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Send: The Essential Guide to Email for Office and Home (精装)
 by David Shipley , Will Schwalbe

Category: E-mail writing, Communication, Self help
Market price: ¥ 228.00  MSL price: ¥ 178.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Send is a valuable guide that helps stop us making total fools of ourselves every time we carelessly hit the reply button.
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  • Carol (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    Send isn't just readable, it's funny and charming and wildly useful. We all email too much and too often, and at last, here's a book that tells us how to do it better. The authors caution against endless cc'ing and Re: ing but are realistic too. They recognize that some emails are for the sole purpose of sustaining relationships and that even emoticons have their place. :-) What's important is consistency, thinking before you send, and sending the kind of email you'd like to receive. This is a book not just for businesspeople and college grads, but for all of us.
  • Meyer (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    Any person who uses e-mail in the workplace has to read "SEND". This book offers the best look at how we can be efficient, less offensive, and more wise in our e-mail use. The guide is not elementary or dull. On the contrary, it offers constructive and entertaining examples of the potential minefields that lay ahead when we send before we think. In addition to illustrating bad habits, the book provides straightforward suggestions as to how we can become better e-mailers and as a result, more productive communicators. I have already adopted some of the rules from "SEND" and am encouraging my employees to do the same. I am pleased to say that I now approach my e-mails differently and the results have been noticeably positive.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    This thoughtful guide to the use (and abuse) of e-mail should be on every bookshelf. Its both a practical guide and an enjoyable read, full of interesting and useful information about this newly essential tool. Shipley and Schwalbe give the evolving etiquette of e-mail thoughtful consideration but they never lecture and they never scold. Rather, they show the reader how we can use e-mail effectively and avoid or lessen some of the irritations we all know can come with it. It's a great tool for the office, a great resource for the home user and a great gift for the graduate. These debonair fellows (see the jolly jacket photo) are jaunty Virgils guiding us through our cyber-purgatory.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    For those of us who live in planes and use cities and airports as mere pit stops, e-mail has become a critical an element of life as food. This book helps organize one's thinking about how best to use e-mail, and how to avoid misunderstandings - including potentially career destroying mistakes. The authors write entertainingly and offer great enlightenment. I picked up this book at a store in New Delhi, read it, went back and bought several more copies to give to friends. I suspect you'd want to do the same (without necessarily having to travel to India to buy the book!).
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    Simple, simple book done with wit providing useful tips with heaps of common sense interspersed with interesting real life experiences. A great beginners guide and useful for those who just don't get the "how to's and why's of good communication... email or not.
  • Mcdonald (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    SEND is a great book that reminds us to check our knee-jerk reactions to e-mail. Regardless of how many years we've been on the Internet or how savvy we think we are in terms of e-mail etiquette, it doesn't hurt to brush up on some of the basics.

    I can't count how many e-mails I receive in a given day that have a subject line that is completely unrelated to the topic; so many people, myself included, will continue a correspondence back and forth without ever changing the subject of the e-mail.

    Due to the rapidity of the medium, we often expect unreasonably quick replies to our e-mails. And many people have no idea when to end a conversation. In person, we know how to do that easily. Most people are in agreement as to when a conversation is over but chitchat in e-mail can go back and forth into cyber eternity and someone has to know when to say stop, when to delete an e-mail or just reply with one line.

    Much of the advice in this primer is based on common sense but I found it to be an excellent reminder that in general my own e-mails tend to be too long, partly because I dictate with a voice program, and that I reply too often instead of hitting the big "D" on my keyboard. Something here for everyone, particularly beginners, but also for old-timers too.
  • Paul (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    This book is an invaluable resource. It will be especially useful to young people who are entering the working world, to help them avoid the e-mail pitfalls that so many of us have experienced. I plan to make this a graduation gift to all of the young people I know. Considering that e-mail is now the standard form of communication in the office, I can't think of a better way to help them in their careers.
  • Hunt (MSL quote), USA   <2007-06-29 00:00>

    "Send", the new book providing "dos", "dont's" and other rules of etiqutte online, is a short book, but comprehensive to the degree that so many areas of emailing are covered. Much of what is written here may not be followed as we do indeed tend to dash off emails at a precipitous rate sometimes, but the the wisdom of the authors is appreciated.

    There is some good advice especially about sending angry emails, as most of us have at one time or another, but "Send" also provides reminders about content, CCs and BCCs, when to send an email and when not to, etc. A good deal of this is second nature but the book works as a welcome reference. For those of us who don't work in an office or with other people, there is a fair amount about office etiquette, so some readers may want to skip those sections, but the narrative is crisp and "Send" is a solid and often fun read.
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