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The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief (Hardcover) (精装)
 by Gregg Braden

Category: Spirituality, Quantum theory, Relationship
Market price: ¥ 258.00  MSL price: ¥ 248.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: It's about the power to re-vision your world, to clear your Light Body of karmic implants and to help heal all beings around you. It is well worth your time!
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  • A reader (MSL quote) , USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    I've read many, many books of a spiritual nature over the last several years and, over & over again I would read that we are all connected somehow and that we impact, or co-create, our reality. But, until reading Braden's "The Divine Matrix", I didn't really understand these ideas.

    This book is so powerful because Braden doesn't just tell readers how to "intend" a different future, or make the statement that we are all connected, but instead he explains how & why these statements are true based on new scientific evidence. Plus, although the scientific concepts he discusses are quite complex, he has the ability to make them easy to understand for people who, like me, have no physics background.

    The overall concept is that there is a web of energy where all things begin and all possibilities exist. It's this "web" that connects us to everyone and everything, and through which we bring possibilities into existence (co-creating our reality through imagination, prayer, judgement, expectation, etc...). What a brilliant design!

    An awesome "bonus" is the "20 Keys to Consciousness" he includes at the end, where he outlines how to use the information he provides to create the life you want to live. You may want to type these up, print them out, and hang them somewhere that you'll see them everyday...

    In addition to the scientific concepts and research discussed in "The Divine Matrix", Braden also shares some personal stories reflecting his journey of discovering, understanding, and using this information - providing a really nice balance between the science & the personal.

    Overall, I would HIGHLY reccomend "The Divine Matrix" to anyone interested in how science is beginning to prove the truth of ancient spiritual concepts, as well as those who'd like to co-create a better future. It's insightful, profound, and an "easy read" (when compared to other books of this genre).
  • Tobey Crockett (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    The Divine Matrix is a very strongly written book in the first two thirds or so. The final third seems to suffer a bit from its abbreviation of arguments Braden has apparently made in his earlier works. Nonetheless, I think it merits 5 stars for what it accomplishes, and I have ordered more Braden material to see if his total vision holds up as strongly as it seems to promise it can. The one point in his discussions with which I have difficulty, only briefly alluded to here in the Divine Matrix and not well explained, connects ancient religious texts and the human genome. I am really not sure I can go there, but otherwise, the physics and metaphysics jibe well with my own decades of exploration and experiences with academic research, qi gong practice, Buddhist mediation and other esoteric pursuits. My own academic work also describes a deep web of interconnectivity, and this ancient wisdom tradition is indeed, as Braden describes it, reflected in many scientific and metaphysical considerations of "reality". Braden explains it very well however, and where I found the film "What The Bleep" to be sadly fuzzy and all over the map in its imprecision, Braden has undertaken a course correction and done a fine job doing so. Readers will have plenty to chew on, without having to buy everything hook, line and sinker.
  • Ann Albers (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    Its about time someone did what Greg Braden has done in this easy to read and inspiring book. He takes the esoteric field of quantum physics and translates it for the lay reader into easy to understand stories, and examples, as well as practical applications. You'll learn that your world isn't so solid after all, that you can create powerful change in your own life, and that we have the power to change your world from the inside out.

    If you liked this one, you will also like reading Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation in which the theories discussed in "The Divine Matrix" are demonstrated in very practical appliation by Dr. Richard Bartlett who teaches you to use them to create 'miracles' in your life.

    Blessings to both for bringing this life-changing, powerful information into the world in a way that is easy to understand and repeatable.
  • Margo Painter (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    I found the book very interesting and informative for all. The Author composed scientific facts with the possibilities of others to come. He has a way of writing that simpifies the facts, so they can be easily understood. It opens the mind to so many other possibilities. This book should be a requirement to read for everyone. If people did not already know this information or feel there was something more to the All of existence. They have choosen to ignore the All and live in a small place. They are missing so much in life. From the vibrations of the rocks to the existence of never ending space, that is the All, meaning connectivity of everything. Seen or unseen. Everything one should all ready know and feel. To have true Wisdom is to be open to all possibilities, even a Theory that seems unbelievable. Believe till proven wrong. Believe in the possibity. All is possible if you believe.
  • Scott H. Strickland (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    This is a very informative book. Don't let the simplicity and clarity of the presentation fool you - it goes farther than most presentations in explaining, in practical terms, the "miraculous energy" that connects us all. More scientific references (Plank, Einstein, academic/ government scientists) than spiritual references (Bible, metaphysical writers) make this less a "leap of faith" and more a well-reasoned presentation of how things really work, including miraculus things. It you are into "The Secret", "What the Bleep", the impact of Quantum Mechanics, or "How did Jesus do that?", this book provides a workable perspective on it all.
  • Phyllis Staff (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    As a voracious reader, I usually race through books, rarely stopping until I've finished. This book was different.

