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Six Thinking Hats (平装)
 by Edward de Bono

Category: Innovation
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 138.00   [ Shop incentives ]
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MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: The six hats refer to six different perspectives – this book tells you that the goal of effective thinking is to make complexity manageable.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-04 00:00>

    For problem-solving requiring creativity, this is an excellent approach. I am currently using the CoRT package for teaching thinking, and while it is simplistic (after all, thinking is straightforward for most of us, owing to long practice), it is effective.
    The purpose of the hats and colors, as well as the apparent simplicity, is to guide the mind along the appropriate paths. Read De Bono's "Mechanism of Mind" for a detailed explanation of what is going on.

    This book goes beyond CoRT, in that it provides a more flexible approach than TEC-PISCO, but CoRT does provide the creativity tools for actual work under the green hat. CoRT also has specific tools for under the other hats, too, but is a lengthier process. CoRT is nearly 30 years old now, and has influenced a lot of later writers and their methods.

    There are other approaches to this. But you don't need brainstorming and all that stuff, to do creative problem-solving. You can work through things by being in calm control of your mind, and by yourself (rather than in a brainstorming group). The techniques work if you use them: if you don't actually use them, don't expect a benefit.

    Compact, terse and readable. Also, very implementable, with good results if you get into it. If you treat it like you already know all about it, you will not see any benefit.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-04 00:00>

    Excellent, unique presentation of the thought process. If everyone in the organization adopts the visually stimulating idioms suggested for each category of thought presented - colored thinking hats, the group creative thought process can be managed much better and individuals guided into thought playing roles, without risk to their egos!

    This book appears to be unfinished in the sense that the style is one of presenting a series of terse statement paragraphs with a liberal sprinkling of example paragraphs. A smooth transition between paragraphs is often missing - the book almost appears to be an organized presentation of the author's brainstorming sessions!

    I personally found the book refreshing, thought provoking and timeless ( in the sense that anyone interested in managing creative thought will always be able to use the techniques presented).
  • Rolf (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-04 00:00>

    Edward de Bono's "hats" method has been practiced by people in a variety of organizations, from executives in multinational corporations to children in elementary schools. It provides a convenient, easy way to cut through confusion and make decisions based on clear thinking. The hats are useful visualization tools to help sidestep the ego and provide a nonjudgmental path to decision making. Each chapter provides a clear descriptions of a different color hat. The book offers plenty of quotes to suggest how to use the hats in conversation. We recommend this book as particularly helpful for managers, teachers, group leaders or anyone involved in group decision making.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-04 00:00>

    All of Dr. de Bono's book are full of tips that make you think about thinking, some go into deep technicalities while other repeat variations-on-a-theme. This book is one of the best I've read on a coherent method to adopt as a group and to even impose on others so as to to have every thought and emotion in its proper and valid compartment.

    Its a very enjoyable book to read and I would suggest re-reading each chapter for some days until it sinks in.
  • James (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-04 00:00>

    This is an interesting analysis along with practical solutions for dealing with meetings that meander like grazing cattle. His six thinking hats is a simple way to explain his approach - but - also easy to remember and apply.
  • Michael (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-04 00:00>

    Dr. de Bono's method is a simple and powerful one - by concentrating all thinking in one direction and making sure all competing views get attention, a very strong output can be achieved in the minimum timespan. I would recommend it to any team going through a problem solving exercise.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-04 00:00>

    The method outlined in this book is incredibly useful and yields very powerful results... albeit its somewhat goofy hat metaphors for thinking styles. There is little point going on about the details - many reviewers have covered the strengths.

    Several items detract from the book:

    1. Each exploration of the different thinking styles (aka "hats") has significant repetition; I'd be surprised if you ended up reading this book word-for-word.

    2. Some of the assertions made - months' long problems solved in 15 minutes, etc. - seem a bit on the extreme end of the spectrum, and as such, detract from the power of the methodology. Realistically, in my work with this method, it takes a bit to get folks comfortable enough to do their best work consistently. I've yet to see a 15-minute miracle solution appear.

    Yet these are minor quibbles. If you work with organizations or teams to solve problems, whether as an outside facilitator or consultant, or you deal with a significant number of heated meetings and have the capability to suggest framework and process changes, this is definitely a method that belongs in your toolkit.
  • David (MSL quote), USA   <2007-07-04 00:00>

    The six thinking hats is a great read. This book is well written and simple to read, which makes reading this book a breeze. As a reader, one will be enhance to different thinking techniques that promote thinking.

    There are six different approaches to solving problems/situations that anyone can relate to. The six different approaches are color coordinated with hats. These hats have theory as well as plenty of examples throughout the book. Therefore the reader has the ability to read or imagine how the application of each approach is utilized.

    I think this book goes hand in hand with everyday life as well as the work place. When reading the book one can remember themselves or someone else applying the different hat in certain situations. In the work place one can analyze and categorize how their approach in solving situations take place.
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