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Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness (Paperback) (平装)
 by Sandra Anne Taylor

Category: Self help, Personal success, Life
Market price: ¥ 158.00  MSL price: ¥ 148.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: 'Quantum Success' takes you on a quantum leap into a life of prosperity, abundance and happiness by enhancing our understanding of personal life transformation.
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  • Sonya Ryan (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    I don't know how to aptly express how grateful I am that I found this book and how much it has changed my life.

    I found "The Secret" last December and started working with the LOA principles as best I could understand them, and have made many huge changes in my life (like moving across the country!), all for the positive.

    However, Sandra's book is "The Secret" times 1000! This book is so much deeper than any of the LOA or positive thinking books, DVD's, and audio tapes I have used over this past year. She uses a combo of positive thinking, self-realization, and the Law of Attraction as well as other laws to create a complete life thinking overhaul.

    Today, I am happy, peaceful, and thrilled to be alive and able to express my creativity on this earth! A year ago I could never have imagined that it was possible to feel this way, I had no idea what peace or lasting joy felt like! Now I am able to take each day and live it fully. No worries about the future swimming around in my head constantly, and no "problems" in my life any longer, just challenges that help me grow!

    I know it sounds a bit corney, really I do!, but yet it is still true. If you are ready to change the way you think and the way you feel every moment of the day, get this book! You will not be sorry for the $10 investment! I had to buy additional copies for my family and friends, and I hope they get the same value out of it that I have.

    Thank you Sandra for changing my life!!!
  • Joy Tracey (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    Have you tried all the positive thinking in the world, but you just can't seem to get that promotion, new boyfriend, house, car, etc. that you want? Or have you watched The Secret or What the Bleep and wondered HOW you really manifest all those things? Or what you need to do differently?

    This book takes all those kinds of questions and lays out different laws, powers and energies that must be considered when looking at the Law of Attraction.

    This book differs from other self-help books in that it addresses the actual vibrations or energies that we are emitting which attract into our life everything that is going on. In addressing the presence of these energies or vibrations, she discusses powerful laws supported by the laws of quantum physics which are guiding us. But, don't worry, it's not a book about quantum physics and knowledge of that is not necessary.

    I LOVE this book because it puts together all the kinds of things you need to focus on to push past the barriers of the mind and be able to utilize the Law of Attraction.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    have been overly-thrilled with this book. Sandra is very descriptive on how we should think and react when it comes to working with the Universal energy field. To remain focused on our thoughts and intentions is the toughest part, and through her writings here, she guides you through so smoothly that you can't help but to succeed in this venture. Granted, there are many books popping up everywhere on this subject, and thinning them through can be a work in itself. But, while many individuals are just now "awakening" to this spiritual truth, I would recommend this book before many others- if not eliminating the others to avoid tedious remaking of the same literature contents.

    This is the guide, with step-by-step lessons that helps to rewire your thoughts to improve your outcome in life, and fulfill what we are all here to do. Make this book as your first choice for gift giving.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    Sandra Taylor, a practicing psychologist, delves into the science of success with this well-written insight into the world of universal law. Laws such as the Law of Magnetism, Law of Attraction, and Law of Pure Desire have achieved a wide popularity recently,which seems to reflect our current rage for advice on how to succeed and achieve our goals. In my opinion, Taylor does a good job in this area, delivering a piece similar to the popular book "Shortcut to a Miracle," by Michael and Elizabeth Rann.

    If you are interested in something more specifically geared towards financial success, you may want to try the classic "Richest Man in Babylon," by George Clason, or "The 17 Principles of Creating Wealth," by Phillip Collinsworth.
  • Bill Moore (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    This is one of the most complete books on success and achievement that I have ever seen! So many fall short, but not this. The science is compelling! It's one thing to hear, "You achieve what you believe," or "That which you focus on expands," but when you understand that these are based in natural patterns, you finally know what you have to do. (Contrary to what someone below indicated, this is rich in scientific application. I've studied quantum physics for 20 years, and I can tell you that the theories of consciousness created reality are themselves real and clearly applicable to the process of personal manifestation. When you understand these along with energy vibration and magnetism, you truly have a guidebook to success!)

    This book doesn't just say,"Change your thinking," it tells you why it's scientifically necessary, then it gives you many specific techniques that tell you how. This book doesn't just tell you to focus on your goal. It gives you powerful visualizations and explanations of how and why they work. It also gives you a 4 step plan of how to take the action that's needed. It covers the 7 Laws, the Innate Powers, the Magnetic Energies, and so much more. This is such a valuable resource, I find myself turning back to it over and over again to make sure I'm staying on track. I've also given it to dozens of friends, and I repeatedly hear stories of reversals of problems, major success, and even blossoming love! I've applied the principles that Taylor teaches, and I can say that through them I have attracted my beautiful wife, a significant job promotion, and just recently a major investor in a new business venture. There is no limit to what you can achieve when you understand how the forces of the Universe influence your journey. You can fight against them, or get to know them and move into that wonderful energetic flow!
  • N. Moitra (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    This is Sandra's 2nd book and she just keeps getting better. Her first book, Secrets of Attraction, changed how I view love & romance and my role in getting what I want in a relationship. QS encompasses all the other ways I can live abundantly....increasing my happiness, satisfaction with career, my place in the world, and my relationships (of all types). I've seen the Secret & What the Bleep. Her work precedes "The Secret" and I wonder if her book was a resource. I've also done a lot of work with Act to Attract, her audio program and I am on a fast track to have the life I always dreamed of. Thanks Sandra!!!!
  • Peggy McColl (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    In the 28 years that I've passionately studied self improvement and success,(and even written a few books on the subject myself), I have found Sandra Anne Taylor's book QUANTUM SUCCESS to be one of THE most complete and life-altering books there is available. I highly recommend it.

    I'll go out on a limb and tell you that you are going to find information and strategies in Sandra's book that you will not find anywhere else in the world or in any other book on the planet!

    It is an easy decision to invest in this book - especially when you see what a small investment it is.
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