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While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within (精装)
 by Bruce Bawer

Category: Religious conflict, Civilization, Politics
Market price: ¥ 268.00  MSL price: ¥ 238.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A very necessary jolt of reality, this book is an excellent look at a very disturbing issue.
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  • David Thomas (MSL quote), USA   <2007-02-28 00:00>

    Bawer does a great job of capturing readers' attention at the beginning of the book by describing his initial attraction to the ideals of European culture. For an American with little exposure to Europe (I absolutely agreed with his statement that generally Americans don't spend much time pondering happenings on the European continent), I was intrigued with the myriad differences between our cultures. The real hook of the book is that immediately after describing these European ideals, he turns each ideal on its head with a look at their darker impacts. Beyond a purely research-oriented angle (which some other reviewers crave), he has a clear personal stake in this work, having attempted to understand the motivations and root causes of troubles in what is clearly a continent slowly losing control of its destiny.

    Bawer would cringe at this comparison, but of the many great thoughts in this book, one reminded me of the bedrock of Chomsky's Understanding Power. He consistently demonstrates how journalists regurgitate the party line with little independent imagination. The difference is that while Chomsky portrays most in the media as buffoons afraid of making waves for fear of those in power (and loss of their own power), Bawer presses home the point that the European media is an elitist group in cahoots with those in power, regarding the entire lot as completely lost in the endless dogma of their ideals. Indeed, he demonstrates this elitist group is complicit in dumbing down the masses to tolerate intolerance.

    The greatest mistake Bawer makes is that he lets his emotion drive hyperbolic language forcing the reader to presume that Bawer is a Euro-bashing Pro-Bush American (although I've read he's a registered Democrat). There are too many buzz words that throw him to the fringes. Bawer would probably respond that it's all a part of his "cry for help," but it alienates the reader.

    This book is a must read for those, like me, who in the past have found it all too easy to point to America as a source of the wrath of the radical Islamists. Ask yourselves: if America ceased to exist, would radical Islamism shrink from the European continent? Absolutely not.
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