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The Small Business Millionaire: A Novel Of Heartbreak And Prosperity (平装)
 by Steve Chandler , Sam Beckford

Category: Entrepreneurship
Market price: ¥ 138.00  MSL price: ¥ 128.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: It is a heartwarming story of rebounding from failure and disappointment to success and fulfillment using basic business tactics, touching on the personal side and on business principles.
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  • Craig (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    This book is absolutely amazing. An easy to read novel loaded with proven business principles rather than mere theory written by someone who has done it, and you don't need an MBA to understand it. This book is what true mentorship is, principles which have actually been used successfully by someone presented in an easily understood format, leaving the choice to you, the reader, to implement and succeed, or to not implement and stagnate.
  • Jack Cooper (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    Would I rather just have straightforward advice if I wanted to start a business like the restaurant depicted in this book? Not on your life. Small Business Millionaire, similar to Who Moved My Cheese, The One-Minute Manager, and a handful of others in the genre of motivational literature, taps into a great teaching tool: the story as object lesson, as proof of solvable problems, as hypothetical example. For that, I have high praise for this work.
  • Steury (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    As a business owner, I loved the way this book put all of Steve and Sam's advice into a real-world format. Too often, with a non-fiction/self-help book, it's easy to get lost and to wonder, "How do I apply this information to my business?" With a fiction/story format, it's sometimes (and in my case, often) easier to see oneself in the same situations as the protagonists. Through such a vicarious experience, I am able to generate more ideas that can be directly applied to my business. As an English Teacher, I've always felt that if knowledge, be it practical or purely academic, were written in story format, students of any age would more readily comprehend. This book does just that. And on top of all that, it's a fun, quick read! As such, I highly recommend this book!
  • Michelle (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    This book is a fun, quick read that changed my life in a matter of days! The storyline format makes it easy to follow and simple to apply to daily life in business. It's not a book about money. It's more a book about truly enjoying being a business owner. Following the priciples in this book and truly relishing in the joy of owning a small business has defintely not only made my wishes of work come true but MONEY has quickly followed. Do what you love. Truly commit yourself to these priciples. Money will follow.
  • Kearney (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    I am a young, proud business owner with two growing business - a dance studio with my wife, and an advertising firm with four other colleagues. As an advertiser, I was taught in school that everything for every business was about branding. I have struggled with this for years in the field because our small business clients were not seeing any immediate benefit from the services that we provided. It was torturing me. How can all my teaching be a lie?

    Then I read this book. It finally clicked. Branding has little to no business in small business. Its the large businesses that are spending money on and worried about branding. They've already grown their business, now they want to grow brand equity! But for small biz, we are in a fight for survival! We need to learn how to reach our ideal customers, hire the right help, develop the proper process, and all the other things this amazing story teaches us!

    The irony is that because small biz didn't need my firms services, we were stuck in a rut. We weren't growing as fast as we wanted. They weren't our ideal customer! Duh! Now we have re-focused our marketing efforts to big biz and were're growing again!

    Thanks Sam and Steve. You've done it again!
  • Dianne (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    Love, Love, Love this book! As a business owner of 2 small businesses the knowledge and wisdom I have gained from Steve Chandler and Sam Beckford are priceless! "The Small Business Millionaire" has become a staple in my collection of entrepreneurial reads. It gives you self confidence and answers those tough little questions no one else can about the world of small business. Thank you Steve and Sam!
  • Tom (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    I found myself recognizing so many of my traits in this book. Made me realize that I was making the same mistakes as the character in the book. It's an east read that will have you fixing alot of your business thoughts and putting into action the thoughts of the author.Well worth the time and money to read.
  • Thomas (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    This is an easy-to-read novel that embodies and illustrates the principles of business management that Chandler and Beckford have developed. It's not just a novel - it's good business advice, too.
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