    I moved slowly through the book over a period of days rather than hours, pausing to comtemplate quantum weirdness, and, especially, mirrors that send us messages about ourselves. While, like the author, I had been told that people in our lives reflect who we are, I found the notion didn't work for me when, from time to time, people in my life behaved in ways anathema to me. Never before had I considered that they reflected my own tightly-held judgements. That one idea has been freeing!

    Savoring the keys to conscious creation, I reflected on people and experiences that have flowed in - and out - of my life. How those people and experiences have changed and strengthened me, how I choose to use that strength in the future, how my actions influence the whole - all came to awareness while reading this remarkable book.

    Take your time to consider the remarkable discoveries detailed in this book. You'll find it worthwhile.

    Five stars. Well done!
  • Tasha Halpert (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    Buy this book and change your life. Whether you need physical, emotional or psychological healing, an increase in prosperity or simply a general improvement in all conditions in your life, The Divine Matrix will help you to manifest what you need. It reads very well and kept my interest throughout. The author writes clearly and with conviction. You will find it easy to follow even though he is describing scientific principles. It is also well illustrated with examples and references as well as footnotes. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to improve his or her life. Even if you have tried other "new age" methods with some good results, you will find greater success after reading this book. Discover for yourself how to make your life happier and more to your liking simply by applying what is outlined here.
  • Barbara Rose (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-23 00:00>

    WOW! Talk about a literary, spiritual and consciousness MASTERPIECE, that is what this book is - and I do NOT say this lightly! I LOVE everything this book represents, how it was written (in language anyone can understand) and with REAL DEPTH and WISDOM, THIS BOOK has made me a "fan" of Gregg Braden!

    Here I wanted to share some quotes directly from this PHENOMENAL book for you:

    "The key is that the energy connecting everything in the universe is also a part of what it connects!"

    "There are more attributes that set the Divine Matrix apart from any other energy of its kind. First, it can be described as being everywhere all the already exists. Unlike a broadcast from a TV or radio station that has to be created into one place before being sent and received somewhere else, this field seems to be everywhere already."

    "The bottom line of what this experiment demonstrates is that the behavior of the particles when the experiment begins appears to be determined entirely by things that don't even happen until the experiment is finished. In other words, the present has the power to change what's already occurred in the past. And this is the so-called quantum-eraser effect: Things that happen after the fact can change ("erase") the way the particles behave at an earlier point in time."

    "The common denominator of the twofold:
    1. They show us that we're a part of the Divine Matrix
    2. They demonstrate that human emotion (beliefs, expectations, and feelings) are the language that the Divine Matrix recognizes."

    "...For all intents and purposes, the operating system of a computer is fixed and doesn't change. In other words, it "is" what it is. When we want to see our computer do something different, we don't change the operating system - WE CHANGE THE COMMANDS THAT GO INTO IT. (My caps, italics in the book.) The reason why this is important is that consciousness appears to work precisely the same way."

    The section called "20 KEYS OF CONSCIOUS CREATION" is way too good for me to "quote" here - because the LAST thing I want to do is give you the ending of this amazing book - it's something you will want to read, absorb and experience for yourself in the expansion of your consciousness - it's fantastic!

    I can ONLY give my HIGHEST recommendation for this book, for how much it CAN transform your consciousness, which is HOW to transform your life. Gregg Braden deserves an award for this book. It's entirely inspiring, filled with amazing insight, is an outstanding read, and one that I feel honored to even review!

    I believe THE DIVINE MATRIX: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief - is one book that you will be giving yourself a MAJOR GIFT in reading. That's exactly what this book is - a MAJOR GIFT to Humanity - and I sincerely mean this with all of my heart.

    Deserves 1,000 Stars!

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