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The Complete Adventures of Curious George [SPECIAL EDITION] (Hardcover) (精装)
 by H. A. Rey

Category: Tale, Classics, Ages 4-8, Children's books
Market price: ¥ 298.00  MSL price: ¥ 288.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: The adventures of the ingenious little monkey who left the jungle to live with the man in the yellow hat. An Excellent Addition to Any Library!
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  • K. Buffington (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-20 00:00>

    My 3-year-old wants only this book every night. And I enjoy the leisurely pace of the dialog, and the clever and charming illustrations. I also like that the stories are somewhat longer than her previous favorites as a challenge to her attention span.

    The treatment of animals sometimes seems a little anachronistic. I don't personally see any harm in this, but I think there are parents nowadays who might not be keen on the story with the pet bunnies, the depiction of a zoo that has a bunch of cages, or the story with the travelling performing animal show.

    The binding on our book has been quite durable. Perhaps if you get one that falls apart as described by a previous reviewer you should just return it and ask for a new one? My daughter has a Disney Princess storybook that I wish would fall apart!
  • Margoret & H. A. Rey (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-20 00:00>

    The book, Curious George, By Margoret & H. A. Rey, is about a monkey named George. George lives with his dad, (his adopter) who helps George go through all his wild adventures. For example: when George goes to the dentists, or doctors. Or when he went to the fire station. My favorite one is when George went to an amusement park, and found a yellow hat. He also meets an elephant, who's in a circus.

    I loved that book so much, that I still have it! It was originally my little cousin's, but I read it to him, so it's practically mine!!! I read the book when I was 8 in a half, and my cousin at the time, was 6 in a half. I would recommend this book to young and new readers. Well, just if you like journey books with a monkey as the main character.

    I liked the book most when George met the elephant. I loved elephants. But now I love polar bears. I didn't like the way that in most of the books, George's father had to at one point, stop all the fun, and take George home. That's always the worst part, when the book ends.
  • John Truslow (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-20 00:00>

    I recently purchased this book as a 34 year old with no children of my own, perhaps only to reconnect with a literary mammal that played such a huge role in my own childhood. I found that with every page turn, the images and the stories brought back a flood of wonderful memories that rekindled my own imagination. You already know the adventures, but you'll be surprised at what this trip into your past will do for your soul. Buy this book and make yourself happy. Oh, yeah, and the kids, too.

    In contrast to other statements made by other reviewers, I found the book to be of perfectly acceptable quality, and the colors and reproductions were very good.
  • Jeffrey Munson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-20 00:00>

    When I was a child, curious George was one of my favorites, and now this fine book allows me to pass along George's adventures to my own children. Perhaps the best thing about this book is that it contains so many curious George stories. You could read a different story each night for several nights. My children have quickly become as fond of George as I was when I was a child. The accompanying illustrations are very colorful and they definitely grab a young child's attention. I highly recommend this fine children's book. It is a great book to share with your children and perhaps serve as a reminder to your own childhood.
  • Robert James (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-20 00:00>

    Every night, my 3-year old daughter has to have the first Curious George story read to her. We've read all the other ones, but the first one is her favorite. It's gotten to the point that I've memorized all the words - which is exactly my point: I love each and every one of them. Curious George is still every bit as wonderful the hundredth time through! A minor warning: characters in the books, including Curious George, do smoke, which does worry the father in me just a bit. All in all, though, it doesn't get much better than these classics.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-20 00:00>

    I bought this book when my three year old was born, and we have been reading it ever since. We can read other books during the day, but at night, only Curious George will do. Since the stories are rather long (50-60 pages, albeit with large text and lots of pics), I now have my son read the stories to me, and he has memorized them all by using the illustrations as cues. We also have discussions about how George must feel in different situations, and what we would do if we were in his place. For both the story lines and the wonderful, colorful illustrations we rate "The Complete Adventures of Curious George" a classic among classcs for children.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-20 00:00>

    My 3 year old son was sent this book as a Christmas present and six weeks later we are still reading it every night before bed time. Admittedly, I sometimes wish he would choose a shorter story for bed time, but he just loves it. My 18 month old daughter also chooses it every night, and loves pointing at Curious George every time he appears on the page. George is so funny, the story line so interesting, you never know what is going to happen next. And the drawings are fantastic. I never knew a monkey could have so many facial expressions! We would not be without George.
  • Tatyana Suini (MSL quote), USA   <2007-03-20 00:00>

    My wife and I read all of the reviews about how bad the binding was on this book. We debated about ordering it and decided to anyway, despite the quality, because my daughter absolutely loves the stories.

    Upon arrival we were pleasantly surprised to find the book was in excellent shape. I could see where the binding had originally been made poorly, but they had rebound the book very well correcting the problem. We are very pleased with it and I recommend this book to anyone with children young and old. I still like the stories even at 40 and remember when my parents use to read them to me.
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