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The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom: Practical and Spiritual Steps So You Can Stop Worrying (平装)
 by Suze Orman

Category: Personal finance, Self help
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: You are worth far more than your money! This is the first personal finance book that gives you not only the knowledge of how to handle money, but also the will to break through all the barriers that hold you back.
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  • carl breyers (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    Suze Orman is the premier financial author for the times. So much useful information. First, she gets you thinking right about money, then Suze shows you how to save and prosper.Suze says that the best financial planner you will ever find is the one that stares at you in the mirror and she is correct. Nobody is more concerned about your money than you are.I moved money out of my bank that was dead money sitting in savings, cd's and money market accounts and opened a money market mutual fund instead. This replaces my bank checking account as well.My investment capitol is now in mutuals (Vanguard 500 index) some blue chip stocks (GE, LRK) and I am using 5% of my portolio for buying options and write covered calls. With the market down, I recently added the Diamonds and the Nasdaq 100 (QQQ) exchange funds.Along with 9 Steps I also recommend Wall Street Money Machine by Wade Cook and Stock Split Secrets. Great book Suxe and congrats on your new position at CNBC. I look forward to listening to your words of wisdom.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    This was overall a pretty good book. A lot of the information I've heard before, but I like the author's writing style.

    The advice is pretty standard: Pay off your credit cards, pay down your mortgage, invest for the long term. What I liked about this book is that it's readable. The examples make sense. It's easy to say "pay off your credit cards" but she shows in black and white just how much money credit cards are costing you. Her comparison of a 30 year mortgage to a 15 year mortgage was quite compelling. I had no idea how much difference paying a little extra each month toward a mortgage makes. It's a lot more than I thought.

    Can you become financially free reading this book? Yes, you can. But you have to follow the steps. You have to do it. Don't read this book and then put it away thinking it was great and wouldn't it be nice if I changed my lifestyle and habits. Do it. I have, and I can say it's worth it.

    I'm giving this book 4 stars. I'm not giving it 5 because I've read much of the information elsewhere. This isn't the first financial book ever written. I give it a high rating because it's very readable. It's not dull at all. I felt like the author was talking to me like a human being. It's worth buying. I highly recommend it. I also highly recommend "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. His book has some similar concepts, but I found it even more readable. His book is about acquiring income producing assets as opposed to just paying down debt and acquiring paper assets. Buy both books.
  • Harold McFarland (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    Suze Orman is a Certified Financial Planner who goes beyond the basic nuts and bolts of financial planning to help you change your concepts of money and wealth. While she gives good advice about the need for insurance, savings, and similar items that you would expect from a financial planner, she also looks at how your past affects your current situation. Your early experiences and the concepts of significant others affects your belief system and can free you to enjoy financial freedom or bind you into a position where you can't do what needs to be done. For an extreme example, I knew a person who had lived through the depression and lived in an older mobile home until he died. When he died they tore down the mobile home and found that he had over a million dollars in cash and bonds hidden in the trailer. He past experience with the depression had made him a slave to hoarding money.

    The nine steps include understanding how your past affects your present, facing your past and creating new truths, being honest with yourself, being responsible to those who depend on you, understanding the flow of money and recognizing true wealth.

    Many people will find this a book that frees them from financial slavery so that they can go forward and have a more fruitful life.
  • Philip Scott (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    Suze is a very down to earth writer. She tells us about her real life experiences. At one pont in Suzes' life she was on top of the world, but lost everything by being too trusting to her co-employees. After a lot of soul searching and hard work Suze has been able to turn her life around and become even more successful than before. Sometimes failure teaches us how to come back stronger than ever. I believe anyone who buys this book and lives by it's teaching will be far ahead of the game of making money. Suze maps out what it takes to excel in finances. I would like to ask everyone out there to let Suze perform her magic in your lives. In good faith in can honestly recommend this book. Please buy it! You have nothing to loose and everything to gain.
  • D. Williams (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    After reading this financial primer, I felt as if I had been counseled by a financial consultant. Suze Orman goes beyond giving tips for managing money; this book takes you on a journey from past to present and beyond to conquer your fears and misgivings about money. She encourages us to capture a money memory from our past that has changed our perceptions about spending, and to move beyond them. Ms. Orman teaches us that money is a living thing, to be nurtured and respected so it can grow - what a practical and profound insight! From credit card management to investing, The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom leads you through this discovery one step at a time. If you only read one book on how to organize your finances, this is it.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    This is an excellent read for the thousands of people who fear knowing more about finances and how to take care of theirs because of a lack of knowledge and know how. As a psychoanalyst, I know all to well how fears and anxities block our abilities to move forward in any arena. The author combines these issues along with her knowledge on the specific matters of personal finance in a very readable language. One would never know that she was a financial advisor; her down to earth manner minus the financial babble helps us to see how easy it is to learn as much as most people in the field. The new age stuff is minimal and therfore doesn't hurt the entire text, and some of her tips are a little over the top: such as saving money by pumping your own gas and cutting down on magazine purchases. However, just like everything else in the world you take what you can and use it to your benefit and discard what you cannot relate to. Fortunately, this book has a lot that most of us can take and use in our financial lives. I applaud the author for her ability to reach such a large audience who can benefit tremendously from her style of sharing important and worthwhile information.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    Suze Orman has written a book for anyone who is committed to taking control of his or her own financial future. I'm recommending this book to everyone I know, particularly women, since many females grew up without any expectation of having to take care of finances. The book is really a metaphor for life - if you control your finances, you control your life! From the first exercise, in which you can experience your first childhood memory of money, to the subsequent chapters which get into the nuts and bolts of money management, Orman empowers the reader to take responsibility. Her tone isn't chiding or patronizing: if anything, she learned from her days as a financial advisor that the client is usually the best judge of where and how to invest his or her own money. Rather, the author provides some practical know-how to give the reader not only information but confidence. The key is that Orman has compassion for her reader, and the knowledge she gained as a broker is given generously to those who read the book. Those who take the content and use it in their own lives will indeed gain financial freedom.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    I wish that I had had this book twenty years ago. I realized that I have never learned anything about money other than how to stress over it. It is not part of the American education to teach how money works, where it comes from, how to manage it and how to be comfortable with it. Suze Orman gives us all of this in an easy to read, informative book It appeals to the intellectual as well as the spiritual aspects of how to attract money and let it grow. I am already making changes in my life as a result of reading this book and I am sharing copies with everyone I know, especially my friends in their twenties. Read it. It may change your life.
  • A reader (MSL quote), United Arab Emirates   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    I had never saved a penny before reading this book. Now, I save a good portion of my sal every month. This book is so good that it psyches you into re-thinking your expenditure. A wonderful buy & I make it a point to pass on this info to anyone contemplating a comfortable retired life.
  • Omni (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-11 00:00>

    This is a terrific book to get a grip on one's finances. My goals are more ambitious than the basic investing of this book but several of the techniques in this book have helped me. And I believe that we all need to understand money far more than we are taught to by schools and our parents. This book is a terrific primer for financial vision.
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