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Your First Year in Network Marketing: Overcome Your Fears, Experience Success, and Achieve Your Dreams! (Paperback) (平装)
 by Mark Yarnell , Rene Reid Yarnell

Category: Business, Market, Network
Market price: ¥ 168.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This is the bible of network marketing for new networkers-Providing you with a wealth of savvy advice on everything you need to know to succeed in network marketing.
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  • H. Kaneko (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    As is commonly said, the fastest way to achieving what you want is to follow the path of those who have been there and done that. This book lays out how the business should be pursued - by the author who walks the talk. Learning the concepts/strategies and putting them into practice will be the fastest way to success in the network marketing industry. I also recommend "The Greatest Networker in the World" and its sequel "Conversations with the Greatest Networker in the World" by John Milton Fogg.
  • G. Wood (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    I'm halfway through reading this book and my first reaction is: Finally, I found a book that really tells you how it is. It's a very good validation for people who are new to network marketing and aren't too sure if it's for them or not. It's also a very good motivator. I would recommend it any time!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    This is a great resource for first-time network marketers. It helps to keep you motivated and overcome the pitfalls that may arise when getting started into network marketing.I especially liked Chapter 3:Dodging the Depression Torpedo, it gives prime examples of discouragement and how to avoid these traits as well as steps to take to get you motivated and keep you motivated.
  • Nancy Suszek (MSL quote) , USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    I have not even finished reading the book yet, but already I have learned so much about the industry and the pitfalls to avoid the first year, including keeping a positive attitude and not giving up, no matter what. I've already purchased several more copies that I plan to give to all my new biz builders. Your upline shows you how to duplicate, but this book tells you how to work the industry and common mistakes to avoid. A definite must read for people new to network marketing.
  • Adam Troy (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    I have been in network marketing for over ten years, failing miserably. I tried this company and that company. Wasn't going anywhere untill I bought this book and used it.

    This book should be called "How To Become Brilliant on the basics" and subtitled "How To Unleash Your Potential in MLM." It sure did for me.

    Before reading "Your First Year in Network Marketing", I thought I would be lucky to get 100 people on my list. After reading what Mark said, I easily came up with a list of over 2,000 and the bst part is that those 2,000 know 2,000 who know 2,000 who know 2,000 and so on. I think it is true that if you know three people, you know everybodyelse in the world.

    The affirmations were great and got me thinking bigger. The scripts were a great start, although I have midified them since then.

    Overall a great book by Mark. I wonder how many other failed network marketers would do well if only they read (and applied) this wisdom?
  • Tony DeFrancisco (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    I disagree with the reviewer who claims to be a 6 figure income earner in network marketing and disagrees with Mark Yarnell's warm approach to prospecting. I agree that warm leads should not be your only source, but it should always be your first choice.

    The great Larry Thompson, responsible for creating more millionaires in network marketing than anybodyelse in history used to tell a story called "The Gold-Mine Story." Without going through the whole story, Larry tells us in his story that a lucky man has found a Gold-Mine but needs people to help him mine the gold. Larry says: "The guy needs help. Where he is going to get help? Run an ad? Pass out flyers? Go cold calling in malls? Put business cards on car windows? No he is going to go to his warm market."

    The real problem with network marketing is that they do not develop the deadly serious "Gold-Mine" attitude so they don't want to approach their friends.

    Another top trainer, Dale Calvert says; "Don't worry about them saying no to you, worry about them saying yes to someboy else." Calvert created a network marketing organization of more than 60,000.

    Mark Yarnell is obviously not the only expert suggesting that you use your warm list. Isn't it funny how the arm-chair experts have all the answers, yet it's the Mark Yarnell's who write best selling books and get the results?

    Besides Mark, I recommend any tape program by Dale Calvert or Larry Thompson that you can get your hands on. Thompson was probably the primary marketing force behind Herbalife in the 80s and their great comeback in the early 90s.
  • Ron Atkins (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    Mark and Renee Yarnell created this book based on their years of experience and astounding success in MLM. Their network is world famous and comprises sales in the millions of dollars per year. Quite simply, the Yarnell's represent everything we dream of when getting involved in network marketing.

    This book presents an in-depth look at the major areas of concern for the new distributor: sales, recruiting, training, goal setting, and of course, succeeding. Network marketing is not about taking advantage of people. You won't succeed like that. Networking for success is about helping other people achieve their goals. Along the way, you also have your dreams realized. According to the Yarnells, success is a matter of perseverance and integrity.

    This book is well written and will inspire you to take action to realize your dreams. It is now about six years old, but the ideas and principles remain valid today.

    You may also want to read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill and "The 17 Principles of Creating Wealth" by Phillip Collinsworth.

  • Ted Daniels (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    This book should, no, must be read by every new MLM'er. It is generic, but it's supposed to be. Do you know ow many MLM companies there are out there.I would like to comment on the post by the person from the USA who called this "pure hogwash". First, you soud like someone who joined a MLM company, but didn't want to work. That message comes out loud and clear from your words.Secondly, I have read obituries of Doctors, Lawyers, Insurancemen, auto salepeople etc who hav died, but never read of a mother who gave birth to a Dr., Lawyer, Salesperson etc. Success is predictable and achievable for those willing to go to work first on themselves and then o their businesses.Finally, a winner never quits and a quitter never wins. Be like a postage stamp-stick with it until you achieve your goals. This characteristic was called "stickability" by the late, great Napolean Hill. MLM works only if you do.This book is a great start. Also suggest "The Greatest SALESMAN in the World" by the late, great Og Mandino, "Wave 4" and "The Wave 4 way to building your downline" by Richard Poe.
  • Chuck Kimbriel (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    If you are serious about being successful in MLM, you must read this book. Mark & Renee have a easy to follow system that works. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone in MLM. Other books that are must reads include, All you can do is all you can do by Art Williams and the Greatest Networker in the World by John Milton
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-18 00:00>

    Mark and Renee Yarnell may be the most successful network marketing husband and wife team ever. They are on the faculty of the nation's only college certified course in network marketing at the University Of Illinois, Chicago. Mark and Renee have created a $70 million dollar network marketing organization that spans 20 countries.

    In this fantastic literary gem the authors map out exactly what is necessary for network marketing success. Some of the steps may seem enormous upon first take, but when one realizes that human nature makes people do the bare minimum, one can see why Mark and Renee demand so much.

    Quite simply, if you read this book over and over until you actually understand it, and act on the principles and actions suggested, you will succeed. And you will help many people succeed in the process.

    Thanks Mark and Renee, I'll see the two of you again at my book signing soon.

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