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Personality Plus: How to Understand Others by Understanding Yourself (Paperback) (平装)
 by Florence Littauer

Category: Business, Communication, Personality, Relationships
Market price: ¥ 148.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: The book is an outstanding resource for learning basic temperaments of people, understanding differences and developing skills to enhance relationships in all walks of life.
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  • Pat Jusuf (MSL quote), Indonesia   <2007-06-21 00:00>

    If ever you must read one book, pick your choice between this one or others written by Florence Littauer.

    While Personality Plus is more "textbook", this one is more "popular" reading with stories of people. Your life will significantly change and be 100% happier if you: read, think and act accordingly.

    In my line of work, I met hundreds of new people every month, thus, I need a way to suffice all these different people. Some are extremely talkative, some are totally mysterious, some are very laid back and others are just plain dictator. Actually, I already wrote four hints in my last sentence.

    Personalities differ from one person to another. Once you understand the key of it, there is actually nothing to it! Conflicts within families, aggression to other people, etc. can be minimize, well, it depends on the reader him/herself to apply knowledge obtained from this writer.

    I recommend this book to at least 20 other people already. You muts read this book for it will make your life more understandable and lead to a happier future.

  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-22 00:00>

    This is one of the most helpful books if you want to understand and get along with other people - and anyone can read it. It is hilarious in places and you will see yourself on many pages doing things that come naturally but annoy others. It made me appreciate why my relationship with my brother has always been difficult - I just need to find a way for him to read the book! Perhaps then he will understand that our personality traits move us to act in certain ways and may cause unintentional offence. Armed with this knowledge, we might make a few more allowances for each other. I reckon every teenager needs to read this book - it should be on schools curricula - and maybe we will all get along a little better with each other. A super book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-22 00:00>

    As an abuse survivor I have spent most of my life struggling with my lack of self-esteem. My desire to be a control freak. My desire to be a perfectionist, while at the same time dealing with bouts of depression. This book helped me realize that I'm not mental. I'm merely 1 of 4 basic personalities! I know now that I was a Sanguin turned into a Melencholy. As a Christian I also cherish the fact that much of the author's statements are backed by scripture. Instead of suggesting pills, as many psychiatrists, have suggested, she merely gave me a blueprint of my personality and helped me understand it. This book CAN change/save your life!
  • C. Riggs (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-22 00:00>

    I recommend this book to anyone who deals with people. In other words, everyone should read this book. I have learned so much about myself and others. This book has taught me about why people act and think the way they do. I'm only 16 and I found this book to be incredibly helpful. I think your really missing something special if you don't read it.
  • Michael Janke (MSL quote), Canada   <2007-06-22 00:00>

    PERSONALITY PLUS is one of the most enlightening books that I have ever read. Florence Littauer shows how to determine what type of temperament you fall into: Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy, or Peaceful Phlegmatic. Understanding that, we are then shown the strengths and weaknesses that accompany each of them. Littauer then teaches, gently and humorously, how we can improve ourselves and our relationships by simply recognizing and accepting the temperaments (in ourselves and others). For once we understand that the other temperaments are different from us because that is simply how they are built, and not because they wish to annoy us or make things difficult, it changes the way we look at and deal with people. As I read this book it was like a lightbulb popped on in my head-difficult people in my life were suddenly seen in a new light and dark motives I had attributed to them disappeared. And our relationships improved.

    I highly recommend this book. It will help you in friendships, with family, with romance, and at work. I recommend it even more for those who are in positions of leadership. Understanding yourself and then understanding those around you will radically change your life interactions for the better.
  • Dianne Daniels (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-22 00:00>

    After getting a little insight into the theory of the different personalities (Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholy and Phlegmatic) I picked up this book on the recommendation of a friend who had read it and also heard Mrs. Littauer on audiotape.

    After taking the quiz inside the book, I found that I am nearly all Powerful Choleric, with some Popular Sanguine and Perfect Melancholy thrown in for good measure. I was somewhat aghast to find that there is no Peaceful Phlegmatic in my personality (a fact that doesn't surprise anyone who truly knows me!).

    Florence's book is entertaining, an easy read, and very valuable in its insight. You won't find 'pigeon holes' in this book, for we are all a combination of multiple types of personalities (as I explained about myself above) but you'll definitely gain a better understanding of your strengths and even some of your areas of challenge after reading this book.

    I liked the flow of the book and the detailed descriptions of each personality type. As I read through the book, I could see parts of people I worked with and have known throughout the years, and it's definately helped my personal interactions with them.

    Beware, you'll find yourself identifying parts of people's personalities on a constant basis once you read this book, but it's really fun once you get the hang of it. If you are a people person (or even if you are not) this book will become a much-used resource in your library.

    When working with my image consulting clients, I often recommend they pick up a copy of this book and read it from cover to cover as part of developing their self-image and indeed, discovering more about their true selves. People often deny parts of their personalities, believing there is something 'wrong' or less than desirable about a particular strength that they have.

    Florence's wonderful book will encourage all who read it to accept their individuality, while understanding more about what makes us the special and terrific creatures that we are.
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