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The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich (精装)
 by Timothy Ferriss

Category: Life balance
Market price: ¥ 228.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This book is all about choosing what you do and what you don't - a plan for cutting your work hours, expanding your free hours, and changing your life - You need it!
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  • Michael E. Gerber (MSL quote), Founder & Chairman of E-Myth Worldwide and the World's #1 Small Business Guru   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    The 4-Hour Workweek is a new way of solving a very old problem: just how can we work to live and prevent our lives from being all about work? A world of infinite options awaits those who would read this book and be inspired by it!
  • Bo Burlingham (MSL quote), Editor-at-Large, Inc. magazine   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    This engaging book makes you ask the most important question that you will ever face: What exactly is it that you want out of work and life, and why? Tim Ferriss is a master of getting more for less, often with the help of people he doesn't even know, and here he gives away his secrets for fulfilling your dreams.
  • John Lusk (MSL quote), Group Product Manager, Microsoft World Headquarters   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    The 4-Hour Workweek is an absolute necessity for those adventurous souls who want to live life to its fullest. Buy it and read it before you sacrifice any more.
  • Evan C. Drake (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    After reading The 4-Hour Workweek, I was so empowered that I called Tim Ferriss and reached him before an interview in New York. He's the real deal. I've spent the past year deep in books and news, watching videos for hours online, trying to figure out what I should do with my life. I'm a deep thinker, and I've faced philosophical issues with how to spend my time. Now I'm done watching my life. I'm ready to live it.

    This book is full of principles, stories and experience that will make you move. Tim's redefinition of "meaning" and "bliss" is what really did me in. This book could send a whole generation of people bouncing like Pong balls around the world.

    Please note: I almost outsourced this review, but I'm afraid the men in India can't capture how transformational it was for me. Expect postcards. I'm off to live my life.
  • John Hargrave (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    Unlike other self-help and business books, The 4-Hour Workweek is extremely effective at making you extremely effective. It makes you quicker, quicker. Key takeaways: look for the 20% of your effort that's driving 80% of your results. Focus on doing more of that high-return stuff, and get rid of the rest (either by eliminating or outsourcing). Not just for those who want to work four hours a week, but for those who want to be more efficient, effective, and profitable. Highly recommended.
  • Neal Desai (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    This book is great, and more importantly, useful, as Tim is both practical and inspirational at the same time. He has systematically laid down a framework for how to maximize life - and how to take the steps that ultimately lead to greater self awareness through self -development. All of this this cannot happen without first taking control of the time in your life, and Tim does a great job in showing us how to free ourselves from the daily routine so that we can actually live our lives the way there were meant to be explored. This book is a must read for anyone who is a dreamer, and for those of us that realize that dreams are great, but real life can be even better.
  • Ramit Sethi (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    This book made me actually change the way I work. Tim's writing is like having someone yelling at you - in a good way - to stop doing dumb things. Key takeaways: Don't ever sit at a computer without a plan, check email infrequently, and write up FAQs for people emailing you so they can help themselves. Within 2 hours of reading this book, I had restructured the way I communicate with people and outsourced non-critical things that I shouldn't have been doing, any way. This is a powerful book.
  • Shawn Shapiro (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    While I am not sure I have mastered all of Mr Ferris' action steps to automating my life. It opened my eyes to the need to create income streams that don't require ME to be involved in the equation. Growing up as a Bricks and Mortar Retail brat, and now as a chiropractor, it is a very hard for me to envision an enterprise I would create that didn't revolve around me.

    This book, does exactly that; its application can give you the ability to envision automating parts of your existing business, that may be holding you back from doing all that you want to do.

    For me this is life changing.
  • Glen Stansberry (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    The 4-Hour Workweek is a perfect example of an author walking the walk, not just talking the talk. When someone this successful writes something down, the world needs to read it.

    The book's views on how to eliminate daily distraction to allow for focus was the part that gripped me the most, specifically with determining what is important. Tim makes the excellent point that you can be uber productive at something, but it doesn't really matter if that something wasn't important to begin with.

    An excellent read for anyone wanting to change how they look at work.
  • C. Hoffmann (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-04 00:00>

    Tim Ferriss is like the world-class magician who reveals every secret to his audience. Most business books and magazines illustrate tiny pieces of a puzzle, but never how to assemble them. Tim lays everything out in step by step detail, clearly outlining how to clear hurdles at each point. It's basically a roadmap for anyone to do exactly what Tim himself has done, which is to automate income generation and enjoy the good life!

    I've been recommending this book to everyone in my family after making it through the first 50 pages. Now that I've read all of it, I'm emphatically recommending it to everyone I like.
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