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Do You!: 12 Laws to Access the Power in You to Achieve Happiness and Success (精装)
 by Russell Simmons, Chris Morrow

Category: Motivation, Inspiration, Personal success
Market price: ¥ 268.00  MSL price: ¥ 238.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: An awesome motivational book, Do You! is for anyone who needs that little uplift in life. Who doesn't need this uplift?
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  • The New York Times, USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    Russell Simmons, the original and eternal Hip-Hop Mogul, is one of the most innovative and influential figures in modern American business and culture.
  • Donald Trump (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    I consider him one of the great entrepreneurs out there today. Russell knows the market and he sees the future, and that’s the ultimate businessperson.
  • JayZ (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    Simmons is the Godfather. Def Jam was the model that birthed Bad Boy, No Limit, Roc-A-Fella, and all these other labels. And then later, Phat Farm birthed Sean Jean, Rocawear, MarcJacobs, and all these other clothing companies. Russell is the architect of what we do.
  • The Wall Street Journal (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    "Not many people can stay cool for twenty years," says Morgan Stanley star software analyst, Chuck Phillips. "That’s worth a lot."

  • Nas (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    Russell and I both are both from the streets of Queens--different neighborhoods, but a similar struggle. So I have a true appreciation and respect for the commitment he's made to uplifting himself in life. But I have even more respect for the commitment he's made to uplifting other people in the struggle as well. And these Laws are just another demonstration of that commitment. With Russell, it's never just been about stacking paper. He's never been satisfied just making a hot record or a hot jacket, he's always wanted to teach the rest of us how to make something hot too. So that we can enjoy the same kind of longevity he's enjoyed. And more importantly than the records or the clothes, Russell's always reminded us to speak our truth. He's encouraged us to stay on the side of right and share what in our hearts. This book is Russell’s truth and if you listen to what he's saying, you’ll find the inspiration and the knowledge to start the journey you want to take in life too.
  • Brenda Hampton (MSL quote) , USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    Do you know the 12 Laws to access the power in you to achieve happiness and success?

    Do you know this book delivers a powerful message that is capable of putting you on the right path, TODAY?

    Do you want to find out what it takes to bring out the best in you and discover your purpose in life?

    Do you know, see, feel and have faith in your visions?

    Do you know what taking action on the important laws in this book can do for you?

    Do you know and recognize the power of giving, rather than receiving?


    Curious about the history of Hip-Hop, and the man who is credited for bringing it alive, I purchased this book. Just by looking at the television, I knew Russell Simmons had it going on, but DO YOU! went beyond the glamour and allowed me to see Mr. Simmons and Hip-Hop from a different perspective. Moreso, my concerns about the Hip-Hop industry has changed, and I am saddened by the media, and people in our own communities who often protray the entire industry as a disgrace. Well, I'm here to tell you that as long as Russell Simmons continues on with his vision, and more JZ's, 50's, P-Diddy's and Nelly's are sprouting out, Hip-Hop music, books, films, etc., are here to stay! Many of these rappers/writers are passionate about what they do, and often, the success of others in their communities is of key importance. No, you're not going to get that impression from the media, because they don't want you to. The videos don't shed much light as to who they really are, but before we pass judgement, we have to look at the big picture. I too am often criticized for my style of writing, but at the end of the day, I have to DO ME because that's what makes me happy. Russell stressed the importance of DOING YOU, and it's all about being who you desire to be, not who others want you to be.

    Bottom line, yes, we all have some work to do with cleaning up our messages, but let's not lose focus and ignore the truth. And, the truth is, HIP-HOP has contributed to our communities more than anyone!! I know that Nelly has done more for our youth in the inner city of St. Louis and there's no way I can judge him just from watching his videos. The same goes for many of these artists, and if you try to silence HIP-HOP, Urban Literature, etc., you're asking for the silence of voices that weren't even allowed to speak many years ago. To me, that's moving us backwards. So, step up, step out and DO YOU. If you're serious, Russell's laws will help you do just that. I encourage everyone, who really wants to move his/her vision forward, to read this book. I'm more than proud of Mr. Simmons for sharing and I am thankful that his book made its way into my hands. What a blessing. As for Jinx... get well soon. The world awaits you.
  • B. Tashjian (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    Many, if not all items in this book we all know about. There is no ground breaking information here that we haven't heard before or don't instinctually know, but we can say that about most things. What's unique about this book is it accessible and convincing language. Unlike many pompous and self absorbed authors such as Dyer and others, Russell wears his heart on his sleeve and gives us no nonsense and usable steps to achieve what we want. Some readers might be a bit turned off by mention of "yogis" and the "meditate don't medicate" references, but you know what, they make sense! So ya, there are some gimmicky and new age like material in here but all in all, it's solid and usable advice. What more could one ask for in a self help book with some bite? Great read!
  • Gian Fiero (MSL quote) , USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    Much has been written and said about Russell Simmons. The Godfather of Hip-Hop (which he is affectionately referred to, but does not like to go by) has created a media empire and amassed a fortune in the process. While his riches might be the subject of many articles and interviews, living a life of generosity and sharing blessings are the focus of his new book. Essentially, the book emphasizes two philosophies. One revolves around achieving success; developing vision, getting a clear focus, having determination, maintaining persistence, and working hard - the key ingredients to building wealth. The second revolves around knowing who you truly are (your unique brand of "you") and incorporating YOU in all that you do to make your life more fulfilling. His 12 laws are designed to help you achieve that fulfillment. While Russell does tend to stray from topics and goes off on periodic tangents (don't ever offer him Kentucky Fried Chicken), he always comes back front and center to squarely nail the subject of each chapter, leaving you with plenty of food for thought and inspiration.
  • Cynthia Hooks (MSL quote), USA   <2007-08-23 00:00>

    Most inspiring book I have read in the last 2 years! I found it to be great reading and enjoyed it so much. Russell covered so many areas in a way that I could relate to at 45 years old, but I also found it appropriate for several teens in my family who are graduating from high school this year-my own son included. Should be mandagtory reading for today's young people. Read the book myself in 3 days and will keep it to motivate me whenever I feel myself slacking off. Thanks, Russell!!!
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