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The Rage and The Pride (精装)
 by Oriana Fallaci

Category: September 11, political analyst, Non-fiction
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
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MSL Pointer Review: A book written with passion and intelligence from the author's heart and soul - as she watched those horrendous events unfold on that tragic day of September 11th 2001.
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  • Seth J. Frantzman (MSL quote), Israel   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    The Rage and the Pride is the bible for all of those who feel that Islam is the greatest threat to the world since Communism. In many ways one can see the correctness in this by analysing the major movements in the 20th century that have embroiled America in war. The Fascists so threatened the world that America was forced to fight them. The Communists so threatened global civilization that the Americans were forced to fight them. Most recently Islam now threatens western and global civilizations and now America is fighting them.

    Fallaci, in her small book, explains to us the evils of Islam. She describes the horrors forced upon women and the visciousness with which Fundamentalists treat their women(One of the terrorists siad he didnt want women at his funeral, especially not the most tainted women, Pregnant women).Fallaci explains how viscious Islam destroyed the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan. She condemns the Europeans, who say they want diversity, and use diversity as an excuse to allow Islam to infiltrate europe, turn European cities into bazarrs and create human rights abuses in the very countries that espouse to be the beacons of human rights and exceptance. Just look to the murder of the great Pim Fortyn or the murder of the Arab girl in Norway for speaking her beliefs and marrying a white man. Fallaci shows how complasent Europeans have become and how just like the British appeased the fascists Europe now appeases Islam at its own risk of being overrun. Fallaci's passion makes one want to join her to defend the Ponte Vacchio(saved from the Nazis) from the coming wave of Islamic terror and save the nude statue of David(or painting of venus), which will certainly be burkahized once Islam takes over Europe. Fallacis book should be read and read again. Her enemies are attempting to silence her in Europe. In America she is being threatened with death. Like the Germans who opposed Hitler we must heed her words and draw our swords to the coming threat. Fallaci, an eminent athiest, understands the threat against Christian Europe. She understands that the Pope must awake from his appeasement and stop applogizing and instead save Christendom from Islamic domination. ALready Islam has whiped out the Sikhs of Punjab, the Armenians of Turkey and the Christians of Iraq, Lebanese Catholics are threatened with genocide. How long must we submit to Islamic terror until we draw our swords and with the superiority of our weapons strike back against the tidal wave of Islamic immigration that has taken Europe by storm. Fallaci calls us to wake up, she is the joan of arc of the western world asking us to awake in Chhristendoms darkest hour since Charles Martel defeated the Islamic hordes in the 10th century.
  • Maximilian (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    It is, without a doubt, not the definitive, thorough, detailed work of a political analyst. But it is a sermon that reaches heart and soul, and when thought over for a few days, permeates the mind. There is no question that this book must be read, whether you believe yourself to be liberal or conservative or any other meaningless distinction. The question is: are you brave enough to draw the consequences? Or are you cowardly enough to ignore what not standing up to THEM will entail? In this question, Fallaci is, like Hemingway or Any Rand, an author who will separate the wheat from the chaff. Read it. It's one of your only chances at seeing, especially if you are one of those Euro-philes that has no clue that Europe itself is part of the problem (this coming from a European).
  • A reader (MSL quote), India   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    This is the written word that many of us who lived in the Middle East saw, heard and felt every day, but could not say becauase we feared torture. Ms. Fallaci has been in the same countries and seen the same fear. Now in America, she has taken the challenge to speak a harsh truth about the direction of hate and those who yield that hate. Now that I no longer live in that fear, I use words like Ms. Fallaci's to bolster the courage to change my world and the lives of those around me. You don't have to follow this book blindly, but you can derive simple truths that you can implement in your daily life. Read this and change your lives too. Or those who hate us will change it for us.
  • S. A. Labbe (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    As an American Christian living in Turkey, a secular Muslim country, I still found that the book struck unbelievably close to my adopted "home." The part that I will always carry with me is the idea that we are under no obligation to accord boundless respect to those (i.e. Islamists) who have absolutely zero respect for us. Other reviewers express misgivings about the way Fallaci seems to paint all Muslims with the same Islamist brush, but I must say they only have themselves to blame: there seems to be no mechanism whatsoever in Islamic cultures for self-examination and self-criticism, whereas they can spin foreign conspiracy theories for their woes until the end of time.

