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Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse (Hardcover) (精装)
 by Kevin Henkes (Illustrator)

Category: Story, Ages 4-8, Children's book
Market price: ¥ 198.00  MSL price: ¥ 168.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Lilly loves everything about school, especially her teacher, but when he asks her to wait a while before showing her new purse, she does something for which she is very sorry later.
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  • Celeste Gardner (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-14 00:00>

    Lilly loves school and especially her teacher, but can't help breaking a rule one day. Alienation and guilt soon follow. Note that Lilly punishes herself!! Her parents help her reconcile and by the end of the book the world is restored to it's former glory. Great book for giving young kids a roadmap for overcoming conflict and reassuring them that their parents will help them when they make a mistake. This is the book I give most often as a gift. Every child should have this in their library.

    Any of the nearly 18,000 graduates of the Education for Ministry program (University of the South at Sewanne, TN), will immediately recognize the Hebrew Scripture's cycle of "Creation, Sin, Judgment, Repentance, and Redemption" in this extremely well written and illustrated book, though you won't see those loaded words anywhere in the text. Perhaps every adult should have this book as well.
  • Colleen Gallagher (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-14 00:00>

    A darling book about a little one and some misbehaving due to excitement. Lilly want to share so badly that she is very disruptive to her class. Mr. Slinger, the teacher is patient at first but soon takes action to stop Lilly's behavior. The teacher Lilly once loved becomes a monster she really doesn't like any longer. She even writes him a nasty note. Lilly soon finds out that Mr. Slinger is still her hero. I won't spoil the ending! This is a great read for the first day of school. Students can connect to Lilly. They understand her need for attention and I am sure most students have misbehaved to get that attention. This will start a good discussion about what Lilly could of done instead of being disruptive, what good behavior looks like, and why teachers sometimes have to take things away from students. Also, after Lilly sneaks the teacher the note and Mr. Slinger gives Lilly the purse back, this is a good time to make predictions about what might happen. Furthermore, how would you students deal with the situation Lilly has gotten herself into with this nasty note she wrote. Lots of teaching possibilities with this book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-14 00:00>

    Kevin Henkes spins a wonderful tale that appeals to many age groups with the fun story of Lilly and her new purse. Lilly loves her teacher and school, but her normally attentive nature is put to the test when she brings her new purse and accessories to class one day. Woven with lessons about the importance of patience, listening, and responsibility, the story is accompanied by colorful and simple illustrations depicting the young mouse Lilly and other characters in ordinary classroom situations every child can relate to. Your children will love reading this with you; you'll have to read every delightful caption. Something in the story will make adults laugh every time they read it too. Very well rounded and enjoyable work.
  • Claire Lane (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-14 00:00>

    Lilly loved school adn her teacher, Mr. Slinger, very much. Because she loved Mr. Slinger so, Lilly wanted to be a teacher, and she always drew Mr. Slinger pretty pictures. One day Lilly came to school with a new pair of sunglasses, three quarters, and a new purple plastic purse that played music when opened. She could not wait until recess to show the class her new things, and so Mr. Slinger took them away until the end of the day. After that Lilly drew an awful picture of Mr. Slinger and hid it in his bookbag. Mr. Slinger returned Lilly's things and she told him she did not want to be a teacher anymore. Mr. Slinger put a note in Lilly's purse, and this made her feel awful about the way she acted. Lilly drew a nice picture, wrote a story, and apologized to Mr. Slinger. Lilly shared her new purse, glasses, and quarters with the class during share time, and Mr. Slinger danced to the music of her purse. Fabulous book! Note to teachers: This is the perfect book for the first day of kindergarten or first grade to express classroom rules. This is how you can teach your students to wait until the appropriate time to share and play. It also teaches manners and accepting responsibility for your actions. I would definetly use this with primary students to show patience.
  • Nicholas (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-14 00:00>

    This is a popular read-aloud book in our elementary school library. Looking at the other reviews one can conclude it would be entertaining and effective from preschool to the corporate world.

    Rarely does an author capture the emotions of children (and adults) as succinctly as Kevin Henkes does here. His playful illustrations of human-like mice carry the story along and make children want to examine every detail.

    While entertaining, "Lilly" teaches some valuable lessons about anger and forgiveness. Something our society could use a bit more of.

  • A reader (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-03-14 00:00>

    This is a book that adults will appreciate as much as children. Pay close attention to all that's happening in the illustrations. You can't help but love Lilly, she means well but like any of us she finds herself in trouble. Mr. Slinger, Lilly's teacher is a hero. This is a must read for all kids. Makes a great gift, look for a purple plastic purse and movie star sunglasses to go a long with it! After reading this book you'll find yourself looking for and falling in love with all of Kevin Henkes' books! Wow! That is all I can say. Wow!
  • Margaret Laurie (MSL quote), UK   <2007-03-14 00:00>

    Apart from the sheer entertainment value (wonderful illustrations and a realistic and amusing portrayal of the frustrations faced by the very young when learning to curb their natural exuberance in the confines of the adult world) I loved the way Lilly promotes both self awareness and consequently awareness of others. Tolerance and forgiveness are learnt by example, and what better way than through Lilly's own bond with teacher and parents. My daughter and I live in the UK, so we also enjoyed the cultural and language differnces. A great read!
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