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Why We Buy: The Science Of Shopping (平装)
 by Paco Underhill

Category: Sales & marketing
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This is a book both McDonalds and Ralph Nader would love - you'll learn about what happens from the parking lot to the checkout stand.
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  • Colleen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    Paco Underhill and his consulting firm have made a study of the psychology of shopping - watching and taping people as they make their way through stores, determining how the layout and placement of fixtures and items encourages or discourages sales. He lays out his conclusions in Why We Buy, in language accessible to a lay reader, heavy on anecdotes rather than charts or stats.

    This is a must-read if you are a retailer yourself, of any kind, and even if you aren't, will give you ideas for your next garage or rummage sale! And even if you are merely a shopper, it will change your shopping experience as you become more aware of the tricks of placement that are maneuvering you into buying more (or fleeing the store). I've also enjoyed doing a small imitation of Underhill's researchers and watch others shop. It's fascinating! This is a book that will change your experience of an important part of every day life, well worth reading.
  • Connie J (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    Since I have never been an avid shopper (usually once or twice a year besides the grocery), I found this book absolutely enlightening! I find I "shop like the guys" in the stores the few times I go each year. Usually I give my neighbor money and she buys my clothes, etc., during her very frequent shopping trips.
    However, about a year ago I opened a Holistic Clinic and have started carrying items to fill needs of my bodywork clients and yoga students, etc. Paco's book really made a BIG difference in how I have done the presentation of products, signs, customer checkout, etc. My sales did indeed increase significantly!

    I'm in a Business Networking group and have recommended the book to the other 20 people in that group and loaned it to a few. I also recommended it to 3 of our local bookstores (including a very large chain), the post office, and have given it as a gift to two friends who are starting their own businesses.

    My husband teases me about "Well, what does Paco say?"

    This book is fun to read, extremely informative, and has made a great difference in my sales - and a newfound enjoyment in shopping for me!
  • Joel (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    I enjoyed this book immensly, because it examined a practice which we all seem to enjoy, yet we never stop to think about the different theories and practices within the industry. For example, we never think to ourselves how the merchandise is placed so that it is perfectly in our view, and how the store is laid out so that we take in all of the atmosphere and stimulents which are directed towards us. As with all books, the reader will find some parts of this book to be somewhat "boring", but you will find plenty of instances where you find yourself saying "so that is why they do that" and "gee, i never realized that".
  • Richard (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    I was fortunate enough to get my hands on an advance copy of Paco Underhill's new book on shopping. Now, like many people I am often recommended to "how to" & "why" books on various business subjects -and I find that they are usually quite ponderous and dry and I generally last about a chapter - not so with this book - Underhill presents a POV on a subject that many of us take for granted -how people shop and why they do what they do when they are in a bank or a store. Obviously, since his business is studying this subject in all its minute details, he has had ample opportunity to study and probe vast amounts of film and this experience has provided him with insights that are both fascinating and, at times, quite humorous as he explores the human condition in that very American - and now increasing global activity of shop 'til you drop. In short, it's ainteresting and informative read and every store manager should be given thisn bookm as required reading - as well as "civilians" who frequent these establishments - large and small.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    An amazing book if you're a business CEO, marketing manager, or just an avid shopper. Paco does an incredible job of analyzing shopper habits, tendencies, and patterns. Learning these patterns can help businesses better position, market, and arrange their products for maximum conversion of browsing to closing sale. His chapters on male and female shopping tendencies is intriguing with Paco noting that women enjoy browsing clothes as part of the "process" of shopping while men tend to go directly into a store with an item in mind, find it, and get out as quickly as possible. Nothing striking yet except Paco noticed that the pattern changes when it comes to electronics. Men like to browse and play as part of the process whereas women walk in with something in mind, go to a sales clerk, and get out with a purchase. Other fascinating glimpses into people's purchasing patterns are covered as well. The only disappointing element was the lack of attention given to e-commerce. It would seem that there are similar purchasing patterns online (such as Amazon's recomendation engine) but Paco only skims over e-commerce.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    The retail industry has and will continue to face monumental challenges when it comes to getting customers to shop and purchase. As a consultant who has spent 20 years working with all types of retailers this book offers real tools and real life issues that this industry must face. No one has ever stepped out and quantified with hours of videotape how customers shop in such a realistic and engaging way as Paco Underhill. I applaud you for sharing your many years of research with us and supporting the research with commen sense! There is much to be learned by reading this book. For retailers of all kinds this book should be read before you re-merchandise your floor, make new signage, sign on for the next advertising campaign or send your staff to a training program. The most important aspect of this book is the concept that the store=brand. What happens within the four walls will make or break it. Read this book with the intention of trying something new or at the least, read this book and believe the greatest asset any retailer has is the store! If a book like this was not needed we wouldn't have 50% of retail businesses fail every year.Thanks Paco. Mindy Thompson, founder, Simply Retail Inc Mpls, Minnesota.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    I can't imagine a retailer not buying this book. In fact, it would make a great gift for the proprietor of your favorite store. There are lots of insights (many simple common sense, but too often ignored) for a shopkeeper not to find something which will increase both sales and customer satisfaction.

    And that's why this book is worthwhile for anyone in business. After reading it, you can't help but look at your operations ion a new light. For example, are brochures important to your business? If so, read about the needs of different demographics and the importance of signage. It's all easily translated to collateral development.

    This book won't change the world. And it does seem to reflect an attitude that we were all born to shop - which many will question. But what makes the book worthwhile is its fresh perspective, meaningful observations and solid advice.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    The author had written this book based on his many findings on buyers' behaviour inside different stores (quite detailed research studies done), and I'm glad he had always substantiated his sayings with one or few case studies, though sometimes leaving them open-ended. Nevertheless, the examples raised up make the whole reading interesting, and provoke my chain of thoughts.

    As a retailer, it sometimes easy to overlook certain factors, especially when a store is designed in favour towards the owner, instead of the shoppers. For example, it makes sense to give more space to display merchandise (more range, more stock, thus more sales) and less for cashier counters. However, if there're too few cashier points or that they're too cram, that may still be a turn off to customers, who might experience difficulties in searching where to pay and frustrations in long queues.

    No doubt the author gave many useful pointers on various aspects to remind oneself on... things like signages, shelves display, and so on, I would think my best gain from reading this book is the way I now look at things. I learn to be more observant towards how customers react in the store where I work, and continuously try to pinpoint areas which require rectifications in its environment to better suit customers, hence creating an enjoyable shopping experience.
  • Marco (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    Why we buy is one of the best books on marketing and sales I have ever read. Even if you don't hav much to do with mass market or stores, you can learn different ways of the way to present a product to your customers. Understand the different habits of women and men, the fact that the purcharsing process is not analytical but emotional are lessons you can apply to your everyday selling, no matter if you are in one-to-one sales or retail. In one word, the book is superb!
  • M Bender (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-06 00:00>

    Why We Buy brings to light the hows and whys of store set-up and design, I was intrigued right from page one. It gets into the psyche of shoppers by explaining why things are done the way they are and simple changes you can make to increase sales. They all make perfect sense! In understanding the psychology of consumers, one can increase sales by working together with the consumers' mind.
    After spending a whole semester studying consumer psychology, marketing and advertising, this is the book that I enjoyed the most. You will never look at the shopping experience the same way again.
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