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Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big (平装)
 by Bo Burlingham

Category: Business
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Bo Burlingham reminds us of a vital truth: Great does not equal to big. This book inspires thousands of entrepreneurs a passionate dedication to becoming the absolute best instead of simple growth.
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  • Robert Levin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-23 00:00>

    Many people start/buy a small business because they want the freedom to do things their way. But once a small business becomes successful, you get pressure from many different sources to get even bigger. Those sources include friends & family, investment bankers, suppliers, prospective partners, etc. Most often that growth means either taking a lot more risk, ceding control, or working even harder - some of the very things that entrepreneurs want to avoid. So often a small business owner gets torn between the conventional wisdom of "grow or die" and their gut.

    In Small Giants, Bo Burlingham brilliantly writes about 14 companies whose owners decided to do things "their way". These owners walked away from millions of dollars to stay true to themselves - and in return became even more spectacular. Mandatory reading for any entrepreneur who gets confused as to what success really means.
  • John P. Stack (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-23 00:00>

    I read a lot of business books. I find it interesting to hear the different lessons that people get out of a business book. My take-away on this book is the importance of the relationship these businesses have with their communities. When I finished reading Small Giants, I thought of my own company and what it would be like if we got really big and left the town we grew up in. We have been a part of our community for over twenty-five years. Our associates appreciate where we live and actively participate in charities, social programs, civic boards, and public services that allow us to give something back to a community that has been very good to us. I wondered whether we would still be as active and committed if our company became too big to remain in one city and had to spread out around the country. I don't think so. There have been a lot of really big companies that started small in a hometown, made great contributions, and left great legacies, but then moved on and lost that connection to their communities. It made me sad to think of what they'd left behind, and what we might leave behind if our company, SRC Holdings, eventually took the same path.
  • Roderic Duncan (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-23 00:00>

    This book presents an inspirational look at the corporate world that is seldom found on the business pages of major publications. The author makes it clear that following this path not only works for the company and its employees, but also for its customers and the greater public.
  • Marko (MSL quote) , USA   <2007-05-24 00:00>

    I recommend this book strongly for anyone running a small company, or a medium sized company, or even a big company. Quality comes first, the rest is up to you!
  • A reader (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-05-24 00:00>

    This is a great book for anyone who wants to know if people in business and the private sector can make a difference beyond earning a profit for the owners. I plan to give copies of Small Giants to new college grads and ftwenty-something friends who are looking for ways to live right in the world and still pay their bills. This book, and the companies Mr. Burlingham writes about, are inspirational.
  • Richard A. Craig (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-24 00:00>

    This book is incredibly inspiring for anyone who owns or runs a small business which prides itself on going the extra mile for its customers and taking care of its employees. Burlingham is an unabashed cheerleader for companies that care about their community, their vendors and of course their clients. He aptly shows how companies that choose to be small but great reap huge rewards both finacially and intrinsically.
  • Jonathan Hirst (MSL quote) , USA   <2007-05-24 00:00>

    This book doesn't shine because it reveals a new model or a new strategy that will change the way you think about your business. It does shine because it allows you to consider another way of doing business that many people are involved in but is never bragged about or promoted.

    I am so impressed with Bo's willingness to go against the grain of growth and progress to talk about priorities and an array of values.

    This book's best attribute is the stories that encourage your heart and show how people have figured out a model of business that fits their family, lifestyle and personal/professional goals.

    A must read if you own your own business.
  • Mark S. Goldman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-05-24 00:00>

    This is a great book that really deals with the reasons business owners and top executives of the best privately owned companies are excited when they get up in the morning. Most people actually make more money by creating a special team than by only concentrating on their product. As a business owner, it reminded me of the gifts that I can offer my work team, my community, and myself through serving others. If every company was run like the businesses studied in this book, businesses and owners would be looked up to for their contributions.
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