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The Little Guide to Happiness: How to Smile Again (Paperback) (平装)
 by Michael Kevin Naselli

Category: Motivation, Personal improvement, Self help
Market price: ¥ 178.00  MSL price: ¥ 158.00   [ Shop incentives ]
Stock: In Stock    
MSL rating:  
 Good for Gifts
MSL Pointer Review: An ethical and moral treat for the soul, this book tells us how to stay mentally in tune with being happy.
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  • Pam Pullman (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    All I really need to know on how to be happy I learned from Kindergarden. This book reminds us that wisdom is not at the top of some graduate school mountain, but there in the sandbox in Sunday School.

    These are the things I learned:

    Share everything
    Play fair
    Don't hit people
    Put things back where you found them
    Clean up your own mess
    Don't take things that aren't yours
    Say your sorry when you hurt someone
    Say thankyou when things are given to you
    It's good to make friends
    Say your prayers
    When you go out into the world it's best to hold hands and stick together.

    Look, everything you need to know to be happy is there. It hasn't changed and never will. It's still true no matter how old you are. This book is on the surface simplistic in it's tone for a reason, though it has depth beyond it's appearance. True happiness is not in some textbook thick psuedo intellectual book of psychobabble. It's in the little things like, The Little Guide To Happiness.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    Mr. Naselli is particularly skilled at conjuring the internal lives of people who might seem stoical but upon, deeper examination, prove as passionate as anyone. An inspiring book, and an eye-opening, exhilarating account into our internal lives is a recommended essential reading.

    I have read so many books promising joy in my life, yet I have read none so simple and practical as that of the Little Guide To Happiness. The book is a beautiful instruction guide to achieve a life of freedom and happiness. Written from his heart, " "The Little Guide to Happiness" has made profound changes in my life. What seemed insurmountable challenges became powerful lessons which I was able to embrace with faith and love. What is the dream that you hold for yourself? Allow the magic of this book to shift your life into a masterful awareness of all you want for yourself.Become the power that you want in your life, realize the opportunites before you and then you can live in a heaven created from the beauty of your own heart. I have given the book to many people, who, only reading it once, have initiated life changes. My personal experience with this book is that no matter how little you are exposed to him, your heart will always be touched. He and his words are the touch of an angel. Treat yourself to a world without limits!
  • Loretta (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    I teach a class in high school called "happiness" along with a workshop called "life skills". I managed to convince the principle that kid's need more than just academics if they are going to make it in today's world. Being happy is an art that implies instruction and practice. I've read this book twice. I...and I've purchased it to give away to friends and students. I feel it is a blessing. "The Little Guide To Happiness" is a must read for anyone who wants to learn how to manifest what they desire in their lives. What sets this book apart from so many that I've read is that he shows you how to empower yourself to change your own beliefs and thus enable us to all change our outer reality. I feel most of you who are thinking about purchasing this book have read many these reviews--Good and bad. I tend to agree with the other reviewer in that some of the bad reviews are most likely written by the same person. Don't let negativity get in the way of a positive change in your life. This guide will empower you to have the life of your dreams. There's also something magical about this book that truly can't be put into words. It's a phenom, really. There isn't much to the book. It's very simplistic, yet, it's wise beyond just words. Which is why it is so popular. I believe it has a lot to do with the author's intent of being of service by making this book available to so many. Change your life now by buying and reading this book. As you are so guided, gather the skills that can bring you to have the life of your dreams. You deserve it!! Blessings, Loretta.
  • William Palone (MSL quote)_, USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    In the past 10 years I've read over 100 books in the fields of Spirituality, Self-Improvement, Getting Rich etc. Many of those books were very good and they got me on the right path to what I wanted to do with my life. But it wasn't until reading "The Little Guide To Happiness," that I realized what was holding me back from living the life of my dreams.

    That key is this book made me realize that my subconscious beliefs were holding me back. That I could not proceed with my visualizations until all of me was in agreement on going after my goal.

    The techniques on "Right thinking" are fantastic. I think it explains the quick growth in my personal life. This technique shows you how to put a positive charge into your every being.

