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Why You're Dumb, Sick & Broke...And How to Get Smart, Healthy & Rich! (精装)
 by Randy Gage

Category: Motivation
Market price: ¥ 258.00  MSL price: ¥ 248.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A real-world looking at what keeps you broke, and a road map on how to get rich, packed with insights on how you manifest a life of health, happiness and prosperity.
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  • Davis (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-07 00:00>

    I have been an e-zine subscriber and customer of Randy's for many years. He is authentic, outspoken and not afraid to speak the truth even if his views are unpopular. Until I met Randy I was a bleeding heart liberal who tried to save every down and out human that crossed paths with me. No matter how much love, support and financial aid I gave none of these people ever improved their situations. All they did was attract more back "luck" and begged for more money. If I wasn't able to help they'd turn on me and equate me with the devil. After reading Randy's books I began to work on my own prosperity consciousness and I stopped giving handouts to those who didn't really want help. I make more money now and I support animal rescue and adoption groups. Read anything that Randy writes and think about what he says objectively. You will learn a great deal and if you take it to heart you will prosper.
  • Robert (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-07 00:00>

    Randy Gage is the acknowledged master of in-your-face wisdom. His new tome does not disappoint the reader and is loaded with insightful rants from a professional speaker and marketing guru that is known for giving brash, blunt advice delivered with a holier than thou attitude. Readers would be wise to ignore Mr. Gage's critics and in-your-face style of being and doing and read the book cover to cover with a open mind. Last time I checked Mr. Gage's bank account was in the seven figures and the yellow Viper you see on ghd book cover really is parked in his garage. So he ain't blow'n smoke nor am I. One thing is for sure, if you leave your comfort zone and take the books rants to heart, you may well find that you are no longer dumb, sick or broke. Rant on Mr. Gage, rant on!
  • Frank (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-07 00:00>

    Great book, although the ones finding it are probably on the prosperity path already.Anyone in recovery or working a 12 step program could benefit from this information. Read chapter 5 of this book with the 11th step. This book can help you go from dumb, sick and broke to smart, well and rich.
  • Thomas (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-07 00:00>

    This book is certainly an eye-opener. Unless you are already rich and prosperous, you will find something in this book that will be of value. This is the type of material that needs to be seen and read by everyone. At least, you will get exposed to a totally different view of the real world. It might shock you awake from the life-long programming you receive from the media, government and religions. Randy's ranting is positive in tone and concise. I can find little of what he says to disagree with after serious reflection. Keep an open mind while reading this book and challenge yourself to ask questions about the state of your own life. This book is easy to read and understand. Not much mumbo-jumbo since Randy knows how to get it said and get to the point. Even if you disagree with this material or find yourself hating it, at least you took the chance that it might really be something useful. If you find yourself throwing this book across the room, at least throw it at the TV and do yourself some real good!
  • Rita (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-07 00:00>

    If you are looking for a soft, gentle, gloved-in-gentility approach to changing your life, do not buy this book. If you are willing to be jolted awake and gain valuable insight to answer the question: Why don't my dreams work out? - Click out of this review and buy the book.

    In spite of the tough-tongue language, this book was written by a gentle man who really wants you to "get it" and get rich - in the broadest sense of the word.
  • Ralph (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-07 00:00>

    Randy Gage is a brilliant marketing genius. He has the knack of keying in on the essential truths. He gives a dose of reality to those who need it most. It is good for us to step back and take a look at the things that hold us back and keep us from achieving our potential. Some people may not like what he has to say, but they are the ones who perhaps need most to hear it and think about what is holding them back. This book is well worth reading. The question is not "should you buy it?" What might keep you from buying it is perhaps what is keeping you from prospering in life.
  • Medeiros (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-07 00:00>

    It's a book that you must ready.
    It's very straight to the point!
    He is not afraid to tell the truth in all situations.
    It's really inspiring.
  • Allen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-07 00:00>

    There are so many so called motivational speakers out there that just repeat each others stuff, this guy is the real deal! Randy Gage has actually made it in the real world and as far as I am concerened he is the one to listen to. Gage combines both the spiritual espect of self growth and the practical espect of it. I truly recommend this book to anyone who really wants to improve his/her life.
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