get what you dwell on... good or bad. Think good thoughts and be happy and good things and happiness will come to you. Think negative thoughts and be unhappy and you will get the same. That is the law of attraction.

    While I agree with much of what was said in the book, it is supposedly being taught to us by an entity or entities called Abraham who speaks through Esther Hicks. Jerry Hicks asks the questions of Abraham (through Esther) and Abraham (Esther) gives the answers.

    I would have preferred just a straight forward, no channeling approach... just the info and none of the fluff. By the end of the book , it really started to get on my nerves, which is too bad because the content of what is being is said, is very valuable.

    If you can get past the whole Abraham-channeling thing, or if it doesn't bother you at all, then I think you will find value in the message of this book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    This book simply presents the law of attraction as a dialogue between one of the authors and an entity communicating to and through the author. The law of attraction itself basically states that what we think shapes what we experience.

    Earlier authors such as Emma Curtis Hopkins, Ernest Holmes, Malinda Cramer, Thomas Troward and even Ralph Waldo Emerson had articulated this idea in the English language. In fact, the ideas presented are found in many world philosophies, cultures, and religions. The ancient Vedas, the Tao Te Ching, Bhagavad Gita, Christian Bible, and the Koran all state or allude to this law.

    What makes this book useful is its simplicity and availability. Other texts may use ideas common to a region or an earlier time, or be more theoretical or obscure. By using a dialogue with one individual clarifying the ideas for herself with the guidance of the Abraham entity, the material unfolds slowly and meaning may be more complete.

    As a scholar myself, I found the style somewhat slow and repetitive. However, for a general reader for whom these ideas are new, I suspect it would be a readable, positive, and potentially engaging work.

    The authors assert that we can depend on emotion for verification. Recent brain studies (see Scientific American Mind magazine, for example) suggest that emotion may be misleading and based on past experiences. Even so, this is a new presentation of ideas in a format that will be especially attractive to people who are open to ideas such as reincarnation, the ability of brain waves to be channeled much like radio waves, and those who enjoyed the ideas presented in the Seth books.
  • Leigh Toth (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    I bought this book initial for myself and realized I had been using the Law all along. Of course the book goes into so much more detail that it a great confirmation on things you inherently already know. However I gave this book to my husband to read and I cannot believe the differences in his character and attitude. At first the was very resistant, but after he started reading and PRACTISING what he read, our lives have changed by leaps and bounds. If you are a Christian, the book lines up with scripture. If not, the book is NOT religious and won't offend you. I recommend this book highly and know that is will change your life.
  • G. Evans (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    After seeing the movie, The Secret, I wanted to know more about the Law of Attraction. Researching the Internet led me to the Abraham-Hicks website so this was the first book I decided to read.

    First, I will say that the idea of Abraham being channeled would have ordinarily turned me off from reading the book at all. Fortunately, I bought the book before realizing that the non-physical entities known as "Abraham" was the teacher of this knowledge so I went ahead and started to read it anyway. I was going to skip the Foreward (written by Neal David Walsch) because I was eager to get to the basic teachings but even the Foreward "spoke" to me. I didn't skip anything after that.

    This book has so much wisdom that after I got started I really didn't care whether Abraham was "real" or not. It's written in the format of Jerry asking his wife Esther, who channels Abraham, questions about the LOA and life in general. I began to wonder if Esther wasn't channeling Abraham, how did she know all of this herself? I kept post-it note flags with me while I read this so I could go back and pull out all of the things that were most impactful to me. After I finished the book, it had so many yellow flags sticking out of it, I didn't know when I would have the time to do it! Instead, I just purchased Ask and It is Given, another book by the Hicks', hoping the more I read the concepts, the more they will stick in my brain and I will begin to live them.

    The only reason this book did not get 5 stars from me is that it is somewhat repetitious in the questions asked. This is not a book to be read in one sitting, but slowly injested over many readings. I noticed the repetition more on the occasions when I read more. Read this book. It will change your life - or, rather, you will change your life.
  • Tyler Tichelaar (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-25 00:00>

    Esther and Jerry Hicks's books on the teachings of Abraham have inspired millions already. For those not yet familiar with the Abraham teachings, this book is definitely where to start. It is the perfect introduction to how we use our thoughts to attract what we want or do not want into our lives. For the current student of Abraham, there is much that will enhance and clarify past teachings. The section on segment intending, setting forth your intention regarding each segment of your day, is especially helpful. Abraham also speaks with common sense upon such topics as the power of our emotions, whether evil really exists, and why we cannot control other people.

    The book is a must read for anyone who wishes to have a happier, more enjoyable life. Having been a student of Abraham now for two years, I have seen results in my own life from these teachings, and this book only makes me feel more clear and calm in my wanting process. Read The Law of Attraction, and when you have finished, read The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent and Ask and It is Given in that order so that each lesson will continue to build on the one before. Attract Good Into Your Life!
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