    Overall the book is filled with valuable information and is very easy and enjoyable to read. The average reader could read it in 2 or 3 hours. But it is packed with information to help you achieve your goals and how not to achieve your goals via his 5 misconceptions to happiness. There are also lots of quotes about happiness to further help you in achieving your goals at the back of the book.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    This book would make a nice gift to send out to my Godchildren. I think my nieces would also get a kick out of it. It really is a humorous delight with a strong moral tone to it. I'm surprised that it came from the same author who wrote 'I Talked To God And He Wants To Talk To You'. This happiness book is so much lighter. It is as if by going through the spiritual catharsis of the other heavier book he turned a page in artistic growth. The God book is much more intense in tone, and more adult oriented. I'm amazed at the range and talent this writer has to offer. He is fast becoming one of my favorites. I can't wait for his next book. FYI, this happiness book is for everyone. Adults, kids, especially teens. The other book, though one of my favorites, I would only recommend for adults. It's a great book , but unlike this happiness one it has some shocking subject matters. Be warned.
  • Rob (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    "Being Happy is brain surgery" the author says. "Negativity is a cancer and you must cut it out". Interesting way of looking at it. I never thought of it like that before. And you know what? He is dead on. Great book. Speaking of brain surgery, I'm no brain surgeon myself but It looks like someone is stalking this author. I have noticed some spiteful reviews that don't even address the book pop up knocking the author and calling him a creep or this or that. They usually are so bad that Amazon[.com] ends up removing them only for more to pop up. Clearly this is about someone who has a personal grudge against the author and has nothing to do with his book. I don't know if the author cut someone off on the freeway or what, but someone has got it in for him. At any rate, if you read one of these bogus reviews, as I did, I hope your smart enough to see through it for what it is. I'm glad I didn't listen and went ahead and got the book. Take those few negative reviews amongst the majority of positives with a grain of salt. I don't care what any wacko who has an issue with the author says, this book is worth it's weight in gold. It is charming, adorable, and it will truly make you smile.
  • Paul (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    While I am a spiritually-oriented person whose middle name is "Personal Growth," I realized reading this book that the words "happiness," "peace" and "joy" are still somewhat ideal abstractions for me-or, worse-Hallmark fare. It is a tribute to the author that halfway through the book, I thought: Happiness is Real... Peace and Joy is Real-and I have been making it harder than it is.

    Many of us know by now that True Self is good-Ego is not so good. This is the first book I've seen that addresses this without veering into the too abstract or too conventional. Thinking about Ego in terms of our addiction to Problem and it's flipside, Problem-Solving, was illuminating to me, and seems to hold the key for achieving the ever-illusive state of relaxation that seems to be the background problem for all of us.

    Rarely does a book offer such a user-friendly "how-to," in the dismantling-the-ego-department. I wouldn't have thought it was possible, but the material shared here, from what the author calls "right thinking", truly operationalizes happiness. To me this is genius.

  • Jennifer (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-13 00:00>

    One of the many things I like most about this book is when it compares the mind to a camcorder. It gives the example of focusing the lens on the road kill that is on the side of the road. What you see is a dead animal and nothing else. But if you zoom out you see that it is a beautiful sunny day on a street that runs beside a crystal clear lake with a sail boat in the distance. The book reminds the reader that we didn't see that part when we were focusing in on the road kill. Then the book further gives the example of zooming in on the sailboat (thus the reason for a sailboat on the cover I imagine). As a reslut of focusing on the sailboat the road kill is no longer in the picture. In essence, what your mind focuses on is what you see. You can focus on the good or the bad. It's your choice. The quotes in the back of the book were pretty interesting as well. Hearing Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Martin Luther King's thoughts on happiness were encouraging. They have all kinds of quotes from all kinds of people ranging from Johnny Carson to Julia Roberts to Ann Frank and Hellen Keller. I didn't like the quotes from some people, but most of them were really really thought provoking. I would recommend this book to anyone.
  • A reader (MSL quote), USA   <2007-11-14 00:00>

    Kevin's book The Little Guide to Happiness is great! I've read a few Dalai Lama books, but this one takes the cake on capturing how to enstill happiness in your life. No philosophies, no theories, it's real. You can read in inside of an afternoon and you walk away feeling on top of the world. Part of the reason I liked the book so much is that it was so practical and applicable to situations you hae everyday. Dalai Lama books are a little pie in the sky, and need a few gaps to be filled in by the reader to get to the same level.

    Is happiness something that's there to be bought?
    Huge mansions, big yachts and fast cars?
    By amassing material gain that is used
    For our pleasure both near and afar?
    Such happiness gained by a secular search
    Will exist on a tenuous strand.
    Its duration short lived, it is destined to be

    Like a house that is built on the sand.

    But in seeking a spiritual happiness known
    Through God-inspired feelings, we find
    A permanent peace that can only be found
    In a deific state of the mind.

    The sense of true happiness comes from within
    When sought in a spiritual vein,
    Where feelings are touched by the presence of God,
    And completeness of soul is our gain

    The feeling aroused from this presence of God
    Is perception men hope to attain.
    It's the strength we receive from that comforting Peace
    That endures through all suff'ring and pain.
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