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Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia (平装)
 by Elizabeth Gilbert

Category: Memoirs, Original books
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A woman's journey to her soul - a memoir, travel guide, self help, and philosophy book, for anyone that ever wanted to find their own path.
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  • Vanessa Williams (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    Life's too short.
    Do you have the guts/courage to just pick up and leave?
    To sell all your possessions, put the rest of the stuff in storage, quit your job and move half way around the world for a change of pace?

    Well, even if you don't, you can live vicariously through Elizabeth Gilbert's life.
    I read a LOT of books. And I can honestly say this was so refreshing.

    It is so well-written and you really get caught up in her adventure. She depicts situations, different circumstances and scenes with such vivid imagery and honesty, you can't help but fall in love with the story and her writing. Great book! Everyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, etc will love this book.
    guaranteed. I'm a fan now and can't wait to read her other books!
  • Emily Thompson (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    This book changed my life. The act of reading Gilbert's text is a meditation. As you follow her on her journey, you begin to explore your own life, your fears, your biggest hopes. Maybe we can't all travel the world to heal our wounds, but this book is healing power. It asks us to dig down deep, to go places we're not sure we want to go, and then it asks us to move on, changed. This book is not a "self help" book by any means, but it is clear that Elizabeth Gilbert wants her readers to experience pure joy, to live our best lives; she cares that much about each and every one of us. The gift she give us is this: as we finish the book, we realize that we care that much about ourselves.
  • Dickens Fan (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    I read this book in 1-day which is highly unusual for me! Finding one's self in fallout of loss and life change can be hugely challenging; however, it has never been easier to hear about than through the lens Elizabeth Gilbert's experience. I am relieved to find a writer who can probe and explore the physiology of change without leaving their guts and all the un-necessary, often all too boring and redundant details all over the dining room table, or living room floor for that matter. Gilbert is quick, colorful, current, highly entertaining, lucid and thorough as she resolves some very big life questions. If you want to see someone make sense of change, and move on, read this book. On the other hand, if you need to experience someone dissecting their depression endlessly, and beating a dead horse you may not be ready for this.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    This is quite a book, a quick read that stays with you, very satisfying, more please. Gilbert treats you like you're her best friend at her dinner table after the second bottle of wine has been opened, honestly, lustfully and lovingly. You will want to read it again as soon as you finish it.
  • B. K. Stepp (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    I found this to be an inspiring and entertaining read. I especially enjoyed the Italian experience, although for me the book became a journey of slowly diminishing returns. Fortunately, the author successfully brought the journey full circle for a satisfying conclusion.

    I subtracted a star due to the author's insistence to interject her political opinions into what was supposedly a spiritual journey. Even though I share her political views, I was still distracted by their awkward inclusion.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    Because I found so much to relate to in this book. Anyone who has been divorced knows the pain whether you leave or are the one who is left. Pain is pain and people deal with it differently. I love the way this author uses wit and self-deprecation to describe her story. I never once thought she was telling us, the readers, that we have to travel to deal with our own stuff, so I'm not sure where the other readers got that from the book. It was just her story about her journey. Not everyone would even want or need to do what she did, but I found it fascinating all the same. I've told many friends about this book. It made me laugh out loud and even cry a few times.
  • Canty (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    So beautifully written that you literally have to stop and close the book for a few minutes savoring what she's written. Her prose is so clear, so direct and yet so humorous that you smile through every paragraph.

    Gilbert is a born writer and one of the few I've read lately that make you turn immediately back to the first page to start over when you finish one of her books. Highly recommended.
  • Gensparkie (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    This is a book that has changed my life. It helped me think about life and my way of living it in ways that made me feel happier and better able to go out and do the good things in the world that I want to do.

    Liz Gilbert takes us through her nasty divorce and subsequent worldwide travel to three places - Italy, India, and Bali, and in each place focuses on some aspect of life - food and enjoyment, spiritual discipline and joy, and finally, in Bali, love and balance.

    Being along for this journey was not only a delightful pleasure but also a thought-provoking and life-changing experience for me. I keep reflecting back on so many of the points she made and things that she learned and trying to apply them to my own life.

    This is definitely a book that I am buying extra copies to give out as Christmas gifts to my girlfriends, and it is one of my top three reads of the year.
  • Robert (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    Eat, Pray, Love is a book about Elizabeth Gilbert's Search for Everythng Across Italy, India and Indonesia. What she finds is pleasure in learning the Italian language. She learned the language by going to school, reading the newspaper, and even going to soccer games. She also found pleasure going around the country eating delicious food like pizza and mushrooms. Elizabeth Gilbert found friendship with a man named Richard in a temple in India. He taught her to let go of the guilt from her failed relationships and forgive herself. She struggled learning the long daily chants, but she eventually learned to appreciate the discipline the life in the temple provided In Indonesia, she continued her spiritual growth by learning meditation exercises from a medicine man. A memoir with this title has to include someone falling in love. Gilbert does fall in love with a Brazilian business man named Felipe. However, what is more satisfying is that Elizabeth finally learns to love and accept herself at the end of the book. Gilbert is also a very descriptive writer. I could visualize myself walking with her on the beautiful beaches in Bali reading this book. I could also see myself looking at the lovely fountains in Rome too. This is an entertaining memoir.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-09 00:00>

    Let's keep this simple - wonderful book, opened my eyes to some new ideas about spirtuality and balance of life while making me laugh at the author's travels. Buy this for a friend, male or female, that needs a boost or kick in the pants. Best book I've read in a long, long time.
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