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The People of Sparks (Books of Ember) (Hardcover) (精装)
 by Jeanne Duprau

Category: Fiction, Ages 9-12, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: The People Of Sparks a wonderful, and a total edge-of-your-seat kind of book, bring the kids an exciting and marvelous journey.
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  • Jenny (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    The People of Sparks is the worthy sequel to the The City of Ember. Although the two books have very different themes and plots, the People of Sparks has a very clear theme. This awesome book starts with the people of the underground city, Ember, starting a new life in the land above, with the People of Sparks.

    But, aboveground, much had happened. Wars and sicknesses had destroyed almost all humans off the face of Earth. The People of Sparks were the few towns that were prospering after the Great Diaster. But, because of the trouble of training the people of Ember to learn how to survive and with the food draining, the tension between the people of Ember and the people of Sparks grow and grow until war explodes between the two groups.

    DuPrau has outdone herself in The People of Sparks. It expresses the horror that can happen to us, humans, if we do not work together in harmony and survive together. I loved the ending of this book as the people of Ember and Sparks come together to erase their mistakes and to teach each other their talents. Also in the end, hope sparks up again as one of our main character bring electricity aboveground again.

    I think that the City of Ember and the People of Sparks are rare books with interesting plots that drives readers on. I love DuPrau's imagination for our future and her warning for readers. Read this book!
  • Michael Newman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    This book picks up immediately where The City of Ember left off. The people of Ember find Doon and Lina's note and have made it to the surface just as the lights in Ember were going out for good. They follow Lina and Doon through the strange new world and end up weary and dazed at the town of Sparks. It turns out that this town is one of the largest and most thriving settlements since after the disaster/war that has nearly wiped out mankind. At first the townsfolk cannot believe anything about an underground city with lights that the Ember populace tell them about. But their pale skins, small sizes and ragged overly heavy clothing convinces the Sparks elders that this could be from living without sun and maybe the Emberites are truthful.

    The elders have to decide what to do with the Emberites since turning them away would surely mean their death. The Emberites have no skills related to building and farming and no livestock to sustain them. However, the people of Sparks have just enough food for their own populace and an extra 400 people would mean hard times and shortages for them. They decide to let the Emberites stay for 6 months during which they will be taught all the skills to live on their own and can then leave to build their own town elsewhere.

    This turns out to be a problem as the Emberites are not used to hard toil, changing weather climates, sun, insects, etc. and therefore start to take a long time to adjust. The differences in the two townsfolk cause extreme animosity between the two groups that may lead to a "war." Doon and Lina saved the people of Ember once and have their work cut out for them this time to do it again.

    The book is a little bit slower than the first book but is a good story nonetheless. It shows that a little bit of hatred can blow a minor incident out of proportion, especially where people pre-judge the incident without knowing the facts. That one misunderstood incident could lead to a war.

    The book does give us a clue as to what happened to the rest of the world and seem to resolve most of its issues by the end. I would recommend reading the first book prior to reading this one though, to get a better flavor of the Emberites and what their culture was like.
  • Brent Hartinger (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    I loved City of Ember, so approached this sequel warily. Obviously, the mystery of the first book has been solved, so where does the author go from there? Well, in this case, she wrote a book about the complicated choices that come "after" Happily Ever After. I loved the richness of this landscape and characters. Nothing is simple in this book, just like nothing is simple in life. The result was a reading experience that left me completely satisfied, and more than a little in awe of the author.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    Sparks is an amazing and wonderful sequel to The City of Ember, with a fascinating and fast paced story line and truly interesting and memorable characters. I was worried that Sparks would not be as great as Ember, but I loved it just as much (if not more) and was so sorry to come to the end. This brilliant and imaginative book will appeal to children and adults alike, and I'm sure will be read for many years to come. Please, Ms. DuPrau, write more!
  • Nicklin Heap (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    Although this is the second book released by Duprau, it falls chronologically as the last in the series.

    The People of Sparks tells the story of the refugee experience. How do people with nothing learn to depend on and work with their providers? How do Good Samaritans learn to accomodate new arrivals - especially when their own resources may be limited?

    Duprau presents the reader with a strong story that looks at the full spectrum of humanity through the eyes of young people She does not flinch away from asking the hard questions: Who are we? What are we made of? How do we avoid the mistakes of our forebearers? Where do we go from here?

    Her answers are illuminating and hopeful. Her prose is eloquent and insightful, leading the reader on to the surprising and engaging ending to this masterfully told trilogy.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    The People of Sparks was an exellent novel in many ways and the perfect ending to the novel that started it all , The City of Ember. The second novel, The people of Sparks, ended all question as to what happens to all the people coming up from the under ground city and seeing the land that they have missed out on for the first time in many generations. However, I do have to say that I enjoyed Duprau's first novel, The City of Ember, more than its sequal because of all the suspense and the fast pace reading I did juts to see what was going to happen next. The People of Sparks, like The City of Ember, had an unexpected ending and realistic characters that were easy to relate to. The suprising truths that come out of Doon and Lina throughout the novel are ones that I would never have thought would occur. I enjoyed this novel and hope to read another similar book from Jeanne Duprau.
  • Britaline (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    This book was wonderful! I personally think that, by accompanying this book with The City of Ember turned the series around (for the better). This book made the two of them (The City of Ember and The People of Sparks) more unique than what some people have been comparing The City of Ember to. (such as the Giver). It sets the series apart and makes a dynamic impact on the reader when you think about some of the topics that are burried beneath what you read at first. - This truly is a great book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-16 00:00>

    The People of Sparks is the sequel to the book The City of Ember. Lina and Doon have led the Emberites out of Ember and into an unknown land, called Sparks. The story is about the people of Sparks living with and excepting the Emberites.

    Sparks is a unique land compared to Ember. They do not have any electricity, and many of the plants in Ember are unheard of in Sparks, as well as the other way around. As the Emberites start to learn, before Sparks there was something called the Disaster that nearly wiped everything out. Some things that the Emberites had in Ember were extinct in Sparks.

    Sparks was only one town; there were many other cities that were destroyed in the Disaster. There used to be animals and other people, but now only the people of Sparks and the roamers are left. The Emberites remember how their life used to be, and that memory helps them adapt in this new land.

    Sparks has many normal features of a town as we know it, but with so many things gone because of the Disaster, it seems so different. It is fun to compare our world, Sparks, and Ember, because there are so many differences. The people of Sparks are amazed when the Emberites don't know about so many things.

    The People of Sparks is a very good book. I would give it a 4 star rating, because the start was a little slow, but it got very exciting in the end. I think Jeanne DuPrau does an excellent job of continuing the story of The City of Ember in this story. I would recommend this book to people who want to see what happened after The City of Ember. It kept me reading until the book was finished.
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