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Love You Forever (平装)
 by Robert N. Munsch

Category: Picture books, Ages 4-8, Children's book
Market price: ¥ 88.00  MSL price: ¥ 78.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: This is a hypnotic, heart achingly beautiful book about love in its primary and most incomparable form, the love a parent has for their child.
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  • Shelley Fralic, National Post (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    There is a powerful, age-old resonance to the story, centered on that intangible, steadfast bond between mother and child.
  • David Maloof, Boston Globe (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    The one book that has the most meaning to me.
  • John Lownsbrough, Outlook Magazine(MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    The starting point for a first-rate library for your grandchildren... a tender ode to the life cycle of a family.
  • Nancy Kavanagh (MSL quote), Minnesota, USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    I first read this book in 5th grade. I truly enjoyed it. I thought that it was silly how the mom would climb in the window, but even at the age of 10 I realized that she could never do that, the author was just showing the reader that parents will love you unconditionally as long as they are able to.

    Some people read too much into this book, and try to make it sound disturbing and sick. Those of you who say that it caused your anxiety about death should really go talk to your parents and ask them why you never discussed death as a child. Did no one you knew ever pass away? You have never encountered death? My daughter is 5 years old and the first time I read the book to her, she asked me "did his mom go to Heaven?" I'm not afraid to talk to my children about the tough issues they will face in life. The sooner they learn that death does happen, the easier it will be for them when someone they love dies.

    If the mother dying in the end is such a big issue for some, then sit down with your children and talk about it. Explain to them that life is a cycle. Everyone dies when it's their time. You don't know when it will happen, but that is why you should live your lives to their fullest. Love those you love with joy and understanding and appreciate what you have for the rest of your life.
  • Barbara Rose (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    I read this book so many times to my children when they were small; they loved it each time, as it showed them the stages of life in a poignant and beautiful manner. I never cried from this book, and neither did my children, although I did get choked up, with moist eyes. It also brought about more of a loving bond, which shows the circle of life, and how important unconditional love is between a parent and child.

    I highly recommend reading this book to your child. It will show how much love there is, and how it endures "forever."
  • Samuel A (MSL quote), Scott   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    Love You Forever, while a children's book, might perhaps exert the greatest emotional impact on adults, whether or not we are parents. Although many mothers have responded from the maternal perspective, the other obvious perspective is that of any child (i.e. you and me) - boy or girl - and the realization of the profound meaningfulness of unconditional love from one's mother, facilitated by the prospect of being able to return that level of caring in later years. As a man, I tend to imagine myself as the male in the story. Although I do have a 14-yo daughter, for me the most moving aspect, as stated above, is the anticipation (and for many, perhaps the re-enactment) of the passing of one's mother, which I believe many women respond to as well, assuming they also tend to place themselves in the role as child.

    I'd like to quote from two pre-2000 Amazon reviews of this book:

    "This book is just plain touching. How can a man put into words what only a Mom can understand?"

    Again, the irony here, in my opinion, is that men should be exceedingly capable of being moved by this story, whether or not they have children of their own. It may be of interest to examine whether women and men tend to assume differential roles in this story when they read it (e.g., perhaps women react most often as the mother, whereas men respond most commonly as the child).


    "I had Robert Munsch on my radio show and interviewed him about the book. The book was written to honor the 2 still births that his wife had in two years. In fact the book is dedicated to these two babies. When I asked him about the mother going across town with a ladder to see her son, he explained that it should not be taken literally but rather figuratively that a mother will always be there for love whenever! Mr Munsch read the book on the air and we had a bank of 5 callers waiting to talk to him. None of them could because they were all in tears."

    This tends to answer two questions. First, and quite presumably, the book was written primarily with the perspective of the mother in mind. Nevertheless, there can be no doubt as to the dual basis or motivation underlying Munsch's desire to write and publish this piece. Surely he was responding to emotions in the context of his relationship with his mother as well. Second, Munsch addresses the critical discrepancy between literal and figurative. In my opinion, the few negative reviews of this little book (note also the oddity that >80% of reviews are 5-star, <20% are 1-star, with essentially nothing in between) failed to appreciate this important nuance.
  • Mark Jones (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    This little classic is readily and easily digested by one who has known the true love of a mother. My mother gave me this book during the first Christmas with my new baby daughter in 1992. I had no idea that within the year, my father would be gone, and I would begin to give tender care to my precious little mother who would begin "getting very sick" much like the mother in the book. I cried a bucket of tears as I read it aloud with my wife, mother and father for the very first time. When my mom passed on, it was a tender and precious time at her bedside, and very reminiscent of this tender little book.

    Today, my two girls go for it regularly on my shelf at bedtime. They tease me because I can't get through it without crying. Funny to me that they have a very good grasp of allegory and they, unlike some of the book's critics, understand that the scenes with the mother coming to the man's apartment are actually his memories of her love. They understand, as I explain to them that the love poured into the son by his mother, has taught him how to love his new baby daughter at the end.

    Love begets love, and this little children's parable is a powerful reminder! I highly recommend -Love You Forever- to anyone who enjoyed a wonderful love with their mother. To others, I'm sorry but you simply won't (and obviously don't) understand. It's not written for you.
  • Bethany Forster (MSL quote), USA   <2006-12-25 00:00>

    I was not expecting to become pregnant so early in my marriage, but when I found out I was having a boy, I was overjoyed, albeit a bit freaked out. A wonderful friend of mine in Florida sent me this book and I purposely never read it until our Little Bub (nee John) was born.

    Late one night in his first few weeks home, I pulled the book from the table in his room, and sat with Bub in the rocking chair as he fussed. I began to read aloud and by the fifth page, I was a blubbering mess. I read the book silently, rocking my newborn son and realizing that having someone who was going to be around forever was a wonderful thing.

    This book is a great gift, although I am going to limit reading it to birthdays as Bub does not need to see Mummy blubber like that every night.

    And for those that say the book is creepy... get over yourselves! Sheesh!
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