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Hungry Planet: What the World Eats (精装)
 by Peter Menzel , Faith D'Aluisio

Category: Diet & culture, Cookbook, Original books
Market price: ¥ 388.00  MSL price: ¥ 378.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: "You are what you eat." wonderful insight on how the rest of the world eats and how disappointing the western diets have become. A marvelous traveling without leaving your couch.
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  • Amanda Petrucelli (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-01 00:00>

    What a phenomenal book. I like to think visitors to my home would flip through this while waiting for me to make them a hearty, slow foods dinner and the photos alone would provide conversation for the whole evening. We have no idea in this country how lucky we are. How wasteful. Every corner of this book is filled with statistics, catchy captions, lists and delightful international family recipes. There are also essays and longer texts detailing individual families and deeper food issues. But even the illiterate could aquire years of knowledge just studying the photos. And, I'll tell you what else, it inspires me to eat a little bit less at every meal.
  • A.G. Vermouth (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-01 00:00>

    Aside from beautiful photography and a clean edit (both things we might expect from this pair), I was especially drawn to the family recipes. They connected me to the stories on a more basic historic level, made me look back to the photos for reference, and made me hungry to try them out myself. I think I might have to wait for a trip to St. Lawrence Island to work up the Greenlandic Seal stew, though I'm ready to get on a flight now.
  • La Cynthia (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-01 00:00>

    Peter Menzel long ago realized that people all over the world don't know enough about each other! In Material World, he showed the material possessions of families from Mali to Japan and the incredible disparity of their Things, yet he emphasizes the humanity of everybody and shows that obviously possessions are not of utmost importance. Hungry Planet (and his wonderful Man-Eating Bugs book) show how the rest of the world eats, how some folks can survive healthily on far less food than others - and end up with less diabetes, heart disease, etc. Another important aspect is that he and Faith and the photographers give money and help back to the children and families they photograph! Bravo, you guys! Great presents for adults and kids of all ages - something for everybody.

  • J. Fleshman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-01 00:00>

    What a great book. The photographs are eye-catching, and the stories are riveting. It represents the diversity of human consumption, its cost and how people choose to nourish themselves in different cultures. One of my favorites.
  • J. L. Guyer (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-01 00:00>

    This is a beautiful book. I had expected this to be a visually intriguing and fun book for the coffee-table, yet this work is far more than a trivial coffee-table book; it is also a great read. The writing is vivid, thought provoking, and humanizing, and there is also important geographical and economic information throughout. Reading Hungry Planet definitely expanded my understanding of our world and the diverse people that inhabit it. I really enjoyed the pictures, and found the portraits of the families standing with their monthly supply of food to be powerful displays of inequality. Personally, I was surprised that while many of the Western countries had so much more in terms quantity, it seemed that many of the other countries enjoyed so much more in terms quality (aside from those in refugee camps).

    Overall an amazing book, after buying one for myself I ended up buying three more copies as gifts.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-01 00:00>

    Marvelous group of photos and information on other cultures. It is a reasonably good cookbook too. The statistics on longeivity and diet are also interesting. Perhaps the best part is showing children how people differ in their most basic wants, when they are met, and how cultures actually overlap with products made in, sold in, the U.S. showing up on other tables in other lands. Margaret Thatcher said, to paraphrase, that she learned about the world of economics in her father's store. Well, this is a composit picture of the world's grocery store and nothing beats good pictures except actually going there.
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