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What the CEO Wants You to Know : How Your Company Really Works (精装)
 by Ram Charan

Category: Management
Market price: ¥ 228.00  MSL price: ¥ 208.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: What the CEO wants you to know is a good get back to the basics that matter for the business executive - great for any employee.
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  • Jac Nasser (MSL quote), CEO and President, Ford Motor Company   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    What the CEO Wants You to Know is a book that should be read by everyone-from the newest recruit to the most seasoned senior manager.
  • Chad Holliday (MSL quote), Chairman and CEO, Dupont   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    This is a book that's been needed for years. Ram Charan shares the secret to finding your way in the business world and making your career more meaningful.
  • Dan (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    This book is one of the most simple business books to read and I would highly recommend it to those that are looking to understand how businesses operate. I believe this book would be highest valued by those without extensive business backgrounds and by others that are seeking to understand why some companies are great whereas others are average. Mr. Charan explains the most important element of businesses, generating cash. He then talks about numerous business concepts at a very basic level, which I think would help everyone (including MBAs and CEOs). At 150 pages or so it is an easy read and can be read quickly for those seeking information quickly.

    I personally have a degree in accounting, an MBA in finance and I worked in corporate strategy. I found this book definitely worth the while and ranks up in the top 2 of overall general business books I have read. I am just now starting to put my reviews online.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    Ram Charan's books have always interested me. It is a departure from the traditional authors who like to complicate simple material. The greatest asset that Ram has in his writings is his ability to simplify seemingly complex concepts to easy reading. Make no mistake ...this is a very powerful book that has profound concepts and it is targeted to the average employee in the organization... I just love Ram's work... Thanks Ram and hope you continue writing in ways that seks to inspire and provide understanding to millions.
  • Rolf (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    If you like your business books short, sweet and free of jargon and equations, this is the manual for you. Educator and corporate business advisor Ram Charan explains core business fundamentals in clear, concise - though not very sophisticated - language. The book's style and tone resemble that of to-the-point business writer Og Mandino. Charan begins with the metaphor of his childhood in his family's shoe shop in India, noting, "My experience growing up is typical of how children learn about business." His family store was just one door away from a competitor's shop, so the business was "hand-to-hand combat." From his humble roots, Charan explains the essentials of business that he believes all CEOs should know. Charan, an advisor to major corporations, fills his books with intriguing anecdotes and insights. We recommend this book to those who want to understand business better, but it's not an onerous recommendation - you can finish Charan's book in a single Sunday afternoon.
  • Leo (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    It is humbling. After B-School and hundreds of business books, it took these 150 or so pages of text lay explain why I spent time learning finance and accounting, marketing, communications and leadership: To build my business acumen. And Mr. Charan makes it clear that business acumen drives all businesses, be they apple carts or multi-nationals.

    How simple is Charan's exposition on building business acumen?
    -Finance and operations management are boiled down to one equation (R=M*V). As basic as it gets.
    -And marketing gets covered just as simply: "Do they like my fruit? If customers cleared me out of bananas but I have apples left, should I abandon apples and specialize in bananas?"
    - Leadership is getting people to focus on the important drivers of wealth generation: cash, velocity, and margins. The best leaders cut through the complexity of their businesses, and get their employees entirely focused on these fundamentals.

    But do not be fooled by the brevity. This book is actually quite rigorous. Of course, you will still need spreadsheets and inventory management software and SAS to mine data in this increasingly complex world. Charan does not deny this, but cuts through the complexity so you can see how it all fits together. And that is business acumen, the knowledge and understanding of which will enrich any job you do.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    This book is great for the technically inclined management; a definite guide for those of us that have to lubricate and keep the machine running. If you are like me, after reading this book you will have some of the non-technical tools needed to deal with those impromptu invitations to the board meeting.

    It will be in my reference shelf for years to come!
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    The book is a definite buy for all. It builds a framework for those just starting out in any business and it reminds those with experience that it all still comes down to the basics. I'll be reading it again soon.
  • Mitesh (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    Ram Charan, the author, clearly and simply states the financial factors that influence a company's success. He emphasizes a person's ability to take the chaotic mess of financial data and break it into digestible, relevant chunks of knowledge through which a "leader" can make precise and informed financial decisions. He dedicates a small, but captivating, portion of the book on creating sychrnocity between people within a team, which I feel is a strong driving force behind a company's success.

    Overall, I was quite pleased with this book. It address many issues for an individual who isn't financially-oriented. I suggest reading "Douglas McGregor: Revisited" for further analysis on how to work with people in a team environment.
  • John (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-20 00:00>

    Good book and straight to the point. Good for strategic thinking and planning of a business. I picked it up with Stop Working by Rohan Hall which was also an excellent book about strategically building a business.
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