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Beating the Business Cycle (精装)
 by Lakshman Achuthan , Anirvan Banerji

Category: Business forecasting, Management
Market price: ¥ 268.00  MSL price: ¥ 248.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This book unlocks the secrets of business cycles for everyone to benefit from, in an understandable fashion.
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  • Jon Markman (MSL quote), award-winning CNBC/MSN financial columnist   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    Shows... how far the state of the art in cycle forecasting has advanced, and how investors can profit from it.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    What an excellent book. It is clear and consise and extremely well written for such tough and complex topics. The authors have done a fantastic job in making the area of cyclical forecasting fasinating. If you are an investor or someone trying to understand what is happening in an economy that seems to be inconsistent with its previous behavior, this book is worth reading.
  • Maya (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    This book gives guidelines on when to buy a car, home, invest in stocks, etc... Its a good handbook for such major decisions at home. It gives a long-term view, and not the quick and dirty ways to make money. And the best part is that they focus in various sectors so you can have an overall idea of the economy's performance or even real estate if that's all you are interested in! I recommend it highly! Puts such major personal decisions in perspective.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    Having just finished Lakshman Achuthan and Anirvan Banerji's "Beating the Business Cycle" I have come away informed on what business cycles are and why they are important from both a business and personal perspective. The style of the the book was easy to read and entertaining while it demystified a subject that has been left to the experts for far too long. I feel much more secure to make any future finanicial decisions. The charts and graphs were really helpful. I appreciated the depth of "Beating the Business Cycle" and its accessibility. It is a fine art to treat simple ideas deeply and deep ideas simply which is what this book has done.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    I'm an admitted armchair economist, watching and reading what the experts have to say about the outlook. This book was a quick read, and showed me how to steer clear of pundits who tend to see things the same way. I usually don't take notes when I read, but this time I did, especially regarding the Weekly Leading Index which gets rid of all the "on the other hand" phrases that are all too common when all you want is a straight answer.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    One of the most anticipated books as far as I am concerned and every bit worth the wait. Business cycle (and how to beat it) is explained in such a simple manner that only those who have mastered it can. I wish this book had come out a few years ago. Because of this book, I now expect to make informed financial decisions. I certainly hope to profit from it going forward.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    One of the most anticipated books as far as I am concerned and every bit worth the wait. Business cycle (and how to profit from it) is explained in such a simple manner that only those who have mastered it can. I wish this book had come out a few years ago. Because of this book, I now expect to make informed financial decisions. I certainly hope to profit from it going forward.
  • Kim (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    I've heard of these guys on and off over the years, and after reading their book I finally feel that I have a framework for approaching the dismal science of economics that seems so inconsistent when I listen to the experts of TV or newspapers. I commend the ECRI researchers for staying the course over decades and not selling out to mainstream economics or Wall Street. It is very important to have a "reality check" like the Weekly Leading Index, and I was pleasantly surprised by the free subscription to their weekly report that comes with the book. Even better - the latest report shows that the Leading Home Price Index is holding up!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    All in all a very good read. Yes, I understand why some would want to know the "secret indicators" that ECRI uses, but I for one don't care. I just want them to keep making good calls on the economy's direction. Of course they don't give away their secrets (why would they?) but more importantly the book does show how to use their forecast to go against the masses at the right time. And, at least for those interested in economic history, the book tells a pretty good story of how things, including the forecasting industry, got to where it is today. This book is well worth the few hours it takes to read.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-19 00:00>

    After getting sick and tired of all the hot air that economists spew, this book gave me some hope for the dismal science. Yes the authors discuss how their calls were correct, but I see this as a necessary part of the story being told, i.e., that through the prism of good leading indexes for growth, inflation and jobs, the wild a crazy path that the economy has taken over the past few years is understandable, and more importantly, not a surprise. I'm torn as I write this review as I might be better off as an investor if others did not read this book! Still, their advice on how to use the Weekly Leading Index to make better decisions is an important gift to society.
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