    A note: I read the book in the original Italian, which is not my first language, and I still could not put it down and read it one long day. A must read.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    This is a barest, rawest evaluation of the 9/11 attack that has been written. She says things everyone else is AFRAID to say. She is most courageous writer alive today.
  • Erika Borsos (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    Ms Fallaci writes both with her heart and mind, what she calls a "sermon" but which is more like a "stream of consciousness" response to Islamic fundamentalism and its incompatibility with Western/modern life. She defends freedom and admires the response of the citizens of the USA, her adopted country, when it was attacked senselessly by the terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001. She briefly mentions how she played a part in fighting fascism in Italy during World war II. She gives us some background of how she became a reporter and writer. From there, she takes us on a journey into her complex mind and emotions. She reveals the contradictions and hypocrisies of Islamic fundamentalism. She describes the incongruites of many movements, wars and rebellions to which she was an eye witness. She mentions the hypocrisies of the local government in her own homeland, Florence, Italy. She is enraged by inconsistency of doctrine, hypocrisy, and violence, used to subjugate human beings. It is necessary to read and reread the book many times to understand the many subtle and obvious points she drives home, again and again, with examples from civil wars, rebellions, and skirmishes from around the globe. The book is jam packed with facts and information, that only a citizen of the world, such as she is could provide. This is an excellent book. It is written from a personal point of view but contains universal truths about current events. She is against oppression that is very clear. She enjoys and loves her freedom and is willing to fight for it.
  • J. Kelley (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    Ms. Fallaci, a journalist & writer with extensive war reporting and Middle East experience, delivered a written response to the day of 9/11 that sums up both the day and from where this attack was launched. I also appreciate her own translation (from Italian) which brings an immediacy and intimacy to her 'small-book.'

    Her writing is brutally honest, taking a stand that more of us should be taking - that we are under assault, we are being invaded, and resistance is being smothered for "political correctness" and the Left's ill-considered rejection of the West's Enlightenment and liberalism that have made their freedoms possible - from the Classical Greek period forward.

    We must apply equally - "Your (individual & community) rights end where mine begin" and stop coddling outrageous behavior and barbaric 'customs' which threaten our freer existance and recognized individual rights. Otherwise, we do not defend ourselves from slavery and oppression, and I *will* resist the destruction of my inalienable rights.
  • Cecile Dubois (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    This is a book for ignorant hypocrites that opposed the war on Iraq. This book is for the most enlightened people to laugh at the bigotry of the European leaders. This book is almost 200 pages full of mockery and harsh realistic points that we try to repress. Soul-Opening. I reccomend it to everyone who is human!
  • Yoram Kol (MSL quote), Israel   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    Oriana Fallci discusses her attitude twards Islam in light of September 11th and contemporary events. What makes Oriana Fallaci so special for me is that she is a liberal, leftist, in the old European sense that doesn't belong politically to anybody and thinks for herself. She got tremendous knowledge in her disposal and a life experience thousand times of mine. Her emotional capacity is compared with her intellectual and they both compliment each other. Since I started reading this book I couldn't put it down accept when it gets too overwhelming.
  • J. Fischer (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-10 00:00>

    Oriana Fallaci has once again shown great courage in her concise and skillfully written presentation of the current jihad being waged against the Western world. (This translation from her native Italian remains clear and on message.) Her writing is straightforward and heart wrenching; her personal involvements are startling; her recitations of historical precedents place today's situation in proper perspective. She dares to call a spade a spade, and is not weak enough to bow down to the political correctness that has allowed this jihadic invasion to spread to its current level. Ms. Fallaci's pen provides a opportunity for the world to awaken from its stupor and begin to convincingly address this stone-age menace. Bravo to a true heroin of Freedom, bravo to a true heroin of Truth, bravo to a true heroin of Patria.
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