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You Are My I Love You (Hardcover) (精装)
 by Maryann Cusimano Love

Category: Tale, Ages 0-3, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 198.00  MSL price: ¥ 168.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This tale is ideal for sharing with loved ones, big or small.
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  • J. Ross (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    I almost passed on this book because of a bad review by a book reviewer, which would have been a huge mistake. (The reviewer, among other things, criticized the use of the word "wild" on the first page but didn't seem to understand that it was wild as noun, as in a magical and unspoiled place, as in the wilds of the Arctic Tundra - not wild as adjective, as in wild kid, which he clearly assumed. He also clearly didn't have kids, because I don't see how any parent could be untouched by this book.)

    The illustrations are pure magic, the writing lovely and clever. This has been a bedtime favorite from toddlerhood through kindergarten, and it hasn't gone out of favor yet. When I want to read an "I love you" book to my kid, among all the wonderful books out there, this is my favorite. I can't remember why I bought this book anyway, probably because of the great parent reviews - I'm really glad I did.
  • MacJohnston (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    I have yet to discover another book which captures in such simple, innocent language the feelings we all hold in our hearts as parents. Love for one's children can run so deep, words cannot measure the strength and depth of the emotion. This book brings a tear to my eye just about everytime I read it because it so beautifully describes how I feel as a mother to my three children. My children sense somthing special with this poem as well, because they all seem to snuggle in a little closer when this one is read at bedtime.
  • Benjamin Hamann (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    The first time I read this book I cried in the middle of the book store. I bought it for my two year old daughter. It took me reading it at least fifteen more times before I could get through it with out choking up. The words may be "corny", but isn't that how we feel about our little ones. The book describes my deepest feelings in words my daughter can understand. I love reading it to her.
  • J. Foster (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    I cannot understand how someone could write a review for this book that is negative! It is such a wonderful portrayal of a parent/child relationship. The mother is the carrot sticks, the baby is the chocolate cake...that is the ideal mother/child friendship.

    This book rates up there for me with I Love you As Much and Guess How Much I Love You.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    I found this book by accident when shopping for my 2-week-old daughter (first child). The title described how I feel about her, and upon opening the book to read a few of the pages it just seemed perfect. My favorite part, of course, is the "I am your good night kiss, you are my I love you" but even though some of the other rhymes are a little corny, they are still sweet and clever. I actually like the words better than the illustrations (which are also excellent).

    I was extremely surprised and disappointed with the Publisher's Weekly review. I liked this book so much I decided to make it a tradition to purchase and inscribe it for each of our children in the coming years, when we eventually have more. I recommend it to anyone who feels that indescribable depth of love for their child (biological or not)-obviously the author of the review is not a parent!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    I purchased this book for Christmas for my 22 month old daughter and like others, cried the first time I read it. During Christmas, I was overheard reading it to my child by her grandparents, and they too, stood there with tears in their eyes saying it was the sweetest book they have heard. Please do not listen to the Publisher's Weekly is quite obvious the person who gave such a negative review does not have children. My daughter sat still while I read it as rhyming kept her attention as well as the day-to-day activities of the bear were similar to hers. This is a book to be treasured!
  • Susan Gunn (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    Listen to a parent rather than a book critic talk about this book: After a long day of chasing my toddler, I settle her down for bed with this story. It soothes both of our tired bodies, and my tired spirit. She whispers "Hi, Teddy!" with every page turn, as if it is the first time she has seen him. He is her loyal friend, on every page and always happy. This book relaxes her so well. And it reminds me of the joy and priviledge of being a parent, so that when I leave her room for the night I don't feel beaten to pieces but made whole by my daughter's spirit. This book is a great gift for parents - the one they will pull off the shelf for that bedtime story.
  • Amy Simmonds (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    I've been moved to write my own review so others can read this instead of the surprisingly negative editor's review on this wonderful book. I am a new mother and have a 5 month old daughter. As I stood in the book store flipping through each page, I could not hold back some little tears. Yes, some of the rymn does not work 'perfectly', but it doesn't matter. The pictures are wonderful, and it sums up some very deep emotions with very simple words. I now know what other mothers meant when they used to tell me, 'You just can't describe the love you feel for your child...there is nothing else in the world like it..' Now I know. I bought this book so I can read it to my baby now and for the rest of her life! A little dramatic, I know, but this book deserves a better review. Enjoy this book with your little one too.
  • Lillian Johnson (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    This book is just lovely. (That Publisher's Weekly reviewer must not have any children....) The illustrations are luminuous; the text is simple, pure, and wholly moving. I've owned this book for a month now, and still can't get through it without tears in my eyes. It perfectly captures the depth of emotion parents have for their children; how children bring joy and the unexpected to their parents' lives, and how parents impart patience, understanding, and most of all, love, to their little ones. This book is as much parents as it is for children - it crystallizes all that parenting is, and all that our children bring to our lives. Simply wonderful.
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