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The Unwritten Rules of the Highly Effective Job Search: The Proven Program Used by the Worlds Leading Career Services Company (精装)
 by Orville Pierson

Category: Job search, Career guide, Career development, Self help
Market price: ¥ 238.00  MSL price: ¥ 218.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: A thoughtful systematic approach to job hunting featuring such effective strategies as focus, structure and accountability.
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  • Redlip (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-18 00:00>

    So many books on job search are about writing resumes, getting interviews, selling oneself, etc. Pierson's book has sound advice on the basics of job search, but he starts at the beginning, that first step: how to start. For anyone who is at a crossroads, either because of a lost job or a need for a change, The Unwritten Rules will help you take that first step towards getting the job you want. You know, the one you can't even define for yourself? Pierson uses real conversations and a casual style to help the reader succeed at small tasks which bring one closer to one's ultimate goal: employment. Very useful!
  • Colleen Clay (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-18 00:00>

    A good friend of mine recommended that I read this book. I'm glad that I did. Mr. Pierson recognizes the emotional challenges that come with job search. I was able identify in with the stories he told and I no longer felt so alone - something I always associate with looking for work.

    This method suggested approaches that had never occurred to me. It's different from all other job search books. It shows you how to get out there and be effective right away. It keeps you on track with your job search. It produces results quickly.

    Not only that, it helped me step up in my present employment. Using the networking tools laid out in the Pierson Method, I'm currently negotiating with my present company for a better job with better pay.

    I highly recommend this book. Put down all of the other books, this is the one you need! Thank you, Mr. Pierson.
  • Judith Cohen (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-18 00:00>

    Orville Pierson has achieved in his book what no other job search book writer has even come close to providing - a companion for the journey. And the companion is a knowledgeable, compassionate guide for what is one of the most important spiritual quests in life - the search for one's work. Pierson helps the job seeker, step by step, elicit one's gifts, talents and interests, and teaches how to match them up with the needs of the job market/community. I found "The Unwritten Rules of the Highly Effective Job Search" to be inspiring, thought-provoking and engaging to the point of being a "great read"; that is, you want to keep reading to find out what happens next. Most of all, this guide gets you to where you want to go!"
  • John Kador (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-18 00:00>

    You may be lucky enough, if you have the bad luck to be a downsized executive, that your last employer will see fit to plunk down $10,000 so that the author of this book will coach you to get a new job. If not, your best bet is to plunk down $21.95 and buy this book. You won't get the hand-holding or on-call career consulting, but you'll get just about everything else an insider with the world's biggest executive outplacement firm has learned about the brutal facts of landing the next job. Orville Pierson tells it like it is. He treats the reader like he would a member of his family who comes to him for advice. It's a guide that covers all the basics, sure, but what really sets the book apart is the no-nonsense advice required to score a new job. The Pierson Method, as he terms the collection of his dos and donts, is a proven roadmap for unemployed people. Yes, it can be a lonely and scary journey. What I like the most is that Pierson acknowledges that the biggest obstacles aren't out there in the woods. They are inside us. In our minds. The important thing is not to act like a victim. The case histories he provides give us the confidence to move forward in trying times, and that's all anyone of us can aim for.
  • D. Haddad (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-18 00:00>

    As a practicing psychologist I have found this book very useful for helping clients organize a job search. The Pierson Method is well written and pragmatic. There are many books that show how to write a resume, but Pierson tells the inside story of how organizations really do their hiring and shows how job seekers can align their efforts to the reality of what works.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-18 00:00>

    I have to tell you this book is outstanding. It was both very informative and entertaining. Searching for a job is never fun. And if you're fortunate, you'll never have to search for many jobs in your life. If you're not experienced at looking for work, the search process can be arduous at best. This book provides a structure/methodology by which to conduct a highly effective job search and helps ease the "pain" of looking for work. I would recommend it to anyone from a new college grad to an experienced executive.
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