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Bankable Business Plans (精装)
 by Edward Rogoff, Jeff Bezos (Forward)

Category: Business plan, Venture business, Entrepreneurship
Market price: ¥ 278.00  MSL price: ¥ 258.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: Pre-order item, lead time 3-7 weeks upon payment [ COD term does not apply to pre-order items ]    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: Bankable Business Plans is an extraordinary resource for anyone who is working on a business plan.
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  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-26 00:00>

    This book is terrific because it directly addresses the issue that probably undermines more business plans than any other: unrealistic assumptions. After 20 years as a banker and financial advisor to growth companies, both large and small, I believe that professional equity investors judge entrepreneurs by their ideas, their ability, and the reasonableness of their assumptions. Aggressive business plan assumptions raise significant doubts in the minds of investors, who don't just want 25% IRRs but want 25% IRRs that are achievable. Rogoff wisely advises entrepreneurs to ground their plans in reality, using solid industry data and benchmarking techniques. He teaches you to think like an investor or banker before writing your plan. Very solid advice. A must-read before going to market with your plan.
  • Martin Snow (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-26 00:00>

    Bankable Business Plans by Edward Rogoff is the Bible of how to start and grow your own business. As a small business owner with little time and even less formal business education,I needed a resource that would tell me exactly what I needed to know without needing an MBA to understand it.Bankable Business Plans is so clear, concise and informative it almost feels like having your own business advisor.This book isn't just for entrepreneurs, but for anyone who wants to take their career to the next level. It teaches you how to think like a business professional.
  • Rodney Christopher (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-26 00:00>

    I bought this book because my job includes helping nonprofit organizations analyze their businesses and undertake effective business planning. As I read the book, it became clearer to me that my own nonprofit organization desperately needed a business plan - and I found myself grateful for the path outlined in Bankable Business Plans to guide us through the process. While Mr. Rogoff's work is geared toward for-profit companies I found this book extremely helpful - clear, encouraging and occasionally humorous. Perhaps the most important thing Mr. Rogoff makes clear is that the job of a business plan is to convince others to invest in a venture - as such, we must be clear that our ventures are worthy of investment.
  • Cheryl Fenton (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-26 00:00>

    Bankable Business Plans by Edward Rogoff and Jeff Bezos is clear, concise, comprehensive, easy to read and a joy to assign to my students. Some of the material presented can be rather dull and complex (especially the financials) but Bezos and Rogoff's treatment of the subject was refreshing and even fun. Their step-by-step approach to understanding the RMA was right on the mark. Those seeking financing should feel both comfortable and confident approaching banks and investors if they have followed the techiques outlined by Rogoff and Bezos.

    Rogoff and Bezos are clearly entrepreneurs and educators. They capture and keep their audience with real-life examples and anecdotes. The advice is solid and result-oriented. I have read many books on the subject and Bankable Business Plans is the best, by far. Bankable Business Plans is must for potential entrepreneurs; it should be required reading for entrepreneurship students as well!

  • Howard Karp (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-26 00:00>

    The author's teaching experience really shows in this insightful and comprehensive manual. Written in a clear and down-to-earth fashion, not only does this book provide the reader with a step by step guide in developing a compelling business plan, but it also helps in clearly visualizing the actions necessary for success.

    The author's recommendation to use the RMA data to support a plan's financials is ingenious, since these are the very same numbers bankers and venture capitalists will be using in their decision to finance a plan. But the greatest benefit in using this book may be to ultimately convince the reader of the worthiness of his/her idea.

  • T. K. Flatley (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-26 00:00>

    A very readable, straightforward guide to business plans that really have the "right stuff". Not a formula or a cookie cutter but a comprehensive guide to all the issues that need to be thought out and developed for a bullet proof plan, right down to how to present the plan in person. The book is written clearly with a welcome touch of humor. As an investment banker /entrepreneur who has written, evaluated, critiqued and funded or rejected countless business plans over many years, this is by far the best and most helpful guide book I have come across. Also useful if you are reviewing business plans of others as to what was not addressed and also as a reality check on a business in which you might be involved as a director, officer, lender or creditor. I highly recommend Bankable Business Plans.
  • Richard S. Rosenstein (MSL quote), USA   <2007-10-26 00:00>

    After 30 years as an attorney representing both new businesses and troubled companies, I am delighted that there is finally a book which addresses the right issues for the new business and the business requiring a real restructuring. This book puts the lie to the online cookie cutter business plan all of which look the same to a financing source and look as if no thought has been put into the process. Lenders whether venture capitalists or commercial banks see a lot of business plans. This book forces the business owner to come to grips with the reality of their idea and business and put something together which demonstrates to a potential lender or investor that the business has a place in the market place and a real possibility to succeed. I have given this book as a gift to small business development programs as a tool to be used with their clients.
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