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Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis (精装)
 by William Bonner , Addison Wiggin

Category: U.S. economy
Market price: ¥ 288.00  MSL price: ¥ 268.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A good summary of the current US debt problem by putting the debt in the context of history - sharp, witty and refreshing insights.
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  • Robin (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-13 00:00>

    In a society already encouraging people to 'buy now' and worry later, this book provides essential diagnosis and prescription for much-needed changes. Both authors discuss very pertinent financial information in a manner which makes the book interesting and readable to the 'average person' I included.

    America's spendthrift attitudes are driving the country into debit and making a mockery out of our international standing. How can we even think that we have the right to influence what goes on in the world stage when the USA obviously does not have it's own affairs first in order?

    Using their unique brand of sharp insight and witty humor, Bill Bonner and Addison Wiggin argue that big government has created these problems. They clarify that we are actually living in the era of big government today.

    However, the authors are much less interested in politics and partisan battles than examining disciplines. Instead of having pointed fingers, they want us to concentrate on the consequences of actions to having created current conditions. Foresight is so little encouraged in most other other books examining current affairs that it is a radical suggestion.
  • James (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-13 00:00>

    What a read.

    This book is far more readable and entertaining than Friedman's drippy, World is Flat.

    The idea that Americans are the most innovative, smart and democratic society in the world (as Friedman contends) is exactly the sophomoric and arrogant line of thinking that will lead to our downfall - if we don't mind our P's and Q's.

    We simply cannot continue to sustain this country as we are right now. 71% of our GDP is being artificially propped up by consumer spending. And the average consumer has NO money left to spend!

    If you only read one chapter... turn to page 261 and read the section titled "Something Wicked This Way Comes." It will be the most eye-opening 11 pages you read all year.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-13 00:00>

    Once again my favorite financial dynamic duo Bonner and Wiggin team up to expose the raw and gritty undebelly of politics and economics and how they operate in the United States. Using their usual good humor and sarcastic tone, similar to their commentary in the Daily Reckoning, the reader is given the cold hard facts about the true state of the economy. Empire of Debt does this in a no nonsense manner, no fluff here, no handholidng just the facts! Empire of debt is filled with chilling information that wakes the reader up from the hallucination of the belief in economic bliss and visions of a never ending credit and borrowing. The book illustrates a principal that is vital to me, how investors today must think out of the box using things like gold to hedge their portfolios for the coming implosion. Empire of Debt sends a stern message to investors, BEWARE! With any luck on his way out the door to go fishing Mr. Greenspan will leave a copy of this book and a goodbye note for Mr. Bernanke on his first day in office, more importantly I hope Mr. Bernanke reads the book. Cheers for Bonner and Wiggin "Empire of Debt" kept me riveted hoping for the happy ending that never came.
  • Kelly (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-13 00:00>

    This book summarizes all of the things you've thought but have never been able to verbalize. Clear, concise, definitely witty writing, the authors have struck gold again (literally and figuratively). Regardless of our views, it is critical to take a step back from the present and view our circumstances against the ruler of history. We must be willing to accept that there may not be something all that special about us, and that perhaps are better days may be behind us. It is only by discerning where we may have gone wrong, applying the lessons of the past, and being honest about where we find ourselves right now that we can possibly hope to restore the glory of the Old Republic.

    A true tour de force and an engaging read. Well worth the money for not only your personal enrichment, but to encourage the authors to write again!!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-13 00:00>

    The book is a frightening look at just how bad the American debt situation has become. I learned a lot from this book. It confirmed my feelings about the debt crisis we are currently going through, and added so many other things I had not even considered. I learned that America is really an empire, and got a great lesson on why and how it became one. I also got a pretty in-depth history lesson and even have a better outlook towards the French, if you can believe that! Pretty amazing.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-14 00:00>

    This book outlines the decline of the United States from a Republic, to an Empire. It is an excellent history book, in addition to pointing to the disastrous financial condition plagueing the United States at this time. What every American should know, but none of her political leaders dare talk about, can snuff out the lifeblood of this nation, strangulation by massive spending, public and private, as if there is no tomorrow. Wo to the unborn, the straw that breaks the camel's back will be their burden.
  • Bill (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-14 00:00>

    Anyone who is concerned about his or her financial future needs to read this book. Even though it tackles a topic that was unfamiliar and even arcane for me, it is quite readable, and the message it delivers is shocking.

    Like cold water thrown on someone sleeping, this book reveals the real reasons behind our country's indebtedness to China and others, and the dangers this debt presents to personal financial planning. It appalls me that our politicians prefer to debate what are primarily personal issues like abortion and gay marriage, instead of truly tending the core issues of government, more important perhaps evan than global warming: deficit spending, underfunded Social Security, and unfunded Medicare.

    Even more discomfiting is learning that the formulae for the very economic statistics we read every day have been so altered that they are now essentially meaningless. The Gross Domestic Product, for example, now contains all mortgage payments (not, to my mind, a true "product") simply because the enormity of these monies hugely inflates the otherwise limp GDP.

    How does this impact you? It's hard to underestimate it. A must read!
  • Voetsch (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-14 00:00>

    I was happy to find that the authors thoughts so mirrored my own thoughts on our economy. What surprised me is how he put it in context of our "empire" in a way I never really thought about but makes so much sense. Very entertaining reading and yes the author does repeat his points, but they are a serious set of points. One little fact I picked out of this book... USA is losing wealth at the rate of 2 billion $ each working day! I think this should be MUST reading for every citizen, politician and school child in this country.
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